
In the blink of an eye, it was midnight two days later.


On a steel frame tower in Tokyo's 23rd district, Xia Shang stood on the top of the tower, looking at the panel suspended in front of him, and said softly.

[Rc cell fusion is in progress, the current progress is 88%]

At the same time, on another steel frame, Takatsuki Izumi, who was covered in bandages, even his face, raised his right hand and gently pinched the Kuikuliya Prison opposite the tower.

"Boom!" A breeze blew by, and the red cloak and floral silk scarf on her body fluttered slightly.

"King, everyone is here." Standing beside her, Tatara, who knew that Aite was the leader of the Bronze Tree, bowed his head respectfully.

He was wearing a red high-collared robe. He was tall and had short white hair. He also wore a blood-colored armor-like mask on his face, which was a bit like the lower part of a gas mask. His eyebrows and hair were all white, and he looked solemn. .

"I didn't expect that I had just been missing for two days, and some guys in the Bronze Tree started to make moves." Although Takatsuki Izumi's tone was calm, there was a strong murderous intention in it.

"It's just a group of dancing clowns. The video two days ago made them mistakenly think that Wang had fallen, so they made a lot of tricks behind the scenes. But please don't worry Wang, Ye Lu and I have eliminated them."

There are only three cadres directly under the Bronze Tree, namely Aite, who is currently played by Izumi Takatsuki.

Tatara was once a member of the ZG ghoul organization, the Red Tongue Company, and his brother Homura was the leader of the organization. However, due to the ZG's strong attack on the ghouls, after the organization of the Red Tongue Company was destroyed, Tatara fled all the way to Japan. He was eventually taken under Takatsuki Quan's command and became one of the three major cadres of the Bronze Tree.

And the Noroi he mentioned was Noroi, who was also one of the three major cadres.

Noroi never spoke, and always wore a white mask with an exaggerated smile, and a slender pigtail on the top of his head.

At this moment, Noroi stood quietly next to Takatsuki Izumi, motionless, like a clay statue.

"When you enter Kuikuliya Prison, remember to stay away from that man and Rise. They are here to eat. If you get too close, I'm worried that you will become his nourishment." Takatsuki Quan looked up at the tower Xia Shang on top.

"You have also seen that video. As long as he is here, I cannot control the situation. If an accident happens, I will not avenge you."

"Understood." Tatara lowered his head and replied.

However, he knew Wang's character well. If they were really killed, Wang would definitely use all means to avenge them.

"Go and ask her when the operation will start." Xia Shang, standing on the top of the tower, looked at the Kuikuliya Prison in front of him and said to Kamidai Roshi beside him.

"Hold on."

She saw two scales emerging from Kamishiro Rise's waist and wrapped around the steel frame. She jumped forward, and a few seconds later, she was hanging upside down in front of Takatsuki Izumi.

"She said...now."

Li Shi, who returned to the original place, looked at the Kuikuliya Prison in the distance with Xia Shang.

As a large-scale shelter used by CCG to detain ghouls, Kuikullia Prison covers a huge area, entrenched in an open space like a steel behemoth, and there are several searchlights on it, constantly scanning back and forth around the prison to prevent A suspicious person approaches the prison.

As far as Xia Shang knows, there are four floors inside, where C to SS level ghouls are imprisoned respectively. At the same time, the internal walls are also coated with a layer of Kuink steel, which is a special and extremely hard steel. Usually Used to make Cookin weapons.

"Follow me." Xia Shang said calmly as he looked at the group of ghouls rushing toward Kuikuliya Prison.

I saw him leaping up, his arms turning into black wings several meters long in the air, boom! In an instant, countless high-temperature gases shot out from the dense holes at the ends of the wings!

Xia Shang was like a huge, dark, strange bird, piercing the night sky and flying straight towards the vent on the top of the prison.

"I almost forgot about you." Xia Shang turned around in the air, and then lifted Kamishiro Rishi up.

Speaking of which, he learned this flying method from the One-Eyed Owl, and after he improved and adjusted it, although the speed is not as fast as the super power "supersonic flight", it is still almost the same. Without a reference object, Xia Shang could only judge based on his own experience that his speed at the moment should be around Mach 3 to Mach 5. If he was flying at high altitude... it could even be faster!

Xia Shang suddenly raised his head and flew towards an altitude of 10,000 meters!

Three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters... three thousand meters... five thousand meters!

As he flew higher and higher, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly and the air became thinner.

Under the joint efforts of the three heart engines, Xia Shang's speed is still climbing crazily, and violent sonic booms sound like firecrackers. It is an extremely shocking sound, which also means that Xia Shang is constantly breaking through the air. barrier.

Unknowingly, Xia Shang's body was covered with a thick layer of frost, but under the high temperature, the frost quickly melted and then turned into mist and dissipated.

"Cold...so cold." Kamidai Rishi was shivering from the cold, and could only rely on his arms to hug each other tightly to preserve some heat.

"about there."

Although low temperature is nothing to Xia Shang, this method of flying consumes extremely energy.

He didn't want to experience a high-altitude flight and land awkwardly.

I saw him folding his wings slightly and swooping down!

Finally, there was a loud bang! It landed on the top of the building of Kuikullia Prison. At the same time, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread in all directions with Xia Shang as the center!

The surrounding bronze tree members were thrown away one after another and hit the wall heavily.

Sudden loud noise.

It also caused a commotion inside Quekulia Prison.

"What a monster." On the side, Kamishiro Riyo, who was put down by Xia Shang, exhaled into his hands and complained softly: "I almost froze to death. If I had known better, I might as well have run here by myself."

"With your strength, there is no need to demonstrate to me anymore." Takatsuki Izumi was speechless.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to test whether the famous Quekulia Prison is hard enough."

Xia Shang folded his wings and slowly straightened up from the pit, "Facts have proved that Kuikuliya Prison is indeed well-deserved."

Wait until the subordinates have adjusted themselves.

Takatsuki Izumi gave the order, "Do it!"

The members of the Bronze Tree surrounding the vent all began to free fall.

This scene reminded Xia Shang of the scene of making dumplings.

As they fell from the sky one by one, the raid officially kicked off!

"Raid! Everyone, please pay attention, the highest level alarm is sounding! A ghoul organization is attacking Kuikullia Prison!"

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