Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 278 SSS-level ghoul! The King of Dark Mist!

It starts with a one-eyed owl that suddenly appears on the outer wall of a building and preys on humans, and ends with being wrapped in a black cocoon by another monster and taken away.

At this point, the video has finished playing.

The empty conference room suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Everyone looked at the screen with solemn eyes. To be precise, it should be the monster on the screen that they had never seen before.

Soon, the time for half a cup of coffee passed, but the investigators present were still unable to calm down their hearts.

"How is this possible? That's a one-eyed owl!" A senior investigator who had attacked the 'Owl' ten years ago said in disbelief.

He swallowed the saliva that didn't exist. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a ghoul could defeat or even kill the one-eyed owl.

Because only those who have fought against the One-Eyed Owl will understand how powerful the One-Eyed Owl is, not to mention that ten years have passed, and the strength of the One-Eyed Owl will only become more terrifying than before!

"The staff of the Intelligence Search Section searched and read a lot of information and found that no ghoul has ever had that form." He Xiujishi frowned and used the tablet in his hand to enlarge the photo of Xia Shang.

"He Zhe can change the shape of He Zi at will, so it is normal to have new forms that we have never seen before. However, it is difficult for ordinary He Zhe to do this. Obviously, the ghoul in the video is already powerful. To be able to decompose Hezi from the blade into countless filaments in a very short time shows that his control over Hezi has touched every cell."

Arima Kisho, who was sitting next to Kazukichi's left hand, said softly.

"He is very strong, stronger than any ghoul I have ever encountered. The Hezi armor all over his body means that his defense is difficult to break, unless you use Kuink of SS level or above."

After listening to Arima Kisho's analysis, he cast an appreciative look at him while talking to Shukichi.

"How did you tell?"

"From the one-eyed owl's fighting style." Arima Kisho paused, and then added: "There must have been a battle between them, and the loser was the one-eyed owl. In order to restore its physical strength, it Climbed up the Tanaka Building and ate the humans inside.

In addition, during the entire battle, the ghoul was always the one taking the initiative to attack, while the one-eyed owl just dodged blindly. However, judging from the current video, the one-eyed owl should be faster than the ghoul. There are quite a few, which means that in another battle, the one-eyed owl must have taken the initiative to attack.

But it didn't penetrate the opponent's defense, or the opponent's self-healing speed made it feel desperate, but I prefer the former. "

"That's a good analysis." He Xiuji nodded happily.

"I already have some clues about the identity of that ghoul."

As he said that, he pulled out some photos with Xiu Jishi.

The photos show devastated buildings and streets, with some houses even turned into ruins.

The last photo is a group photo of Kamishiro Rise, Takatsuki Izumi, and Natsu Shang.

"The three people in the photo are the SS-class glutton, the 'Great Ghoul' Kamishiro Riyo, the famous contemporary novelist Takatsuki Izumi, and the S-class ghoul 'Yan'.

The place where they once appeared has turned into the ruins shown in the photos above, and the investigators of the 20th District Branch found the blood of ghouls in them. "

He Xiujishi put down his tablet, looked directly at the people in front of him, and said solemnly.

"S-class ghoul? Director, you mean the monster in the video is only S-class? Are you kidding me? If he is S-class, then wouldn't the one-eyed owl be only A-class?" Marutesai said he couldn't understand.

"Due to some special reasons, I underestimated his strength and set his danger level as S level."

In fact, He Xiujishi didn't know what happened to Kamishiro Rise. The news about Xia Shang was told to him by his father, the CCG chief speaker He Xiuchangji.

"Now I have decided to raise his level by two levels and call him SSS-level ghoul, King of Dark Mist!"

"Another SSS-level ghoul?!" a senior investigator exclaimed.

At present, they only know of one SSS-level ghoul, and that is the leader of the Bronze Tree, the One-Eyed King. Although Yoshimura Aite has never admitted that she is the One-Eyed King, in the eyes of outsiders, she is indeed the leader of the Bronze Tree. The one-eyed king, but CCG investigators prefer to call her the one-eyed owl.

Of course, Arima Noble Shogun, who is half human, is actually an SSS-level ghoul.

It's just that no one would think of him as a ghoul.

In addition, there is another SSS-level ghoul that the CCG investigators don't know about. That is the leader and founder of the Joker Organization, Roma, the Mother of Chaos.

It's just that this guy has never revealed her true strength. In the eyes of others, she is just an SS-level ghoul.

"Two SSS-level we're in trouble."

What the investigators present did not expect was that there was another 3S-level ghoul today. A 3S-level ghoul had been giving them headaches for more than ten years. Now there is one more. It seems that the human condition is really... Very pessimistic.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of Area 20 on the screen, Yuki Shinohara, received an emergency notification from the ghoul shelter.

Seeing Yukini Shinohara and Shukichi whose expressions changed drastically, they couldn't help but ask: "What happened? Their expressions are so ugly."

"Just now, a message came from the ghoul shelter, saying that two ghouls had invaded the ghoul shelter and massacred the ghouls there. The investigator in charge of guarding there couldn't stop them at all. I have sent Suzuya Juzo and the others there now.

Not to mention, the situation is urgent and I must rush to the scene as soon as possible. "

Uh-huh! Yukini Shinohara's profile picture instantly turned black, and the tablet he was holding when talking to Shukichi also displayed a disconnection prompt.

"Among the areas that have not been taken over by our CCG, only District 20 is relatively peaceful. But with the appearance of Kamidai Riyo in District 20, this balance seems to have been broken, and it has become more chaotic than before."

He Xiuji had a headache. He was now considering whether to classify District 20 as a warning area. Once District 20 was classified as a warning area, it would mean that CCG would have to invest a lot of financial resources and manpower to protect the residents of District 20 from evacuating.

"Send me there."

Arima Kisho said in a gentle tone.

Faced with Arima Kisho's offer to join him, he became even more entangled with Shukichi. Before, he would have definitely agreed.

After all, Arima Kisho is the ace in the hands of CCG, but the appearance of the Dark Mist King and the One-Eyed Owl means that there are very likely two 3S-level Heroes in Area 20 at this moment, and of course the One-Eyed Owl is not excluded. The possibility of being killed is very small. If the King of Dark Mist wants to kill the One-eyed Owl, there is no need to take him away.

On one side is the life safety of the residents of District 20, and on the other side is the life safety of Arima Kisho... For a time, He and Shuyoshi were caught in a painful decision!

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