Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 261 Analysis successful! Squeeze the black robe dry!

"OK OK, we listen to your command. We will wait as long as you want us to." At this time, Breast Milk stood up and acted as a peacemaker.

Seeing this, Huey on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

"There should be an equal cooperative relationship between you and me." Perhaps relying on the confidence given by his superpower, Billy's attitude towards Xia Shang gradually became tougher.

"You want to fall out with me?" Xia Shang withdrew his tentacles and said calmly.

He saw that the blade tentacle embedded in the iron door suddenly retracted into his right hand like a tight rubber rope.

"I didn't mean that. I just don't want my team to be ruined in this hellish place because of someone's meaningless request."

Billy looked seriously and looked at Xia Shangdao.

"Since you don't want to fall out with me, just stay here quietly. If you have nothing to do, I don't mind if you go outside to have some fun." Xia Shang did not spoil Billy at all.

Although the opponent's strength has been amazingly improved after being injected with the temporary No. 5 compound, it is not enough for him to take a high look.

"I suddenly remembered that when I first walked into the laboratory, I found some confidential information. Billy, please help me take a look. I can't understand some of the contents."

Having been with Billy for more than a year, how could Huey not know Billy's bad temper? Sometimes this guy is calm and calm, looking like a qualified leader, but sometimes, he seems to have hit explosives. , reckless and irritable, unable to control his temper at all, just like having two different personalities.

Huey pulled Billy out of the room, whispering as he walked.

"Don't forget how the mysterious man killed those special police officers. Since we can't afford to offend him, we should stay away from him."

"Avoiding won't solve the problem."

Huey's earnest words only resulted in Billy's frown.

"Did you inject Provisional No. 5 Compound?" Billy asked suddenly.

"..." Huey was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Not yet."

"Hurry up and get the injection. We don't have much time left."

Billy glanced in the direction of Xia Shang.

As time passed, the sense of crisis in his heart became more and more serious.

It wasn't that he didn't understand what Huey was saying, but he also understood that with their current strength, they would have little chance of winning against the mysterious man.

But Billy didn't want to sit still and wait for death. Although he didn't know what was inside the iron cabinet, judging from the mysterious man's reaction, it was either the super weapon Mallory said could kill superhumans, or it was the mysterious man's plan. soldier boy.

Once the mysterious man gets what he wants.

Their group has lost its use value to Xia Shang. However, there is no need to say more about the final consequences of a worthless thing.

"We are now like beasts trapped in a furnace. As the coals burn more and more vigorously, life is gradually coming to an end. There are only two choices before us at this moment, find a gap to escape, or crash the furnace. "

"Is it that serious?" Huey couldn't believe it.

"Maybe you are thinking too much."

Huey showed an incomprehensible expression. In his opinion, there was no deep hatred between them and the mysterious man. Of course, except for the time when Billy stabbed the mysterious man in the back, the mysterious man seemed uninjured and even killed him in return. A pure white witch.

"I know you never trust superhumans, but there is no need to treat every superhuman as an imaginary enemy." Huey said speechlessly.

He even suspected that Billy was suffering from persecutory delusions.

"I also hope I'm thinking too much." Billy looked towards the red police lights that kept shining on the wall.

"But no matter what, it's not a bad thing to be more prepared."

"I agree with what you said."

Huey was different from Billy. Faced with the upcoming superpower, he not only did not hesitate, but actually took out the injection with some excitement. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. Looking at the green liquid overflowing from the tip of the needle, his heart pounded. Thumping.

"Come on." Huey raised the corner of his mouth, pointed the needle at the skin of his left arm, found a blood vessel and inserted it.


He saw the piston of the syringe being slowly pushed to the top.

In an instant, a stream of cold liquid spread throughout his body along with his blood.

"This feeling..." The smile on Huey's face seemed to be tainted with a hint of evil. He clenched his fists in a slightly obsessed way. Addicted to power, he was extremely intoxicated and said: "At this moment, I seem to be able to destroy everything. This A kind of power..."

Huey suddenly pinched the corner of the table beside him.

The table corner made of steel was actually deformed by him!

"Wow, Unbelievable!"

"Should you hold the temporary No. 5 compound now and say, 'Oh, my baby?'" Billy couldn't help but sarcastically said when he saw his appearance.

"It is undeniable that I am at least more handsome than Gollum wearing the Lord of the Rings."

Huey said disapprovingly.

At this time, five tanks and a dozen armored vehicles had gathered outside the laboratory.

"Colonel Boris, the several special forces sent in before have completely lost contact with us." A soldier from Country E saluted Colonel Boris who came to him.

"Can we contact the intruder?"

The military uniform Boris wore could not conceal his burly figure.

"We haven't tried it yet."

"No need to try." Boris's face was particularly gloomy.

"Calling all the firepower, if they don't come out in three minutes, blow the laboratory in front of you to rubble, MD, these damn American thieves!" The idea of ​​protecting important information in the laboratory flashed through Boris's mind. , but it was just a flash. Compared with the important information, he wanted to kill the American thief inside.

at the same time.

Xia Shang's analysis progress has come to an end.

"How long do we have to wait here?" Kimiko made the famous gesture to Frankie.

In response, Frankie shook his head and said he didn't know either.

[Analysis successful]

[Talent Skill: Super Defense]

[Fusion conditions: Break the soldier boy’s defense and injure him]

[After fusion, the skin strength on the surface of the player's body will be greatly improved, and it will also have properties such as resistance to high temperatures and low temperatures.

At the same time, conventional weapons will not be able to cause damage to players. (The premise is that it is under normal conditions)]

This is what Xia Shang wants.

Super carbon and super defense are basically the defense ceiling of the two-star world.

If you want to move up, you have to go to the three-star world. Based on the analysis of the strength of the two-star world, Xia Shang estimates that the upper limit of the three-star world should be the planet level or the universe level.

Even though he seems invincible now, once he reaches the Samsung world, he will probably have to keep his tail between his legs for a while.

However, before jumping to the three-star world, Xia Shang would not leave until he drained the black robe. (End of chapter)

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