Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 275 Bronze Tree Leader! Fight the one-eyed owl!

Pfft, Kamishiro Rise lowered her head and laughed, but her laughter was mixed with desolation and sadness.

"Hahaha...hahahaha." She smiled and raised her head. At some point, two lines of tears fell down her face, and her laughter became louder and louder, becoming more and more crazy.

Looking at the trembling Kamishiro Riyo beside her, at this moment, she seemed to be no longer the ghoul called "the strongest newcomer" by the leader of District 11, nor was she the big ghoul who slaughtered the entire District 11 by herself. Not even the cruel and ruthless Kamidai Rise who tramples on life wantonly, but a desperate woman who is in pain and powerless after learning the truth.

"It's almost time to come out, Ms. Takatsuki Izumi. It's not very polite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." Xia Shang stood at the corner of the alley and looked forward.

I saw a sweet-looking girl wearing a light brown coat, with long dark green fluffy hair, appearing in front of Xia Shang.

She looked at Xia Shang very curiously, as if she wanted to see through Xia Shang.

After a while, she shook her head. She really had no impression of Xia Shang.

Not only did the other party know about her father, but he could also tell the origin of the Hexiu family clearly.

It's simply too mysterious, just like the Creator who looks down on the world. It seems that there are no secrets in his eyes.

"How should I call you? Takatsuki Quan? One-eyed King? Or Fangcun Aite?" Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Takatsuki Izumi, I like this name better."

Hearing Takatsuki Quan's answer, Xia Shang understood that the gap between Yoshimura Aite and her father Yoshimura Kōzen had not disappeared.

"I wonder what the one-eyed owl, the leader of the Bronze Tree, wants to do with me?"

Xia Shang said with interest.

"I just heard your plan. I have the addresses of many ghouls in my hands. They neither belong to the Bronze Tree nor the Stable District. They are predatory rule breakers wandering around Tokyo. If that's not enough, I There is also a map of CCG shelter locations in each district.

Their number is enough to help you complete your plan. "Takatsuki Quan slowly said the resources he had.

"So you want to make a deal with me like Fangcun Gongshan?"

Xia Shang smiled and said, "I'm very interested in what you said. Tell me your conditions."

"One, fight with me. If you can defeat me, please join the Bronze Tree. I can give you the position of leader, provided that no member of the Bronze Tree is harmed."

Takatsuki Izumi raised his right hand and raised his index finger.

Having grown up in the Bronze Tree since childhood, she has already regarded some members of the Bronze Tree as her family, or in other words, the Bronze Tree is her real home.

"You want me to be a nanny for the Bronze Tree. Sorry, I'm not in the habit of taking care of others, but I can agree to the former, because I also want to see the strength of the strongest ghoul, the one-eyed owl. ." Xia Shang's smile was mixed with a hint of ferocity and danger.

"Of course you have the right to refuse, but if you can't beat me, don't blame me for eating you bite by bite."

The corners of Takatsuki Izumi's mouth were cleft to his ears, revealing two rows of sharp fangs.

"Two, if you are lucky enough not to be eaten by me, join me in massacring the entire V organization and the Hexiu family behind them."

"That's easy to say. It just so happens that I need them to complete my plan."

At the same time, Kamishiro Riyo on the side suddenly spoke.

"Help me rescue Jindai Chaei, and eradicate everyone in the Hexiu family, except Hexiu Jiuda Zongtai."

At this time, she had regained her former composure.

Xia Shang could understand the rescue of Kamidai Charei. After all, Kamidai Rishi, who was let go by Hexiujiu Duo Zongtai, was adopted by Kamidai Charei, the leader of the sixth district at the time, after escaping from the isolation area of ​​the Hexiu family. The name was also given to Kamishiro Rise by Kamishiro Shaei, and he was also regarded as his father by Rise.

But during a CCG cleanup operation, he was caught in the ghoul shelter in District 23. This shelter also has a famous name, and that is Queculia Prison!

"Are you sure you want to let He Xiujiu Duo Zongtai go? He is the real culprit who planned the steel bar falling case."

"No way! It was an accident!"

Xia Shang looked at Li Shi's expression, which changed from shock to disbelief, and then calmed down.

"You're right. How could a few steel bars knock me unconscious at that time? If I guessed correctly, those steel bars must have been tampered with."

"The planners coated it with Rc inhibitors, which can inhibit the regeneration of Hezi in your body and make you temporarily become an ordinary person." Xia Shang explained thoughtfully.

"Why would he do this?"

Kamishiro Rise's tone was cold. She couldn't understand why her childhood sweetheart, Jiuda, killed her.

"What other reason could there be, damn possessiveness, to knock you out, then lock you in a cage and turn you into a lover that only belongs to him."

Xia Shang was really tired after answering so many questions. He moved his neck and looked at Takatsuki Izumi, "Now, let's change places."

"Just now."

Takatsuki Quan's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and when she reappeared, her sharp claws that tore through the wind barrier rushed straight towards Xia Shang's door.

"Moving so fast."

Li Shi's pupils dilated slightly in shock.

"With your current strength, you are not qualified to participate in the battle between them." Another Xia Shang, carrying Jindai Lishi, suddenly stepped to the ground, flew directly into the air, and quickly moved away from the battlefield.

clang! !

Xia Shang turned his hands into sharp blades more than one meter long and held them in front of him. The blades and claws collided with each other, making a loud noise.

In an instant, Takatsuki Quan appeared behind Xia Shang as if he had changed his appearance.

At this moment, she has turned into a monster composed of feathers, but she can still barely see a trace of human form. On her body of more than three meters high, red feathers like bird crests grow out, and her bones There are three double long, narrow and curved cracks on both sides of the qualitative head, and in the center of the head, there is a dark round eyeball.

In addition, there were four sharp ridges on her left and right shoulders. Below the ridges were slender white arms, the fingers of which were as sharp as bird claws and could easily tear steel.

"You want to kill me with this level of attack?"

Xia Shang turned around suddenly and slashed hard with his sword!


The two retreated backwards at the same time, Xia Shang directly smashed the side wall, causing a huge gap in it! For a moment, dust flew everywhere and a loud sound made people nearby mistakenly think that there was an explosion.

"Sure enough, without superpowers it would be troublesome, but that's fine, a one-sided battle would not be fun anymore." (End of Chapter)

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