Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 258 The second form of flesh and blood tentacles!

However, Xia Shang did not intend to perform a face-changing drama in front of him.

So he turned his head and admired the scenery outside the window.

Nothing happened all the way.

It wasn't until the plane landed that the slightly dead atmosphere was broken by the vehicles that came to greet it.

Four black cars and a white transport truck that looked like a cash truck drove out of the darkness and parked in the open space in front of Billy and the others.

Immediately, the door of the white transport truck was pushed open, and a heavily armed and masked man in black jumped out of the car. He came to Billy with his documents, compared them one by one, and suddenly looked up. Xia Shang said, "You are not on the list. I need to confirm your identity before I can let you go."

As he spoke, he took out a pager and said to it: "The target has arrived in Russia safely, but there is one person who is not on the list. I cannot confirm his identity for the time being."

Putting down the pager, the man in black held a gun in both hands and stood upright in front of everyone.

"I'm sorry, you can only stay here until you get instructions from above."

"Billy." Huey on the side quickly gave Billy a look.

[God, why are you still standing there? Call Nina quickly. If this uncle is displeased, none of them will be able to leave alive tonight. 】

【nonsense! I know! 】

After making eye contact, Billy took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Nina.

"It's a special situation. We've been stopped. Hurry up and ask your people to let us go."

"One more person."

"Don't worry, he has nothing to do with Walter, and we are not being held hostage. Are we in danger? If your men don't let us go, they will indeed be in danger. You might have to fly over to attend their funeral." Dudu Beep... Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Billy couldn't help but curse: "Fake! This bitch hung up the phone on me."

"Why do I sound like a murderer?" Xia Shang laughed.

It was okay that he didn't smile, but his smile made Huey's little heart tremble a few times.

In less than a minute, the phone in Billy's hand rang again.

As soon as he pressed the call button, Nina's horrified voice came out: "You actually brought the mysterious man here! What do you want to do? Do you want to start World War III?"

Regarding the mysterious man killing Storm Girl, it is not a secret at all in the eyes of some people. At this time, the mysterious man who killed Storm Girl and the Pure White Witch one after another is basically on the same level as the people of the motherland in their eyes. No., as we all know, the deterrent power of the motherland is no less than that of nuclear bombs. Even because of its ability to move at high speed, in the eyes of senior officials of various governments, the danger of the motherland is even higher than that of nuclear bombs.

"How come you are connected with the mysterious man?" Nina simply didn't dare to think about it. If the mysterious man lost control and killed some Russian leader, then the problem would be serious. You know, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. , as the orthodox successor of the Soviet Union, Russia’s underground military bases still store many nuclear warheads left over from those years. If one of her planes detonated World War III, she would probably be reviled by humans until she died. .

"Don't worry, we have everything under control." Billy could only comfort him when he heard Nina's excited tone on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'm convinced. Don't come to me next time. You can come to whoever you want!"

Nina hung up the phone angrily.

After calming down a little, she picked up the mobile phone that she had left on the table.

"Okay, I understand." The man in black held the pager and nodded respectfully.

"Sir, here are the vehicle keys for you, by the way."

The man in black took out a business card and said respectfully to Xia Shang: "This is the business card of our organization. If you need anything, please contact us in time. We can do anything for you."

"Can we leave now?" Xia Shang took the business card and looked at it casually.

The business card should be made of some kind of metal, completely black, and should have nothing redundant except for a phone number.

"Of course." The man in black turned sideways and made way for Xia Shang.

"Let's drive."

Xia Shang threw the keys to Billy, then opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Where to go?" Billy stepped on the accelerator and asked.

"Let's get rid of the smuggler first. It won't take long anyway." Xia Shang moved his shoulders slightly, as if preparing for the next killing.

"To be precise, it should be an oligarch. This is a popular name in Russia, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, they are almost the same."

While the vehicle was driving, Xia Shang's attention was attracted by the graffiti on the walls on both sides of the road. One of the graffiti showed Queen Maeve chewing raw meat. It was very interesting. If you look carefully, you can see that there are human body parts scattered around Maeve's feet. The other graffiti is not much better than Maeve. It can be seen that they are doing their best to discredit superheroes. Perhaps in their minds, superheroes are the main reason for their country's defeat.

Therefore, superhumans basically cannot survive in Russia. Their situation is like that of medieval witches who were burned alive if caught.

"A hell for superhumans and a paradise for ordinary people." When he came to Russia for the first time, Billy was obviously very satisfied with the environment and atmosphere.

Half an hour later, Billy parked the car in front of a luxurious villa.

"Do you need Kimiko's help?" Billy asked hypocritically.

"Are you joking?"

Xia Shang opened the car door and walked straight to the villa door.

Watching him gradually walk away, Huey, who was sitting in the trunk, breathed a sigh of relief. Billy put down the glass shield, and saw Huey, Breast Milk, and Frankie sticking their heads out towards where Xia Shang was. Look in the direction.

"Who are you?" The bodyguard standing in front of the villa reached out to stop Xia Shang.

He looked Xia Shang up and down, and after confirming that he didn't recognize him, he said impatiently: "Unrelated persons are not allowed to enter, unless you have..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Shang raised his right hand and drew an arc in the air. At the same time, with a sharp whistling sound, he threw it hard at the bodyguard's face. Bang! A human head suddenly flew out and hit a stone pillar on one side, turning into a pool of blood mixed with broken bones.

At this time, switch to the perspective of Billy and others.

In their eyes, Xia Shang barely moved, but the bodyguard standing opposite him suddenly lost his head.

"A generous gift crab!" Huey looked straight at the headless corpse standing on the ground, his mouth opened unconsciously, and he said in great shock.

However, the scene that happened next shocked him even more!


As Xia Shang took a step forward, several hideous thorn tentacles came out from behind him and stabbed towards the door of the villa. The safety door inlaid with glass was so fragile in front of the tentacles. Like a piece of tissue paper, a loud bang! Tentacles that seemed to be made of black bone spurs tore off the two doors with ease. (End of chapter)

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