Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 272 The story ends! Hinami's family!

"Noroi is dead?" Yoshimura Kozen, who was standing behind the bar, narrowed his eyes, tightened his chin slightly, and said in a sad tone.

"Almost, but his body was transformed into a monster by your child using a ghoul, with only a small part of his consciousness still remaining."

Xia Shang estimated that the RC cells in Noroi's body must have undergone some strange changes, causing his self-healing ability to be far superior to other ghouls. If he could be cultivated into an SSS ghoul and then fused with the Ohe in his body, Xia Shang predicts that his self-healing ability will also improve to the next level.

"Over the years, I have hurt too many people and ghouls. It is precisely because of my cowardice that tragedies continue to occur. Perhaps as you said, I am a person who is good at escaping. Facing the powerful V organization, I I will just avoid and escape...maybe this is not the way to solve the problem."

“Instead of thinking about how to solve the problem, it’s better to solve the problem.”

Xia Shang finally finished his second cup of coffee and had no intention of refilling it.

Fangcun Gongshan stared deeply at the man in front of him and sighed softly: "Oh, young man, only when you face that man directly do you know how terrifying that man is. His strength can no longer be compared to the level of a ghoul. To describe it, even the strongest ghoul looks so fragile in front of him."

"Store manager, who is that man? Can't even you defeat him?" Dong Xiang asked curiously.

Yoshimura Gongshan slowly shook his head, "He was born to fight against ghouls, and he is also the strongest blade in the hands of CCG."

"Stop, I am a person who likes to have a beginning and an end. Let me finish telling the story first." Xia Shang, who was multitasking, while tasting the delicious coffee, led his avatar to clear out the ghoul's stronghold in District 20, and the ghouls inside The strength of Jindai Rishi has greatly increased, and I am afraid that it will not be long before he can be promoted to SS level.

"Almost ten years ago, Shan accidentally heard the rumors about the one-eyed owl, the leader of the Bronze Tree, and believed that the owl was his and Yuna's child. So during a CCG operation to encircle the Bronze Tree, in order to protect the seriously injured One-Eyed Owl Xiao Xiao escaped from CCG's encirclement and suppression, so he chose to disguise himself as a one-eyed Xiao Xiao and fight against the attacking CCG people alone.

However, during the battle, Arima Kisho, who was the second-class investigator at the time, had his hands torn off and was defeated.

Later, he opened a coffee shop and lived a peaceful life. Well, the story has been told. Mr. Fangcun, do you want to make a deal with me? "

Xia Shang stood up and smiled.

"Tell me, I want to hear it." Fangcun Gongshan clenched his hands behind his back subconsciously. He probably guessed what the other party wanted to say.

"Your daughter, the one-eyed owl, actually has several other identities. In addition to being the leader of the Bronze Tree, Aite, one of the three leaders of the Aotong Tree, and Izumi Takatsuki, a popular writer in the human world.

On the way here, I saw news about her new book launch. If you are interested, you might as well go and meet your daughter. "

After saying that, Xia Shang turned around and left the coffee shop.

the other side.

Kamishiro Riyo, with scarlet eyes, was controlling the two crocodiles to kill Hinami's parents.

"Ryoko, take Hinomi and run away from here!" Hinomi's father, wrapped around Kahe, was beaten constantly.

As Gecko's subordinate and collaborator, Hinami's father recognized the attacker in front of him at a glance, Kamdai Riyo, who had recently been massacring ghouls.

"It's the gecko that's chasing you, not me. I have nothing to do with him."

While being beaten, Hinami's father tried to distance himself from the gecko.

"It's so boring. What on earth does that man want to do?" Kamishiro Roshi fought against two ghouls alone, and Xianqing secretly complained about the mission assigned by Xia Shang.

"I can never abandon you, and Hinami can't lose her father."

Fetteguchi Ryoko protected her daughter Fetteguchi Hinami behind her.

"Father." Seeing her father's body being penetrated by Rise's cock, Hinami's immature face was already covered with tears.

Kamishiro Riyo, who deliberately avoided the vital point, glanced at the crying Hinami and showed a disdainful expression.

"That man is more boring than a gecko. If he wants to eat this family, he can just do it. It's really incomprehensible."

Riyo looked at the super-large moth-winged figure behind Ryoko Fieguchi, and curled his lips. The strength of the two guys in front of him was simply too weak, and there was no challenge at all.

"Let's go! If you don't go, it's too late!" Hinami's father used his hands to control the two scales inserted into his shoulders, and roared at his wife with his mouth full of blood.

Looking at her husband covered in blood, Liangzi felt extremely painful.

Oh, wash the kelp, oh, wash the kelp, sono, wash the kumi, four, don’t cry, no, nakanitare, brother, all the way, no...

"Let's go." Ryoko Diguchi turned her head in pain, trying to escape with Hinami in her arms.

When she turned back, she found Hinami, who was crying, wiping her tears with her sleeves.

"You have been protecting me all this time, but now it's my turn to protect you." There was an indescribable stubbornness and determination on Hinami's young face. After she woke up, she had the same growth on her back as her mother. The same moth-like moth also grew two strip-shaped tubular moths covered with spots. At this time, she was like a young moth that had just emerged from the cocoon, beautiful and strong.

Hinami, who inherited her parents Rinhe and Kahe, burst out with amazing strength as soon as she took action.

Kamishiro Rise was heavily blasted into the wall, and then his arms were cut off by Hezi Qigen who followed closely.

Kamishiro Rise looked at the wound in shock, "It turns out that you are that man's target."

Then a crazy smile appeared on her lips: "This small body actually contains such amazing power, but soon, I will be able to taste your delicious food."

boom! At this moment, two thick tentacles suddenly smashed into the wall and wrapped around Hinami like a python, bang! ! ! The tentacles were raised high and violently thrown to the side. The wall that was hit exploded with a bang, countless rubbles flew around, and the rising dust filled the entire room.

In the white smoke composed of dust, a tall black figure slowly emerged.

"Here we come." Kamishiro Rishi picked up the arm that fell on the ground and connected it to the wound, smiling.

"It's over."

Hinami's father was leaning against the wall in despair, watching the figure covered in crotch, approaching his daughter step by step.

At this moment, he hated himself, why he was not strong enough to protect his family.

He shed two lines of hot tears, and his heart roared in pain like a knife.


Let's end it. Kamishiro Lishi was looking forward to the family in front of him being cut into pieces by Xia Shang. When he thought of that scene, Lishi was trembling with excitement.

There are still two chapters left in the evening. I’m really sorry to you all. It’s true that I’m too naive. I’m sorry again.

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