Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 260 Military Jurisdiction! Golden eyes!

"Igor is dead, it's time to fulfill what you promised me." After the call ended, Billy put down the phone.

"Ready to leave in half an hour."

When he came to the bathroom, Billy washed his face with water, and then looked at himself in the mirror.

The strength of the mysterious man may be far more terrifying than he imagined. As long as the mysterious man wants to, he can kill almost all of them in a short time. Even though the mysterious man looks harmless now, Billy can guarantee that, Once they lose their use value, the mysterious man will not hesitate to attack them.

Billy slowly took out a fruit-green potion from the inner pocket of his clothes. Under the dim light, the potion reflected an alluring luster, which seemed to attract Billy's eyes like a black hole.

He shook the crystal clear liquid in the bottle slightly.

In the mirror, as the lights flickered, the struggle on Billy's face alternated between light and dark.

Finally, his eyes gradually became firmer, and he pulled out the stopper on the syringe, then rolled up his sleeves, looking sideways at the cold gleaming needle, sinking into his skin bit by bit, and as the liquid was gradually absorbed, Pushing it into the blood vessel, Billy felt as if there was a special force in his body. He raised his head and looked at the mirror.

When he saw him in the mirror, his eyes were filled with flames like burning gold. Billy wanted to completely release this power, but his reason told him that he couldn't do this, and he must not let the mysterious man discover the abnormality in him. .

However, when Billy's eyes lit up with golden light, Xia Shang noticed a special brain wave.

He looked towards the bathroom, and with his clairvoyance ability, everything that happened to Billy was clearly visible in front of him.

"Wait a little longer." Xia Shang suppressed the urge to analyze Billy. In his opinion, the priority of the radiant eye was lower than that of the soldier boy.

"How are you guys preparing? It's time to set off."

Billy pretended to be nonchalant, put on his sunglasses, and patted Huey's shoulder on the sofa.

In an inaccessible place on the outskirts of Russia, there is a "Steel Fortress". The military buildings inside are all made of high-strength cement and steel bars. They are said to be able to withstand nuclear strikes. There are also rows of tanks inside, under the moonlight. , a cold and murderous sheen appeared on the surface of those tanks.

"Before coming, Nina didn't tell me that the laboratory is actually within the military jurisdiction of the Russian army."

Billy and others found the main electrical box of the military jurisdiction through the location given by Nina. At this time, Breast Milk was holding a flashlight to illuminate Billy.

"Just think that we are robbing a snack shop. The process is the same anyway." Billy picked up the crowbar and hit the electrical box hard several times.

Snapped! The lights in the military area were instantly extinguished.

"I thought they would have a backup power box." Billy said with a proud smile.

"This thing is not connected to the inside of the jurisdiction. They only set up two when they have enough to eat and have nothing to do."

Breast milk took off her gloves and threw them on the barbed wire fence behind her. After making sure there was no high-voltage electricity on them, she bent down and picked them up again.


Billy pulled up the barbed wire fence and let Huey and others into the jurisdiction.

Later, he hijacked a security guard and used the other person's access card to open the door to the laboratory.

After knocking each other unconscious with one palm, they each held up a flashlight and carefully searched every corner of the laboratory.

Xia Shang casually picked up a piece of paper on the table. It was obvious that this was the Russian laboratory researching No. 5 compound.

He sensed the location of the soldier boy through radio wave induction, and also discovered a more special radio wave.

It will take a while before Soldier Boy's full abilities are parsed.

"What the hell is this?" At this time, Billy and Breastmilk were circling around an iron pillar in the center of the laboratory. The iron pillar had a very strange shape, a bit like a rocket, and had a climbing frame welded to it.

"It turns out to be a little hamster."

Xia Shang walked over and saw the owner of the special radio wave.

It is a yellow-white hamster with slightly scruffy hair and a small body.

"What a cute little guy. It even has its name on it, Jamie." Frankie kept calling the hamster's name through the glass.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Billy has no interest in hamsters.

But Jamie's perception is very keen. When it senses someone approaching, it hits the surrounding walls and bulletproof glass at extremely fast speeds.

"Fake, this damn hamster has been injected with compound No. 5. It was a trap left here by the Russians." Mother Milk scolded angrily.

"So damn insidious."

The sirens suddenly sounded, and the red lights flashed, as if to tell others that there was an intruder.

Bang! Xia Shang punched through the bulletproof glass and fished out the hamster.

Jamie, the hamster who was originally restless, became quite quiet in Xia Shang's hands. If you just observe carefully, you can see his thin body shaking slightly.

Da da da! ! Rapid footsteps sounded.

A group of well-equipped special police officers pushed open the door and rushed into the laboratory. They wore thermal imaging cameras and immediately locked onto the location of Billy and others.

Bang! As soon as they pulled the trigger, a dozen python-like tentacles instantly penetrated their heads and hung them in mid-air.

"It seems like it's nothing to do with us." Huey raised his head and sighed as he looked at the corpses in the air.

"With the mysterious person here, I feel like we are clearing a lowest-level dungeon."

Billy's face didn't look very good. The stronger the mysterious person was, the smaller the chance of them surviving from the opponent's hands.

"Stop standing there stupidly."

After some exploration, Billy found a closed iron door. They were responsible for finding the soldier boy, and Xia Shang was responsible for blocking the special forces entering the laboratory.

"There seems to be something locked in here." Mother Milk looked at the iron cabinet in front of her, which was like a refrigerator. "My subconscious told me that it's best not to open it..."

Before he could finish speaking, Billy found the switch on the door.

"Don't worry."

A tentacle shot from a distance and inserted into the gap between Billy's fingers accurately.

The soldiers outside may have realized that the intruder inside was not easy to mess with, so they stopped killing themselves. However, Xia Shang vaguely seemed to hear the sound of tracks crushing the ground.

"hold on."

The analysis is not over yet, and releasing Soldier Boy now is not a good choice.

"Time is urgent, we have to leave here quickly." Billy looked at Xia Shang and said solemnly.

"I said, wait a moment." The expression on Xia Shang's face did not change at all.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Huey quietly reached into his pocket and removed the stopper above the needle.

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