Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 281 Go to Area 23, Quekulia Prison!

"how long?"

"I don't know. It could be as short as two or three days or as long as several months."

Akihiro Kano put on a pair of clean rubber gloves and walked into the operating room again.

"Their physical condition has stabilized, you can come over and take a look."

As a graduate of Teifou University School of Medicine, he went to Germany to study for several years and became a researcher at the German Ghoul Research Institute. After returning to China, Kano Akihiro worked at CCG for another three years. It can be said that in the past few decades, , he has been immersed in the study of ghouls.

He has strong enough confidence in his medical skills.

"This is her X-ray image. Doctors usually use it to observe a certain diseased tissue and its condition in the patient's body. You see, this is the beneficial organ in her body. There is no sign of decay or distortion. This means , she is gradually adapting to Li Shi's organs.

However, the specific situation depends on whether her subsequent values ​​can remain stable. Normally, if the patient does not experience severe rejection in a short period of time, it means that her body is slowly accepting the foreign organ. "

"As expected of Dr. Kano, who is loved by everyone, you have proven your worth with your medical skills."

Xia Shang, who had part of his blood in Hina's body, naturally understood that Kano Akihiro had not lied to him.

Unfortunately, according to his observation, it will take at least a week for Hinami to completely fuse Rise's organs, which means that Hinumi will miss the Kuikuliya battle in two days.

"Did anyone from the Hexiu family look for you during this period?"

Hearing Xia Shang mention the Hexiu family, Kano Akihiro couldn't help being a little surprised, and almost blurted out: "Do you know the Hexiu family?"

"He knows, and he also knows who presided over the steel bar falling case."

Kamishiro Riyo on the operating table suddenly opened her eyes and spoke with a solemn tone.

"It was Kudo Souta who brought you to me in the first place. He has been paying close attention to my research on you, so it is impossible for me to hide the fact that you were kidnapped by the King of Dark Mist." Kano Akihiro continued. That night, after Xia Shang left with Li Shi.

He roughly told how he reported to Jiuduo Zongtai and how he described Xia Shang's appearance.

"Because you said at the time that now that you are here, you are the endless darkness that hangs over their heads. I guess it is because of these words that they call you the King of Dark Mist."

"Okay, let's forget about the past. Next time, please take good care of Hinami. As for Kudo Souta, he'd better not come to the basement, otherwise..."

Xia Shang smiled ferociously and split his body.

"Let him be my nourishment." Two kings of dark mist with exactly the same appearance and body shape appeared in front of Kano Akihiro and said in unison.

"H... Hezi's clone?" Kano Akihiro's pupils were shaking wildly. He glanced back and forth at the two Dark Mist Kings in disbelief, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "There are actually ghouls who can build a Hezi clone! What on earth are you doing? How is it done? Generally, a Hezi will decay quickly after leaving the body of a ghoul, unless you transfer it to the clone together with the Hebao in your body."

"Stop your fanatical eyes. Do you still want to study me?" the expressionless Xia Shang clone said coldly.

Unexpectedly, his performance shocked Kano Akihiro even more.

"If it's just a simple split, some Hezi monsters might be able to do it, but they themselves don't have much self-awareness, let alone the split clones. But your clone seems to be different. I can see from his eyes , I saw a soul, a soul exactly like yours."

The conditions really do not allow it, otherwise Kano Akihiro will definitely use all the family resources, and even ask for help from the Hexiu family to make Xia Shang his test subject.

"Knowing too much will do you no good, Dr. Garner."

Xia Shang took Kamidai Roshi and walked out of the operating room.


Late at night, in a coffee shop in Anding District.

Fangcun Gongshan looked at Diguchi Ryoko and her husband who were clearing the table, with a hint of worry quietly appearing between his eyebrows.

"Manager, what are you worried about?" Dong Xiang, who had just finished presiding over the killing ceremony, walked into the coffee shop carrying a black box.

"Really? You are mistaken." Fangcun Gongshan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said in a gentle tone: "It's so late and I have to trouble you to go there. It's really hard work."

"This is all what should be done, but the number of young people being killed seems to have increased recently."

Dong Xiang placed the box on the table.

“It used to be mostly older people.”

Due to some special reasons, some elderly people in Japan cannot be supported by their children, and it is difficult to maintain their lives with pensions, so it is easy for them to have the idea of ​​​​suicide. At this time, they will find a stable area through various channels to help them deal with the aftermath. thing, in case he died alone in the house and no one knew about it.

Anding District will not charge any fees and will even accompany the elderly through the last stage of their lives.

"Nowadays, the social pressure has increased. The high prices and house prices make them breathless. Sometimes they are also maliciously suppressed by their superiors. The combination of various factors can easily make them think of committing suicide." As a cafe The store manager, Fangcun Gongshan's customers are not only ghouls, but also humans who accidentally wander in.

"Dong Xiang, if you receive commissions from young people in the future, you must persuade them more. They are still young and should not pay for their own impulses." Fangcun Gongshan's voice was slow and gentle.

"I understand, store manager."

Dong Xiang opened the black box, took out two strips wrapped in oil paper, and then walked to Fueguchi Ryoko.

Diguchi Liangzi and his family are regular customers in Anding District, so they naturally understand what is inside the oil paper.


"Miss Ryoko, are you still worried about your daughter?"

Fueguchi Ryoko nodded.

"I heard from you that the man's name is the King of Dark Mist, and he is an SSS-level ghoul. I'm worried that Hinami will be in danger if she follows him."

"Don't worry, he is an SSS-level ghoul after all. No one except Arima Kisho can kill him."

Provided that he doesn't seek death.

Dong Xiang complained inwardly.

"It's almost time to close the door. Ms. Diguchi and Mr. Tianjing, I have prepared a room for you. Please come with me." Fangcun Gongshan turned around and walked towards the back door of the coffee shop.

Alas, he sighed to himself.

The King of Dark Fog has caused such a big mess, and the CCG will definitely do its best to hunt for him and all the clues related to him. Perhaps it won't be long before the Anding District truly closes down.

the other side.

A black car was driving towards District 23.

And it seems that their destination is Kuikuliya Prison, which is known as the Hell of Ghouls. (End of chapter)

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