Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 280 The operation was successful! Simply unbelievable!

Later, Xia Shang and his party followed Kano Akihiro to his single-family villa in a remote area.

Then he followed the secret passage under the villa and walked into the laboratory unimpeded.

"Damn this place, one day I will destroy this place." The bright and empty white space, as well as the experimental equipment placed around it, all aroused the anger of Kamishiro Riyo, and her eyes instantly transformed into scarlet red His eyes were wide open, and there were several streaks of hair coming out of his waist.

"Cough." Xia Shang coughed lightly.

I saw that in an instant, Kamidai Rise transformed from a ghoul about to explode into an elegant and beautiful urban beauty.

"If you weren't stronger than me, I would eat you right now." Kamishiro Roshi silently said harsh words in his heart.

"This place may still be useful in the future. When it becomes completely useless, I will leave it to you. You can destroy it as you want." Xia Shang turned to look at Kano Akihiro, who was preparing the equipment, " I think Dr. Garner would agree."

"Can I say no?"

Even the highly cultivated Kano Akihiro's face was slightly darkened at this moment.

"Of course... we can't."

Xia Shang smiled and took a few steps forward, "I will help you change it to a better one then."

At the same time, he caught a glimpse of worry on Hinami's face out of the corner of his eye.

"Are you worried about the safety of your parents? Don't worry, I have moved them to a very safe place. They will be fine for the time being. After your transplant is successful, I will take you to see them." Conscience of Heaven and Earth, Xia Shang He really didn't intend to use Hinomi's parents to blackmail Hinomi, and he wouldn't deceive a child.

"Yeah." Hinami nodded and hummed.

"Dr. Garner, how long will it take to complete the organ transplant?" Xia Shang asked.

"It will take at least three hours, and that's if everything goes well. If the fit between her and Rishi's organs is too low, it will take longer." Kano Akihiro took out the results of previous experiments from the drawer. Record data.

He lowered his head and opened it a few times, then said: "Based on the previous experimental data, I have to remind you that this kind of experiment has a very high fatality rate. If something unexpected happens, I can only say that I will try my best." ”

As the director of Kano General Hospital, Akihiro Kano cannot be said to have heard of medical incidents, but he is quite used to them.

He didn't want to ruin his life because of an operation.

This is not to say that he cherishes his life, Kano just does not want his death to be worthless.

"Have you ever heard of burial? If the operation fails, I guarantee that you will not feel any pain before you die."

Xia Shang smiled.

devil! madman! Kano Akihiro's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"I'll do my best." Garner put on a mask and gloves, and then packed the small equipment and medicines needed for the surgery into a suitcase.

"Follow me." He turned around and said to Li Shi and Hinami who were behind Xia Shang.

Hinami looked up at Xia Shang with some fear.

"Go, it'll be fine." On the way here, Xia Shang had already used the ability of blood control to inject part of his own blood into the infant body.

He had done experiments with white mice before in the black robe world.

Experiments have proven that his blood can replace part of the blood in mice, and with the support of other abilities, he can even perfectly control the separated blood.

In other words, the blood he injected into Hinami's body can not only provide nutrients for Hinami at critical moments, but it can also monitor abnormal conditions within Hinomi's body. Once signs of collapse of Hinami's cells are found, Then his blood will play the role of scavenger, swallowing up those abnormal cells for Hinami.

At the same time, his blood also took over all the important organs inside Hinami's body. Among them, the key protection objects were Hinami's brain and heart.

When the door to the operating room was slowly closed by Akihiro Kano.

Xia Shang sat aside and waited quietly.

at the same time.

In the operating room.

As required, Kamishiro Rise and Hinami were lying on two hospital beds respectively.

"Relax, please open your mouth." Akihiro Kano slowly pushed the Rc inhibitor in his hand and watched the spherical liquid roll down from the tip of the needle.

"Since the steel needle cannot penetrate the skin of ghouls, I can only inject from your soft oral mucosa." For ordinary ghouls, Kano Akihiro prefers to start from the eyeballs, but the two people on the operating table in front of him As a ghoul, he had a special status, so he had to use some softer methods.

After the injection, Kano patiently waited for the drug to take effect.

About five minutes later, he reached out and pressed Hinami's forearm to make sure the medicine was working, and then he injected anesthesia, anti-infection and other drugs one after another.

At this time, Xia Shang was outside the operating room.

Visited the collection of Kano Akihiro.

Hundreds of glass containers of different sizes were placed on one wall, containing various organs of humans and ghouls. Even before he passed by a ghoul corpse, the ghoul soaked in a certain liquid actually opened. His eyes were cloudy and pale.

"Interesting." Not only was Xia Shang not afraid, but he also looked at the ghoul who was pretending to be a corpse with great interest.

After one hour.

Akihiro Kano, whose forehead was covered with sweat, pushed open the operating room door. Even under the cover of a mask, his tired expression could not be hidden. However, there was excitement in his eyes, as if he had made a major discovery.

"How is the situation?" Xia Shang appeared behind Kano Akihiro like a ghost.

"It's simply unbelievable. I clearly saw deformed flesh and blood tissue growing on the surface of the girl's body. This shows that her organs are not compatible with Li Shi's. I call her symptoms flesh and blood deformation. Several experimental subjects that had been transplanted by Li Shi before had similar symptoms.

Later, they all died due to flesh and blood distortion, and no one survived for five minutes. However, Hinami's situation was very special. It was as if someone had helped her erase the distorted parts, allowing her to survive the most dangerous stage.

I suspect it may be because of her special physique..."

Kano Akihiro frowned, puzzled.

"Just tell me the specific conclusion."

Xia Shang doubted that if he didn't interrupt him, he would be able to talk to himself all night.

Kano Akihiro, who was brought back from his thoughts by Xia Shang, was a little angry, but due to the opponent's power, he had no choice but to take off his blood-stained rubber gloves and explain: "Although the girl has a rejection reaction, fortunately Not serious, which means there is a possibility of fusion.

After all, ghouls are different from humans. Humans are too fragile. Any slight bacterial infection may cause human death. But ghouls are different, especially the powerful ghouls. Their self-healing and adaptability abilities are far beyond the Compared with ordinary people, it is only a matter of time before the girl adapts to Li Shi's organ. "(End of chapter)

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