Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 259 The battle ended in three minutes

Poof! A large stream of blood spurted out from the neck of the headless corpse, like an uncontrolled shower in a bathroom.

Xia Shang, who was well prepared, mobilized his mind power in advance to cover the surface of his body with an invisible barrier, isolating the splashing plasma.

"It's quite fun." Xia Shang, who has the same clairvoyance as his motherland, just glanced at the oligarch Igor who was placing toys for women.

"The 'Stars and Stripes' of the Motherland is my treasure. Enjoy it, little bitch." At this time, Igor in the room did not realize that death was about to come. He vigorously thrust the toy in his hand while Introducing other women: "In my cabinet, I also have the Invisible Man's 'Crystal Screamer', Queen Maeve's 'Righteous Strike' and the Deep Sea's 'Flounder Plest', as well as the black 'Silent Screamer', I have the Locomotive's 'Express' and even the Starlight one, which I affectionately call 'the star that shines in the night sky.'

As for which one you want to use, you can choose it yourself. I have everything in my collection cabinet, including basically all superheroes. "

Click... A pair of hands suddenly pushed open the heavy iron door. Xia Shang, wearing black casual clothes, looked at the obscene scene in the house with a smile.

This Igor is indeed a talent. This is the first time he has met the person who named the vibrator.

"Who are you? A killer or a government employee?" Igor stopped what he was doing, shook out his bathrobe, and looked at Xia Shang with his body almost exposed.

He is about 1.85 meters tall, has a bloated body, wears a black and yellow patterned bathrobe, and is bald. He really fits Xia Shang's image of a Russian oligarch.

"The person who wants your life." The room was filled with a complex smell mixed with fishy smell and perfume. This smell was really pungent.

Xia Shang couldn't help but frown.

"But you didn't answer my question. If you were a government employee, I would immediately raise my hands and follow you..." Igor calmly picked up the whiskey on the side and sat on the leather sofa, crossing his legs. , looked directly at Xia Shang and said: "If you are a killer, then please give me a price. How much will it cost you to cooperate with me."

"Your right hand seems to be dishonest."

As soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, several security personnel in the room, after receiving the order, raised their rifles almost at the same time and pulled the trigger crazily at Xia Shang!

Bang! At the same time, Igor rolled over to the sofa, lifted the sofa with force with a sullen face, and then took out a general-purpose machine gun with a black gun body and no magazine. Instead, it was a military green bullet chain box.

"CNMD! How dare you come to trouble me! I will destroy you!" Igor pulled the trigger with a ferocious expression.

boom! ! Bang bang! ! !

The dark gun muzzle continuously spurted out red tongues of fire, and the huge impact caused ripples on Igor's body!


The J girls in the room squatted on the ground holding their heads and screaming.

"" The scene in front of him made Igor's eyelids twitch wildly.

Countless bullets were floating around Xia Shang like mud cows in the sea, hanging in the air, as if it was extremely difficult to move even one centimeter.

"Superhuman, he is an American superhuman!" a bodyguard shouted in horror.


One of the bullets floating next to Xia Shang flew out in an instant and sank directly into his eyebrows.

"Nicholas is dead!" The twisted expressions of the bodyguards were full of fear, and they even had the urge to escape.

Puff puff--

As three dull sounds sounded, three more corpses with their heads shot appeared on the ground.


Igor was so frightened that he lost his original calmness.

Xia Shang casually picked off a bullet in front of him, then pinched it gently, and the hard bullet head turned into a shriveled piece of copper.

When Igor came back to his senses, he was sweating coldly. He knew that it was too late to say anything now. He gritted his teeth and tried to kill the monster in front of him with powerful firepower.

Da da da da…

At this time, the temperature of the gun barrel is enough to bake an egg, and the bullet casings that are constantly being thrown bounce on the ground and make a crisp sound.

Even though his chest was bruised by the gun butt, Igor still didn't dare to stop shooting.

"waste time."

Faced with the incoming bullets, Xia Shang turned around and walked outside.

Seeing this, Igor couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his eyes. Sure enough, in the face of powerful firepower, even superhumans had to avoid the edge for a while.

"Let's finish it."

Xia Shang clasped his hands behind his back and raised his fingertips slightly.

In an instant, the bullets floating in the air all changed directions, poof! ! ! The moment the bullet was fired, Igor's eyes lost their luster. Under the impact of countless bullets, his body shook crazily like chaff, and then he fell to the ground!

Until it was confirmed that Xia Shang had completely left.

The women in the house fearfully moved toward the location of Igor's body.

All he saw was a pool of flesh filled with bullets, and the original appearance of the corpse could not be seen at all.

"So fast?" Billy, who was sitting on the transport truck, asked in surprise.

You know, from the time Xia Shang walked into the villa to the time he walked out of the villa, at most three minutes passed, or maybe even less than three minutes.

Seeing Xia Shang walking towards the transport truck, Huey and others immediately retracted their heads.

"Is it over?" Billy asked.

After opening the car door and returning to the car, Xia Shang nodded, "Inform them to collect the body."


After one hour.

Billy drove to the temporary base prepared by Nina for him.

"Take a rest first, Nina will send you the location soon." Billy came to a slightly old building, he grabbed the rusty iron door and shook it, with a creaking sound, The iron door miraculously opened.

"Fake!" A rotten smell rushed into Billy's nose, and he couldn't help but complain: "This is a product of the Soviet period. Look at this poster, it's already yellow."

He finally fumbled for the light switch, and with a snap, the dark room finally became much brighter.

"I guess no one has lived in this place for at least two or three years. There are spider webs everywhere."

Huey kicked away the debris at his feet.

"It would be nice to have a place to live. I slept in a trash can for a week before." Frankie didn't dislike it at all. According to him, when he was performing a mission, in order to get closer to the target, he would do worse than this. I have experienced the environment, but at least this place is much more spacious than a trash can, and you don’t have to endure the stench.

"Oh, poor guy, I can't even imagine what you've been through."

Billy teased as he picked up the phone and called Nina.

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