Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 276 The battle has just begun! Undercurrent is surging!

The next second! With a roar, a figure suddenly rushed out of the dust in the sky.

"The battle has just begun!" Xia Shang jumped up with a ferocious smile. His body exposed to the sun instantly began to twist and expand, and countless viscous liquids similar to petroleum gush out.

The liquid condensed on his head, his arms that turned into blades, his chest, and covered his entire body.

The bones, blood vessels and other body tissues in his body also underwent earth-shaking changes in the blink of an eye.

In just the blink of an eye, Xia Shang landed heavily on the open space in front of Takatsuki Quan.


A big hole was suddenly made on the ground.

At this time, he straightened his spine and was three meters tall. His whole body was covered with a thick layer of ferocious armor. If you look closely, you will find that there are dense bone spurs like penguin velvet attached to the surface of the armor. Among them It contains a dark red luster, just like magma under lava. It lights up faintly and emits extremely terrifying high temperatures at the same time.

"One-eyed Owl, if you can survive three moves in front of me, you will win!"

Two streams of extremely high-temperature white steam overflowed from the corners of Xia Shang's cracked mouth, rising upward like two swimming dragons.

"What I like most is destroying the confidence of arrogant people!"

Takatsuki Quan controlled the four red thorns on his shoulders to shoot towards Xia Shang, so fast that he even left afterimages in the air.

You know, with Xia Shang's visual nerve, he can clearly see even the trajectory of the bullet when it is fired. Obviously, since it can create an afterimage in front of him, it is enough to show that the opponent's attack speed is far faster than the bullet.

But what Takatsuki Quan didn't expect was that Xia Shang didn't dodge, but raised his arms to attack him!


The sharp blade carried the air wave and struck hard on Takatsuki Quan's chest. The skin, which was harder than steel, seemed to be vulnerable to Xia Shang's blade! Takatsuki Izumi flew out like a cannonball, directly crashing into three or four houses.

The air waves splashed out at the same time left several deep ravines on the ground and surrounding buildings, and some houses were even split into two!

Xia Shang felt the power of the three engine hearts beating simultaneously in his body, with a satisfied expression on his face.

He looked down at the dent on his chest, which was the mark left after being hit by Takatsuki Izumi, but it was very shallow and almost only destroyed a thin layer of bone spurs.

The mutated cells of Blazing Wings, coupled with the Rc cells in the ghoul world, combined with each other, gave him a powerful defense that was no less than that of super skin.

"This is just a move, you won't fall down." Xia Shang walked with heavy steps, crushing the gravel on the road, and came to Takatsuki Quan.

I saw a huge one-eyed owl, leaning diagonally on the ruins of a building, with the four stripes on its shoulders hanging feebly aside.

At the same time, through the X-shaped wound on her chest, you can even see the severed bones, which is simply shocking!

"Do you want to continue?" Xia Shang asked.

The only response he received was an angry roar!

Enraged, the one-eyed owl transformed into a new form. A mouth grew where the original eye pupil was, and blood-red eyes lit up in the six gaps before. Her neck muscles bulged and lengthened, The two tentacles on the head protrude downward, resembling an alienated faucet.

In addition, the Hezi on the left and right sides have also completely transformed into hand claws.

Xia Shang saw that the wounds on the one-eyed owl were stuck together, and the blood flowing out stopped flowing.

"This is my strongest form, and I will eat you one bite at a time." The one-eyed owl roared violently.

Uh-huh! ! !

She disappeared from Xia Shang's sight in an instant.

When Xia Shang found her, she actually clung to the building, stuck her head into it, and relied on devouring humans to replenish her strength.

"Dripin, Didi, Didi, Dong..." A nearby alarm bell rang, and then a deep male voice came from the radio: "Everyone, please pay attention. Residents living around the Jingzhong Building in District 20, please pay attention. There is currently a brutal ghoul. There is an attack on Jingzhong Building. Please protect yourselves. The police and CCG investigators will be here soon. Please evacuate in an orderly manner under the evacuation of the police..."

"It's really difficult." Without supersonic flight and telekinesis, Xia Shang could only use the simplest method to get close to the one-eyed king.

Bang! Bang bang bang! !

Every time Xia Shang disappears from the same place, a big hole will appear on the ground, boom! ! Two tentacles came out of Xia Shang's back and penetrated directly into the wall of the building. Then with the help of the tentacles, he was thrown up high.

Not to mention, the simpler and cruder the method, the more effective it is. Xia Shang is approaching the one-eyed owl at an alarming speed.

And his appearance also shocked countless forces standing in front of the TV!

Anding District Cafe.

Store manager Fangcun Gongshan looked at Xia Shang on the screen and frowned subconsciously. Unknowingly, countless cracks spread on the surface of the coffee cup he held in his hand.

Bang! The cup that suddenly burst attracted the attention of the store clerks.

When they followed the store manager's gaze, what they saw made them freeze on the spot.

"That's the leader of the bronze tree, the one-eyed owl?" Dong Xiang's left eye pupil, which was not covered by bangs, dilated slightly, "But who is that monster that keeps approaching her?"

At this time, no one in the store responded, and Kaneki Ken on the side felt an unprecedented shock.

Surprisingly... such a powerful ghoul actually exists.

"I'm going out for a while. Please help me take care of the customers in the store." Fangcun Gongshan turned around and looked at Dong Xiang and the others and asked.

"Store manager..."

Dong Xiang looked worried and tried to retain Fang Cun Gong Shan.

But Fangcun Gongshan's back looks very determined. No matter who the other party is, he will rescue his daughter, just like he did ten years ago.

Area 24 is known as the most chaotic place. Countless ghouls were shocked to see their nightmares, being chased by a monster.

"There are actually ghouls powerful enough to hunt down the one-eyed owl. Oh my God, I must have seen it wrong." A ghoul muttered to himself.

Compared to other areas, the living environment in Area 24 is extremely cruel. Here, ghouls are killed every moment. Here, ghouls are just a rare and common behavior, and Takatsuki Quan is in this kind of environment. , relying on his own hands, he climbed to the throne of the Bronze Tree step by step, becoming the strongest ghoul in the eyes of all ghouls!

"Who is that guy?" a ghoul asked his companion.

"I don't know, but one thing is basically certain."


"His appearance will definitely turn the whole world upside down. Perhaps... we will usher in a new era."

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