Jason, formerly known as Taishou Yakumo, was arrested by CCG in his early days and imprisoned in a ghoul asylum.

During this period, he suffered inhuman abuse from a perverted investigator. In order to protect himself, he created a second personality, which is the Jason in Li Shi's mouth.

After being tortured, Jason firmly believed that all suffering stemmed from his own lack of strength, and the weak should be ravaged and abused by the strong.

By a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he took the opportunity to escape from the ghoul asylum. After escaping from prison, he inherited the perverted investigator's hobby of torturing others and was able to derive pleasure from it.

When he is abusing others, he usually likes to break his fingers. At the same time, in order to keep the other person awake, he will ask the other person to count down every 7 numbers starting from 1,000.

Because of this, he is regarded as a boring man who likes low taste by Kamishiro Rise.

"Find him out for me. By the way, don't forget Li Shi."

The gecko showed a cruel smile.

I saw the men in black standing in a row behind him, their scarlet eyes flashing out in unison, and they rushed toward the villa door like cheetahs.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door was pushed open from the inside. The extremely bright light, as if welcoming a god, shone on a man wearing a black windbreaker. A black shadow lay on the ground, completely engulfing Xia Shang. Lee Se behind him.

"Bullying the few with more?" Xia Shang smiled slightly when he saw the men in black attacking him.

I saw him actually putting his hands into the pockets of his windbreaker, lifting his legs and taking a step forward.

Black leather shoes that are reflective enough to trample on the sunlight! At the same time, under Li Shi's shocked eyes, two arms with muscular lines like Greek sculptures pierced Xia Shang's back, and pressed their palms on Xia Shang's shoulders. With such movements, flesh and blood surged and twisted, and the upper body of the other Xia Shang was completely exposed to the air.

"Your expression is very interesting." A complete head smiled at Kamishiro Riyo.

There was a trace of panic on Kamishiro Rise's face, and he subconsciously took a step back.

"Don't be surprised, this is just the beginning."

Immediately afterwards, the man stretched out his legs, touched the ground, bent over and walked out from behind Xia Shang.

"I seem a little hungry." Xia Shang's arms instantly turned into two tentacles, piercing the bodies of the two men in black who rushed in front of him. After devouring the Hebao in each other's bodies, Xia Shang lost the nutrients. Slightly supplemented.

"What are you afraid of? I have no plans to kill you yet."

A man who looked exactly like Xia Shang walked calmly to Xia Shang's side with his arms around Kamidai Rishi's slender waist.

As he said, his presence was just the beginning.

Soon, the second, third, and fourth Xia Shang emerged from the main body, and the performance came to an end.

The transfer of flesh and blood from the parasitic beast, coupled with the five brains and seven hearts in the Demon Slayer, and Xia Shang's flesh and blood body that can heal itself at a high speed, the combination of various factors allowed Xia Shang to have four of them almost effortlessly. A permanent presence.

And in theory.

As long as enough nutrients are swallowed, the clones and the main body can generate five brains and six hearts again. Of course, the main body only needs to generate four hearts. However, at this time, the clones and the main body can split again to create more clones. , and so on, infinite division...

However, the reality is that Xia Shang can only have four clones at the same time.

If one brain in his body is compared to a central processing unit, then the other brains are equivalent to ordinary processors, because there can only be one central processing unit, and there must be only one!

So that other brains, like his five fingers, he can freely manipulate his own fingers, but his fingers can never manipulate him in turn.

In other words, the central brain has the highest authority, and due to the abilities of the five brains and seven hearts, only when the central brain is completely destroyed can other brains obtain higher-level authority and become the new central brain, so no matter which body With a central brain, he is the real Xia Shang.

In addition, with Xia Shang's current ability, he can only control five bodies. If there are more, the central processor will be in an overclocked state.

Unless he creates a second or more central brain, this is equivalent to allowing other brains to have their own consciousness, and it is also autonomous consciousness.

This kind of behavior is extremely stupid, and Xia Shang cannot do it. Besides, even if he can do it in the future, he will not try to create an uncontrolled clone.

"Catch the gecko and don't let him escape." Xia Shang said softly.


Four clones shot out at the location of the gecko at the same time. Their bodies were covered with a layer of black rock-like material that looked like armor. This was Che Xianxiu's ability in Sweet Home, but Xia Shang had mutated it. The resulting cells spread throughout the body, which means that at this time, his four clones are like four monsters crawling out of the lava. While possessing extremely strong defense, they can also emit high temperatures that can melt steel. .

Dozens of extremely sharp black tentacles, like chopping melons and vegetables, were cut into piles of minced meat by the nearby man in black.

"Made! Monster! Absolute monster." After seeing Xia Shang's terrifying ability, Gecko, who had looked calm just now, immediately opened the car door in a hurry and prepared to drive away!

Bang! A sharp-edged tentacle with a steel-like tip suddenly pierced the soft car door.

Upon seeing this, the frightened gecko wrapped his upper body with He Zi as a reflex reflex. However, since he was only half He Zi, the position He Zi could protect was limited.

Moreover, facing Hezi, who was harder than steel, the sharp-edged tentacles only felt a little resistance. A handful of blood sprayed on the seat next to the gecko. The gecko, whose heart was stabbed through, was hit by the huge pulling force. He opened the door and fell to the ground.

After pulling him all the way, the dark clone dressed as a knight grabbed his neck and brought him to Xia Shang.

"What is 1000 minus 7?" When Xia Shang asked this question, a piece of music seemed to ring in his ears.

Could it be that Xia Shang was abused by a gecko? Rise Kamishiro cast a look of pity on Gecko.

"I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Gecko really had no impression of the man in front of him, so he could only keep begging for mercy in order to survive.

"Ask again."

The dark knight behind Gecko raised his other hand and turned into a long knife and penetrated Gecko's right arm.

The severe pain caused the gecko to scream: "Ah!!!"

"What is 1000 minus 7?"

Tentacles rushed out of the Dark Knight's body, constantly piercing the Gecko's body.

Seeing such a bloody scene, even Kamishiro Riyo, who didn't take human life seriously, couldn't help but feel horrified. (End of chapter)

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