Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 262 Why climb? Because the mountain is there

Xia Shang looked at the panel floating in front of him.

Of course, Soldier Boy cannot have only one super defense. In fact, most of his abilities are basically similar to Queen Maeve. Except for the super chest cannon, he is almost the male version of Queen Maeve.

However, after being transformed by Russia, all abilities can be regarded as an upgraded version of Maeve's pro max.

[Talent Skill: Super Chest Cannon]

[Analysis conditions: resist three attacks from the super chest cannon]

[After fusion, the player can release a powerful high-energy ion beam from the chest. It is extremely penetrating and has a radiation killing effect. It can destroy the attack target in a short time. In addition, due to the penetration It has extremely strong characteristics and can even directly attack the inside of the target, completely disintegrating the target's internal structure by heating the target.

In addition, the radiation carried by this ability can affect the super factors in the body of the black-robed superpower, causing it to temporarily become silent. Without stimulation from external factors, it is almost difficult to wake up.

Friendly reminder, using this ability will consume a lot of physical strength of the player, and as the high-energy ion beam released becomes stronger, the physical strength consumed by the player will become more amazing. 】

Read the ability introduction on the panel.

Xia Shang only had one thought in his mind, and that was that the trip was worthwhile!

The surprise brought to him by the super chest cannon is quite big. After the fusion, he not only has an additional attack method, but according to the description on the panel, as long as his body can withstand it and has enough physical strength, theoretically speaking, he can even be like Like the space battleships in some science fiction movies, they can release high-energy ion cannons that can wipe out a city.

However, in order to achieve that level of lethality, his physique must at least be improved a few levels.

"It's impossible for me to analyze Superman directly. If I had that ability, I would also have a hammer ion cannon." Xia Shang had a headache. Generally speaking, people who don't have super physical fitness are not necessarily weak. For example, the Ancient One in Marvel, but it is undeniable that most people with super physiques are strong, and they are also ridiculously strong.

At this moment, Xia Shang suddenly thought of an anime he had watched before.

A prisoner of delicious food.

The gourmet cells in it just meet his requirements, and the potential is quite good. The only regret is that if he goes to that world with his strength, he will probably be kicked as a ball by the muscle weirdo inside.

When I think of Jiro who can acupuncture the earth, and the God of Food who uses the Milky Way as food.

Xia Shang's eyelids jumped uncontrollably.

That has to be a four-star world, right?

But it’s not necessarily true. If the three-star world is defined as a single universe level, the prisoner of delicious food can barely be considered a three-star.

After all, the highest level in the fantasy world is six-star. If it is four-star, it should involve the timeline or the multiverse, and the five-star omnipotent universe. As for six-star... it is limited by strength. Xia Shang's imagination can only be described as lacking.

"I guess by then, I won't be far from my goal." Xia Shang murmured softly.

His goal is 'very simple', to become the ultimate creature that is truly immortal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and above the dimensions.

This goal sounds far-fetched and difficult to achieve, but that’s why it’s challenging.

Otherwise, he can just be a salty fish now. Anyway, as long as he does not jump to a higher level world, he can always stay in the black robe, but there is no point in doing so.

To Xia Shang, becoming the ultimate creature was like an unreachable peak in his mind.

Don't ask him why he climbed.

Because the mountain is there.

Looking away from the panel, Xia Shang looked at the iron cabinet aside.

He stretched out his right hand and clasped the edge of the heavy iron door, and there was a bang! The iron gate was blown away by him! Then it hit the ground hard, as if the ground shook slightly.

Hearing the noise, Billy and the others quickly walked into the room to check the situation.

I saw white gas filling the open iron cabinet.

"There seems to be something inside." Sharp-eyed Huey immediately warned.

"My special?"

Xia Shang's next move really shocked him.

"Wake up, don't fucking sleep." Xia Shang put his hand into the iron cabinet and dragged the soldier boy out forcefully.

The soldier boy's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and before he could open his eyes, Xia Shang's fist hit him in the face.

Bang! As a dull voice sounded.

Huey opened his mouth unconsciously.

what's the situation? Don't tell him that the mysterious man went to great lengths to find Soldier Boy just to punch him twice.

How much hatred and grievance does it take to go to Russia and beat him up after decades.

Billy and the others were also confused.

"It's really hard enough." It seems that if you want to break the soldier boy's defense, you have to use some special means.

Xia Shang manipulated the flesh and blood, condensed an extremely sharp spike in the palm of his hand, and then slapped the soldier boy's right ear hard. He could clearly feel a resistance. Fortunately, he had integrated Maeve's super power in advance, and then In addition, the force-bearing area of ​​the spikes was small enough, so it was difficult to pierce the soldier boy's eardrum.

The severe pain caused the soldier boy to open his eyes directly.

next moment!

His chest lit up red.

"Hou Li Crab..." Mother Milk looked at the soldier boy's chest in shock. It seemed to contain a miniature sun. Under the red light, the blood vessels and even the organs in the soldier boy's body were clearly visible.


A spurt of high-temperature flames shot out suddenly with a roar!

Initially, Billy thought that Xia Shang would avoid the attack, but what he didn't expect was that Xia Shang actually resisted the fire pillar and reached out to strangle the soldier boy's neck.

Under high heat.

Xia Shang could clearly feel that the organs and cells inside his body were being destroyed at an alarming rate.

Soldier Boy's ion cannon lasted less than three seconds.

Wait until the flames dissipate.

Xia Shang's hair had been completely burned, and there were signs of cracks on the red body surface.

"Is this guy crazy?" Billy looked at the seriously injured mysterious man and asked with great shock in his heart.

Of course, Billy only thought that the injury was serious. For Xia Shang, this injury was just a little troublesome, but it was far from serious.

"50% of the super factors in the body have been sealed. If this is an ordinary super human, I am afraid that under this blow, he will completely lose his super powers." At this time, Xia Shang was still interested in observing the status of the super factors in the body.


Kimiko, who was standing behind Xia Shang, was only hit by the aftermath and fell into a pool of blood, covering her right arm.

"Are you okay?" Frankie quickly squatted beside Kimiko to check the injury.

Kimiko's right arm was bleeding, and there was no sign of stopping the bleeding.

"How could it be? Where is your super power?" Seeing this scene, Frankie panicked. (End of chapter)

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