Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 277 The meeting is held! Seven special investigators!

In Tokyo 14th Ward, in a bar called "Helter Skelter", Itori, a member of the clown organization, is mixing cocktails.

At this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Itori, who was standing behind the bar, glanced at her phone casually. When she saw that the caller was Bai, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously, "Hi, you haven't called me for a long time. Are you okay?"

Bai is also a member of the clown organization. He currently runs a mask shop in District 4, specializing in providing masks to ghouls. He was once the manager of District 4 in Tokyo, just like Yoshimura Kozen.

But later, because he was tired of the day-to-day management life, he hid in District 4 and opened a mask shop.

"Turn on the news channel in Tokyo 20th District. There is a live broadcast of the battle between the one-eyed owl and another monster. I am calling you this time to ask you if you have seen that monster. After all, your bar belongs to the ghoul society. In the intelligence station, you probably know more ghouls than I do."

"Wait a moment." After learning that Bai just wanted to ask for information from him, Itori felt a little disappointed.

"What a piece of wood."

Itori turned on the TV and changed the channel to zone 20.

At this time, Xia Shang looked at the one-eyed owl in front of him, and without saying a word, he waved his arms and slashed at the opponent with a powerful air flow.

Boom! !

The extremely hard blade did not hit the one-eyed owl, but instead hit the outer wall of the building hard, causing countless gravel and dust to splash up!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a large hole had been opened in the wall struck by Xia Shang's arms, revealing hideously curved steel bars and a dilapidated concrete structure.

The knife marks, which were dozens of meters long, almost cut the building in half.

"There is one more move." Xia Shang crossed his arms and swung in the direction of the one-eyed owl!

The two pitch-black sharp blades disintegrated into countless slender steel wires in the air, overwhelming the one-eyed owl.

Unable to escape, the one-eyed owl could only try to tear through the big net with her claws, but even if she tore off more than a dozen wires, more wires would fill the gap, giving her no hope of escaping. .

As the space she could move became less and less, she was eventually wrapped in steel wires into a huge black cocoon, and the black cocoon began to glow slightly red, and just the surface temperature melted the walls of the building.


Xia Shang fell from a high altitude with a black cocoon, completely smashing an unfortunate car.

Looking at the cordon around the building, Xia Shang showed a ferocious smile, and with a bang, the black cocoon connected to his right arm was thrown out.

After clearing a smooth road, Xia Shang jumped high into the air, and within a few jumps, he completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

When Fangcun Gongshan arrived, there was only a mess of ruins and the crumbling Jingzhong Building in front of him.

"So... so strong." Yi Bird's eyes widened and he said with a shocked expression as he looked at Xia Shang who left gracefully.

"You don't know who he is?"

"A ghoul stronger than the One-Eyed Owl. Where did this guy come from? I've never heard of him before."

Itori felt his throat go dry for a while, but he quickly said happily: "Now it's fun to watch. The CCG will never allow such a strong ghoul to exist. I guess it won't be long before we can see another one." The battle is just a pity, it would be great if I could see it with my own eyes.”

"Haha, participate in the battle between them, unless you want to die." After saying that, Bai hung up the phone.

"Tch, the purpose of our clown organization is to be more exciting and more fun, and the more chaotic the world, the more interesting it is."

"It's over." Xia Shang retracted his tentacles and looked at Takatsuki Izumi who had returned to his human form.

"you win."

Takatsuki Quan forced herself to stand up with her body covered in wounds. At this moment, she was extremely weak.


Xia Shang exhaled a white breath, and his body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. The armor that had previously covered his body turned into black liquid again and poured into his body.

"Two days later, you summon the members of the Bronze Tree, and I will prepare to attack the Kuikuliya Prison in Area 23." Xia Shang put his hands into the pockets of his windbreaker, then turned and left.


Looking at Xia Shang's back as he left, he slowly disappeared from sight.

Takatsuki Izumi breathed a sigh of relief and checked the injuries on his body.

More than 80% of the skin was burned, and countless bones in the body were broken. Some parts were even burned to coke, and the cells inside completely lost their activity. Fortunately, her physical fitness and self-healing ability were strong enough, otherwise With such serious injuries, no matter who is placed on it, it is impossible to survive.

"What a terrifying guy..." Takatsuki Quan understood that this was the result of the other party keeping his hand.

Otherwise, she would have turned into a mute corpse long ago.

Takatsuki Izumi scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and after confirming that the surroundings were safe, he randomly found a remote corner to sit down.

the other side.

The CCG headquarters held an emergency meeting. Considering that some investigators had heavy business and were unable to rush to the District 1 headquarters as soon as possible, the meeting was held through online live broadcast.

Bright and spacious conference room.

The CCG director and Shukishi were sitting at the head of the long central table, and to his left sat Noble General Arima, who had short white hair. He was tall and tall, wearing a pair of rimless black glasses. The elegant and easy-going temperament combined with the slightly thin cheeks gives people a gentle and gentle feeling.

However, no one of the investigators present dared to look down upon him.

After all, Kisho Arima is recognized as the strongest combat force in CCG and is known as the "undefeated ghoul investigator".

The ghouls even called him the "White Death".

Sitting next to Shuyoshi's right hand was Yasuura Kiyoko, the first female special prosecutor who was good at the dual-sword style.

Next to her, there is the commander-in-chief of the first district, Marutesai, who is also a special investigator.

Speaking of this, we must mention the hierarchy of the Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau, which is the CCG. There are six levels of ghoul investigators, including special investigators, quasi-special investigators, superior investigators and first-class investigators. officer, as well as the second-class search officer and the third-class search officer.

From top to bottom, the first three are "senior investigators" and the last three are "lower investigators".

"I called you here suddenly this time because I wanted you to watch a video and then let me hear your respective opinions." He Xiuji said in a deep voice.

On the huge screen behind him, the heads of several other special investigators appeared.

There were four people on the left and right sides.

They are...the commander-in-chief of the 20th District, Yukini Shinohara.

The commander-in-chief of District 13, Black Rock.

Tanaka Maru Mochimoto, head of the 2nd District branch, and Haizaki Fumome, who is in charge of the 23rd District command.

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