"Director, I suggest you wait and see for a while. At present, we know very little about the sudden appearance of the Dark Mist King. Which ghoul organization does he belong to? Who is his true identity? Why did he attack the one-eyed owl, the leader of the Bronze Tree? We don’t know, and if we take action rashly, I’m worried that CCG will suffer heavy losses.”

The female special investigator on the side, Yasuura Kiyoko, looked at the electronic screen behind Shukichi and said calmly.

"To encircle and suppress an SSS-level ghoul, you must plan a combat strategy in advance. It is best to use seven special investigators including me, so as to minimize the losses of the CCG."

After listening to Yasuura Kiyoko's speech, He and Xiujishi nodded, and said with a serious expression: "Kyoko is right, but we don't know anything about the King of Dark Mist."

He picked up the tablet and clicked on the two people's profile pictures.

"Some time ago, I sent two superior investigators, Mato and Amon, to District 20 to investigate the whereabouts of the gluttonous god Dai Lishi and the gecko Jason. At the same time, they were also responsible for investigating the true identity of the King of Dark Mist. Come down, let Yamen explain to us what they encountered while performing their mission."

He and Xiu Jishi had just finished speaking.

Amon, wearing a prosecutor's uniform, appeared in the center of the screen.

It is not difficult to tell from his background that he should be in the corridor of the hospital now.

"Senior Investigator, Kotaro Amon will report the situation to everyone."

"As soon as we arrived in District 20, we got clues about Gecko from one of Gecko's younger brothers. We found that Gecko had a close relationship with a ghoul doctor. Then, we immediately rushed to the location of the ghoul doctor. On the way, we met A powerful ghoul arrived.

In the hands of that ghoul, Mr. Mano was unfortunately injured. After subsequent confirmation, that ghoul was the King of Dark Mist who launched an attack on the one-eyed owl. There seemed to be a ghoul organization behind him, and he was one step ahead of us, leading him Gone was the ghoul doctor and his family. "

Kotaro Armen briefly summarized the situation he encountered at that time.

"Another ghoul organization?" What he worried about when he and Xiuji happened indeed happened.

After all, no matter how powerful a ghoul is, the damage it can cause is limited, but if it is an organization, then the problem will be serious.

"So he attacked the One-Eyed Owl to replace or even annex the Bronze Tree?"

Marutesai raised his eyebrows, "If this is the case, that would be good news. You must know that there are a group of wanton lunatics in the Bronze Tree, and they are not weak in strength. When the two organizations fight, something will definitely happen. A dog-eat-dog show.

When the time comes, while they both suffer losses, wouldn't it be perfect if our CCG steps up to take over the situation? "

Marutesai showed a sinister smile.

"Even if your hypothesis is true, the Bronze Tree without the One-Eyed Owl is just a mob. I'm worried that the battle will be one-sided." The commander-in-chief of District 13, Hei Panyan said worriedly: "If the other party annexes it, Bronze Tree, then things will only get worse.”

"The only way we can do now is to wait for the Dark Mist King's organization to surface."

"Instead of going all out to dig out a ghoul organization that doesn't know how deep it is hidden, it's better to let them show themselves." Marutesai said in a deep voice.

"How to wait? We at CCG can wait, but what about the residents of District 20? What about the residents in other districts? Are we going to keep them in an environment of fear and panic all day long?

Don’t forget, Article 13, Paragraph 1 of the Ghoul Countermeasures Act, ‘Ghoul investigators must put the safety of residents first.’”

Black Panyan's thick and rough eyebrows were knitted together. He was more inclined to take the initiative than sit back and wait for death.


Marutesai still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the CCG director and Shukichi.

"Okay, I decided to send Noble General Arima to District 20, and also sent quasi-special investigators, Daisuke Ato, Shumasa Wazu, and ten first-class investigators to assist Noble General Arima in investigating all matters related to the King of Dark Mist. Intelligence, once you discover the location of the Dark Mist King, please report it to the CCG headquarters immediately, and don’t take action without permission!”

"Yes, Director." Arima Kisho and Kazumasa bowed their heads in response.

at the same time.

The scene came to Xia Shang's side. After devouring the ghouls in the shelter in District 20, Hinami was successfully promoted to a half-heir, and her strength was greatly improved. However, according to her own description, she seemed to have touched her limit. You know, only the Hezhi can become an SSS-level ghoul!

"Is it a matter of bloodline and one's own potential?" Xia Shang put down his cell phone and murmured softly.

If he remembered correctly, the members of the Hexiu family were born with the potential to become "Hexiu" due to their special bloodline.

"It seems we have to ask Dr. Kano."

Xia Shang has already thought of a way to solve the problem. Since she can't become a great person on her own, she has no choice but to let her transplant Kano's organs. Anyway, the precedent of Kaneki Ken is enough to show that this method is feasible.

Soon, he took Kamishiro Rise and Hinami and found Akihiro Kano who was working in the hospital again.

"Do you know you are wanted by the CCG?"

Kano Akihiro looked at Xia Shang who was walking towards him and smiled calmly.

"Wanted? It seems they are moving pretty fast."

Obviously, Xia Shang didn't take CCG's wanted list seriously.

"Let's go, it's still the same place." Akihiro Kano walked out of the hospital first.

"I originally thought you were just an S-level ghoul, but I didn't expect you to be an SSS-level ghoul, the King of Dark Mist."

In the car, Kano Akihiro said while controlling the steering wheel.

"That's a good code name, at least it sounds better than Gluttony." Xia Shang smiled.

Kamishiro Riyo on the side rolled his eyes.

"What do you want from me this time?"

"Help me transplant Li Shi's organs into her." Xia Shang leaned on the back seat and gently put his left hand on Hinami's shoulder. "Don't be afraid. Dr. Kano is very professional in this regard. You It’ll be okay.”

Unexpectedly, Kano Akihiro sneered: "This is not necessarily true. Rishi's organs are exclusive, and not everyone can be successfully transplanted."

"If you don't succeed once, then twice, if you don't succeed twice, then three times. If the number of times is too many, the so-called exclusivity is a joke."

Xia Shang looked at Hinashi beside him, "If you want to gain power, you have to pay a price. If you regret it now, I can let you go."

Thinking of the desperate look in her parents' eyes before, Hinami shook her head firmly, "I swear, I will protect them."

"What a good boy. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

Compared with the physical pain in the original work, the pain of losing your father and seeing your mother's corpse is heartbreaking! (End of chapter)

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