Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 273 Do you want to have the strength to protect your family? CCG search

Chapter 273 Do you want to have the strength to protect your family? CCG Investigator!

at the same time.

Mato and Amon, who followed the clues to find Hinami's residence, looked at the devastated building in front of them, and couldn't help but have a dignified look in their eyes.

They took out Kuink, which was made from Hebao, and prepared for the coming battle.

Kuink is a special weapon unique to CCG investigators. The material is taken from the Hebang in the body of the ghoul. According to the type of Hebang, the shape of the weapon is also different. Generally speaking, after being processed by the Hebang, it is mainly used as Used as a shooting weapon, it can fire live bullets or energy bodies.

Due to its heavy and hard nature, Jiahe is usually processed into swords or other heavy weapons, as well as armor. As for Linhe and Weihe, the former has various forms and is usually processed into a special weapon, while the latter is mostly processed into a novice weapon suitable for new investigators due to its lack of decisive attack methods and decisive weaknesses.

"It seems we have a tough battle to fight." Yamen said solemnly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this destructive power, it seems to be at least an S-level ghoul or above."

Mato, who was carrying the suitcase, slowly turned the ring in his gloves. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked behind him.

At some point, a man in a black windbreaker appeared behind them with his hands in his pockets.

Without hesitation, Mato pressed the switch of the weapon in his hand, and saw two gorgeous beasts' tails rushing out of Kuink, instantly restraining the man's upper body.

Xia Shang looked at the purple-red tail wrapped around his body, smiled slightly, and broke the tail with just a slight exertion of force on his arms.

"When you tell your director and Xiuji, tell him that the dragon is about to be born and let him wait and see."

Xia Shang passed between the two people and put his hand on Mado's shoulder.


Mado's right shoulder collapsed instantly, and he knelt heavily on the ground with half of his body tilted.

"Mado-senpai!" Yamen nervously supported Mado, who had blood oozing from his mouth.

"Ahem, there are so many big fish under District 20."

Mado coughed up blood, looked up at the man's back with a smile and said.

"I'll take you away first." Yamen didn't expect that the battle would end so quickly. In just one face-to-face encounter, Senior Mando was severely injured. The opponent's strength was simply terrifying. He and Senior Mando had performed so many missions together. The man was the only thing that made him feel horrified and frightened.


inside the house.

Amid Hinami's father's roar, the white smoke dissipated, and the monster's figure could finally be seen clearly.

The humanoid monster's body surface is covered with a thick layer of black armor. Its true appearance is hidden under the lava-textured helmet, and ferocious black spikes protrude from all over its body. However, the overall shape of the monster does not appear bloated at all. , but gives people an elegant and mysterious sense of smoothness.


Fluteguchi Ryoko did not speak, but pursed her lips. Standing in front of Hinami who was wrapped in tentacles, she spread her hands to protect Hinami behind her.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

An inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a man walking calmly behind the monster.

The monster lowered its head, stepped aside respectfully, and retracted its tentacles.

If Kamishiro Rise wants to devour him as a dragon, he needs more high-quality kakubo, especially scale bags, and Hinami, who has SS-level strength in front of him, is the most suitable provider.

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm." The smile on Xia Shang's face seemed so hypocritical.

At least in the eyes of Hinami's family, it was extremely hypocritical. They didn't believe a word or even a punctuation mark in Xia Shang's words.

"If you don't have any ill intentions, just let us go and leave our home." Ryoko Diguchi looked at Xia Shang warily.

"Guess who I met when I came here?"

A large amount of black liquid dripped from Xia Shang's back, and a throne was constructed in an instant.

Xia Shang sat on the throne and said with a smile: "They are the investigators of CCG. It seems that they have discovered your residence. If I guessed correctly, their purpose of coming here this time is to get information from your husband." Information about geckos.

You should be very clear about their behavior. If you fall into their hands, your fate will be 10,000 times worse than now. By the way, let me tell you a little secret. After being imprisoned in the shelter, the gecko suffered After suffering unimaginable torture, he suffered a mental breakdown and turned into a madman who loved to torture people.

How about it? Compared with them, am I very kind? "

"I don't know where Gecko is. He never told me his whereabouts." Hinashi's father thought Xia Shang came here to know the whereabouts of Gecko.

To be honest, if he had known that Gekko had offended so many people, he would have moved out of District 20 and found a secluded place to hide.

"No, no, no, I have already killed the gecko. I don't care about his whereabouts."

Xia Shang looked at Hinami who was curled up on the ground and regained his human appearance, and said in a gentle tone: "I just want you to understand that without absolute strength, you cannot protect what you want to protect. This is a dark world, and ghouls will If you eat people, people will kill the ghouls, and sometimes there will be communion between ghouls, so blindly escaping will not solve the problem. Only strength can allow you to live a truly peaceful life."

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Diguchi Ryoko frowned and asked.

"I want to say... I can give you the power to become more powerful ghouls, so that you can live happily forever." Xia Shang's voice was very seductive.

"I promise you, what do you want me to do?" Hinami's father supported his seriously injured body and looked at the man on the throne.


Xia Shang smiled, then shook his head.

"You are not qualified, and neither is your wife."

"What do you want to do to Hinashi! As long as you let him go, I am willing to accept all torture!" Hinashi's father said with red eyes and a hoarse voice.

"Torture? Don't think too much. I'm not a pervert like a gecko. I just plan to train your daughter to be an SSS-level ghoul, and then if necessary, take away a few of her vaginas."

Xia Shang had no intention of deceiving his plan, but spoke it out openly.

Unexpectedly, Hinami's father became even more excited after hearing Xia Shang's purpose.

"If you want to kill Hinami, then you might as well kill me now! Otherwise, I will try my best to stop you!"

"I understand that ordinary ghouls will die after removing the hyacinth in their bodies, but you must know that SSS-level ghouls have more than one hysteresis in their bodies. Normally, there should be more than six. If you just remove it, If there are a few of them, the ghoul will not die, at most he will become weak."

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