Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 283 Fusion degree 100, a gluttonous feast!

Chapter 283 Fusion degree 100%, a gluttonous feast!

The rapid siren sounded throughout the prison in an instant!

"Shoot!" A low-level investigator raised his head and roared at the swooping ghouls.

For a moment, there was loud gunfire inside the prison!

The frightened investigators aimed their guns at the ghouls in the air and kept pulling the triggers.

Bang! Bang bang! ! !

However, the Bronze Tree sent out all elite members this time, and the bullets hitting them didn't hurt at all.

"Damn it! It's those beasts from the Bronze Tree!"

The unique totem printed on the back of the red robe allowed investigators to identify the raiders at a glance.

"Go to hell!" As soon as the members of the Bronze Tree landed, they started to fight back with a ferocious smile. Hezi of different colors came out from various parts of their bodies, and then, like chopping melons and vegetables, they slaughtered the investigators in the prison. .

They were like vicious wolves, charging into the flock of sheep with impunity.

The sheep had almost no ability to resist, and could only watch helplessly as its companions fell into a pool of blood one by one.

"Where is your control center?"

Xia Shang walked toward a prosecutor unhurriedly, with bullets coming from all directions.

"How is this possible?" The young investigator exclaimed as he looked at Xia Shang, who was ignoring the bullets and walking towards him step by step, in shock.

You must know that the bullets in their firearms are not ordinary bullets, but a special ammunition called Q Barrett, which is mixed with dissolved Hertz and Kuink steel. Although its hardness is not enough to penetrate the ghoul It's a ghoul, but it's more than enough to penetrate the ghoul's flesh.

"Nothing is impossible." Xia Shang, with a calm face, raised his hand to catch an incoming bullet, then put it between his thumb and index finger and pinched it gently. He saw that the originally extremely hard bullet was in Xia Shang's hand. But like soft rubber, it can be crushed easily.

"I ask again, where is your control center?" Xia Shang flicked out the iron piece.

laugh! A bloodstain immediately appeared on the right side of the young investigator's face.

Then several tiny blood drops seeped out.

Feeling the pain, the young investigator reached out and touched it, only to see his hands full of blood.

He was suddenly frightened to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat, and at the same time subconsciously glanced somewhere.

"Thank you." Xia Shang turned around and rushed towards the prison control room.


The right arm turned into a sharp blade and instantly cut open the heavy iron door. When the controller heard the movement and turned his head, the sharp blade pierced his heart and stabbed him to death on the console.

Xia Shang came to the body, opened it, and saw the red button pressed by the body.

Push the button.

There was a slight tremor inside the prison.

I saw dozens of cells slowly rising to the first floor of the prison, and then the iron doors above slowly opened to both sides.

The ghouls who had been tortured in prison, as soon as they were freed, turned towards the investigators with scarlet eyes.

At this time, the iron gate connecting the lower prison slowly closed, as if to separate the prison into two parts.

Seeing this, Tatara, who was watching the show on the side, immediately climbed over the railing and jumped down after receiving the instruction from Takatsuki Izumi. At the same time, four thick tails emerged from his back, resisting the attempt. Closed steel gate.

Then Xia Shang passed through the gap and came to the depths of the prison.

He raised his hand and waved, and countless black bone spurs shot out like bullets. In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with corpses.

On the other side, Kamishiro Rise met the special investigator responsible for guarding Kuikuliya Prison, Haizaki Fumome.

Without saying a word, Haizaki Fukame used the Kuink weapon in his hand to attack Kamishiro Riyo.

The four fleshy beasts, which were like giant petals, directly swallowed Kamishiro Rise. As Kuink squirmed, a pool of blood gradually seeped out from under the flesh.

"Idiot, don't you know that Quekulia is my territory?" Haizaki stepped forward to check the results of the battle with deep eyes.

Unexpectedly the next second.

The huge mass of flesh composed of flesh and blood petals suddenly burst, and several blood-red scales shot out from it, suddenly piercing Haizaki Fumoku's body. Haizaki Fumoku's vital part was pierced, his eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief. To the gods in front of you.

"You don't look delicious at all." Kamishiro Rise threw the half-bald Haizaki Fumome aside with a look of disgust, then picked up the Kuink on the ground, played with it, and finished devouring the Hiroshi inside. After bagging it, she casually threw it on the body of Haizaki Fumome.


On the way to find the God of Chaei, Xia Shang encountered several blind ghouls who actually tried to attack him. Unlike the upper prison, the lower prison held a group of S-level and above ghouls.

"The former leader of the Sixth District, Kamidai Chaei." An S-class ghoul said with a smile.

"Sorry, I don't know him, and I'm not interested in getting to know him either."


The four ghouls launched a surprise attack at the same time, and one of them turned his right arm into a blue crotch and wrapped it around Xia Shang's neck.

The other two people used He Zi to control Xia Shang's arms respectively.

As for the last yellow-haired ghoul.

He grinned and thrust the knife into Xia Shang's heart with a fierce look.


The He Dao, which was as hard as steel, stabbed Xia Shang hard in the chest, but it made a sound of metal collision.

The yellow-haired ghoul's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Xia Shang in horror as if on conditioned reflex.

"The cooperation is good, but it's a pity that the strength is a bit weak." Before the yellow-haired ghoul could retract the He Dao, a ferocious tentacle several meters long rushed out of Xia Shang's chest.

Bang! ! The tentacle pierced half of the yellow-haired ghoul's head, and then a thin blade grew out of one side and circled around Xia Shang. In an instant, three pillars of blood spurted out from the necks of the three headless corpses.

This scene frightened the other ghouls not far away. They stood there nervously, looking at each other.

"Which leader is that guy? I don't think I've seen him before."

"I don't know, but his level is definitely above S level."

After swallowing the Hebao in four corpses, the fusion progress on Xia Shang's panel had reached 98%.

"Does anyone know where Kamishiro Shaei's cell is?"

Xia Shang asked.

Seeing that no one answered, he said to himself: "Since no one knows, then just turn it into my nourishment."

boom! ! !

The black tentacle that had just been drilled out turned into a bolt of lightning at an extremely fast speed. In just a few breaths, it penetrated the bodies of the five ghouls one after another. Relying on the Hebo in their bodies, Xia Shang's fusion progress jumped up. Arrived 100%!

But this is far from over.

Xia Shang was like the mother body of a flesh-and-blood plant, growing dozens or hundreds of terrifying vines, each of which looked like an extremely hungry python, constantly devouring the ghouls present.

"Together! That guy wants to eat us all!"

Xia Shang's actions frightened the ghouls who had just come out of the cell. While dodging the incoming tentacles, they looked up at the gap in the steel gate.

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