Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 268 The hunting begins! The turbulent 20th District!

"We have been assigned a new task by the superiors, and the priority is higher than that of Li Shi and Gecko Jason."

Kotaro Amon, who is 1.85 meters tall, has a decent appearance, and is wearing a black suit. He put the communicator back into his pocket and said.

"Interesting, it seems that there are many big fish hidden under the muddy water in District 20."

Mato Wuxi stopped and looked at himself in the glass wall. He had white hair and a slightly stooped figure. He was wearing the gray uniform unique to investigators. He had two eyes, one big and one small. His slightly crazy smile seemed to give people the feeling of being mentally disturbed.

"Let's go, let's get some appetizers to make me happy." Mano tugged on the white glove on his left hand. He didn't want the ghoul's blood to stain his wedding ring.

"According to the CCG's information, there should be Gekko's younger brother in the nightclub in front. We might be able to get some useful clues from his mouth."

Ever since he witnessed his wife being devoured beyond recognition by a one-eyed owl, Mato Wuxi's mind has completely gone insane. Because of this, he hates all ghouls to the point of reaching a kind of morbid madness.


"Early this morning, there were signs of damage to a large number of buildings on Murashima Street in Tokyo's 20th Ward and surrounding areas, and many human bloodstains were found at the scene, with saliva left by ghouls remaining on them. According to police statistics, the number of victims is At least three people have basically determined that it was a ghoul. Citizens are also asked not to go out late at night. The police will continue to investigate this incident until the suspect is caught."

At this time, in a cafe called ‘Anding District’.

A smiling old man handed Dong Xiang a cup of coffee.

"I'm afraid only that person can do such unruly behavior." Dong Xiang looked at the TV on the wall and said expressionlessly.

"Kamidai Rise is not dead."

The old man put down his coffee and walked behind the bar.

"Rise is not dead? What are the organs in Kaneki's body?" Dong Xiang was a little surprised, but she didn't know that Kaneki Ken was being beaten severely by Nishio Nishiki at this moment. It was a coincidence that Nishio Nishiki was actually Kaneki Ken's senior. Faced with this person who dared to intrude on her Nishio Nishiki naturally wants to teach the guy in the field a lesson.

"It's Li Shi's. Do you still remember the organ transplant news that was broadcast some time ago? Two students were trapped under a steel frame that fell from a high altitude. The doctor alone ordered the organs of the dead female students to be transplanted to the boy who did not die. "The old man wiped the coffee cup in his hand with a clean towel.

"Yesterday early in the morning, Furuma Sonoko found me. He said that someone was hunting ghouls in District 20. There was a lot of noise, and more than twenty ghouls were killed. Furuma Sonoko took advantage of the enemy to be besieged and tried to intervene. Stop the killing, but the result..."

Beside the old man, a male waiter with a suit, light brown hair and a thick nose rolled up his sleeves.

I saw a shocking scar on his right arm.

"I was once known as a man called a demon ape, but I couldn't stand up to that man's attack. Fortunately, the battle situation was chaotic and I managed to escape."

Furuma Sonoko smiled bitterly.

"In addition, I also saw Kamishiro Rise, but she was held by the neck by the man. It seemed that she had lost her freedom, and her state was very wrong, a bit like..."

"Insanity caused by having sex too many times." The old man Fangcun Gongshan added.

"Yes, Li Shi's eyes were bloodshot and she kept shouting that she was hungry."

Recalling the scene last night, Furuma Sonoko looked extremely solemn.

"It seems that Li Shi, whose organs were removed, is not dead, and for some unknown reason, he fell into the hands of that ghoul."

Fangcun Gongshan paused and continued: "When I arrived, except for the blood on the ground and the broken limbs, I didn't see the figure of the man."

"Kaneki is in danger." Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, there was no doubt that Kaneki, who had Riyo's organ transplanted at this time, must be in an extremely dangerous situation.

Dong Xiang immediately stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Irimi Xuan, please follow me and have a look." Fangcun Gongshan said to the female clerk in the cafe.

The unsmiling female clerk came in to see Xuan, nodded, and then followed out.

Furuma Sonoko and Irimikata were once the two leaders of the two major ghoul groups that lived underground in the 20 wards of Tokyo, the 'Magic Ape' and the 'Black Doberman' organizations. Their levels were rated as SS level by the CCG, but In the end, under the influence of Fangcun Gongshan, he chose to join the cafe 'An Ding District' and became two ordinary clerks.


[Rc cell fusion is in progress, the current progress is 61%]

In a long-abandoned villa, Xia Shang was sitting on the sofa, watching news reports and enjoying the massage service from the great ghoul God Dai Lishi.

Looking at the back of the man's head in front of him, Li Shi's eyes were full of murderous intent, but when he thought of the other man's terrifying strength, he had to suppress the murderous intent in his heart.

shame! The humiliation she has suffered growing up is far less than what she experienced last night.

This guy actually threw the mutilated body to her after devouring the ghoul's bag.

That posture is very much like feeding a pet.

"Sir, I don't just know how to massage your shoulders." Kamdai Lishi leaned close to Xia Shang's ear and breathed out an intoxicating fragrance.

"Sit over here." Xia Shang patted the empty seat next to him.

Hearing the man's words, Li Shi's eyes flashed with disgust, but then he smiled sweetly and said, "I will serve you sir wholeheartedly."

"Would you like to liven up the atmosphere first?" She came to Xia Shang, lightly pressed her white and slender fingers on her pink lips, then slowly bent down and put two snow-white objects into Xia Shang's eyes.

Xia Shang straightened his back.

The next second!

His right hand pierced Li Shi's thin waist, bang! Xia Shang curled his fingers slightly and dug out a bloody bag.

"Well, the concentration has improved. Keep working hard." Xia Shang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, walked to the window and looked out.

At some point, his villa was surrounded by several black cars.

I saw a strong man wearing a white suit with a dark red shirt lining open the door. He was wearing a hockey stick mask. When he got out of the car, he adjusted his tie with purple and red patterns with his hands.

The doors of several black cars opened at the same time.

Nearly twenty men in black stood in an orderly row behind the man.

"The tail I left behind finally paid off." The warm sunlight shines through the glass window and shines on Xia Shang's face with the corner of his mouth raised. This scene makes Kamidai Rise, who is covering the wound, feel chilled in his heart!

She endured the severe pain, came behind Xia Shang, and followed his gaze outside.

"Jason!" (End of Chapter)

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