"Escape! Escape from here." This was the only thought left in their minds at this moment.

"As expected of a monster that can defeat the king."

Tatara, standing next to the gap in the steel gate, said in a solemn tone.

"Don't let those guys climb up." At some point, Takatsuki Quan came to Tatara.

At present, the Bronze Tree has taken over Kuikullia Prison from the CCG investigators. Although some investigators have not been completely eradicated, they cannot shake the current situation.

"I am a member of the Tyrannosaurus Organization in District 11, Bronze Tree! Why are you arresting me!" The ghouls who originally thought they could escape from the prison were caught one by one by members of the Bronze Tree, and then were thrown into a room. They were so angry that they even wanted to kill the bronze tree guard in the room.

"Oh, Tyrannosaurus Organization? Have you heard of it?" Izumi Takatsuki chuckled disdainfully.

Tatara shook his head, "I've never heard of it. It's probably a little-known organization."

"I guess so."

Takatsuki Quan squatted on the ground and admired the bloody scene under the steel gate through the gap.

When all the ghouls on the first floor of the prison were gathered, Brother Bottle, a member of the Bronze Tree who was guarding outside the room, glanced at Kamishiro Riyo in the corner of the room, then pressed the switch. As the door slowly closed, the ghouls inside They seemed a little restless.

"You evil thing, when I get out, I will definitely kill you!"

"Bronze tree!! What a beast!"

"Made! Let us out quickly!"


The curses coming from the room made the two bottle brothers a little unhappy.

They all wore purple cloaks, the older brother had a white mask with a red 'P' printed on it, while his younger brother wore a white mask with a red cross printed on it.

The two of them usually stay at the Bronze Tree branch in Area 11 for a long time and rarely go out unless there is a large-scale operation, such as this Kuikuliya raid.

"Those bastards are really noisy." Ping Di complained.

"Why do we put them in a room?"

"This is the king's order, we just need to obey it."

Brother Ping recalled the creepy smile on Kamishiro Roshi's face when the door was closed, and his heart went crazy.

"Lock the big ghoul into a room full of ghouls. What exactly does the king want to do?" Brother Ping didn't dare to ask the king, nor did he dare to think about it in detail.

Soon, the curses in the room gradually dissipated, and then came the piercing screams.

Soon, a rhythmic knock on the door sounded from inside the room.

The bottle brothers looked at each other, then pressed the button and opened the door.

Suddenly, a strong bloody smell spurted out from the room!

That's right, squirting!

Then, Kamdai Riyo, whose body was stained red with blood, touched his belly and walked out of the room.

"Next room."

She smiled, turned and walked towards the other room.

After all, a room can only accommodate dozens of ghouls at most, and there are at least hundreds of ghouls imprisoned in Quekulia Prison.

Kirishima Amanto, who was guarding another cell, looked at the bloody Kamishiro Riyo in shock and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

He is Kirishima Touka's younger brother. If you look closely, you will find that he and Touka look a bit similar.

"Open." Kamishiro Rise licked the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue.

The crazily growing power made her extremely intoxicated.

"After eating all the food, maybe I can be promoted to SSS level. By then, with this power, I will no longer be the fish on that guy's chopping board. When I stay dormant for a while, I will find an opportunity to He killed, and then wiped out the Hexiu family...it's exciting just thinking about it."

Thinking of this, Kamishiro Riyo showed a crazy smile.

"Okay...Okay." Kirishima Aya pressed the room switch despite the pressure coming from her face.

At this time, the picture came to Xia Shang's side.

After devouring most of the S-level and above ghouls in the prison, the mutated cells in his body have accounted for 60% of the total number of cells. This concentration, even if it is a dozen SSS-level ghouls combined, Not as good as him.

However, while the strength has grown rapidly, sequelae have also followed.

Under the influence of certain hormones, his brain became a little different from before. Perhaps this is why half-Heroes tend to go berserk. Yes, even if Xia Shang, whose Rc cell concentration far exceeds that of SSS-level ghouls, still He is a half-heir.

Just like Hinami, Hezhi is a bottleneck. Not all ghouls can rely on co-ghouls to evolve into ghouls.

This depends more on the ghoul's own talent or bloodline.

You know, ghouls have developed for hundreds of years, and there are only a few people who can reach the SSS level.

"This should work." Xia Shang's eyes were scarlet at this moment, violent emotions filled his brain, and he had a strong desire to destroy everything around him.

This feeling of being out of control was extremely uncomfortable for Xia Shang.

Poof! Xia Shang raised his hand and dug out his own brain.

Then squeeze it hard and explode!

Five minutes later, the bloodshot eyes in his eyes faded a lot.

Sure enough, his previous idea was correct. The newborn brain does not contain those hormones, but this is limited to the newborn brain.

After all, those hormones are secreted from his mutated cells, and as time goes by, it won't be long before they take over his brain again.

Only when Kamishiro Rise is promoted to the SSS level and fused with her Herb, can he become a Hezhe and be completely unaffected by hormones.

Xia Shang, who regained some consciousness, then replaced the second brain.

After he could basically control his emotional fluctuations, he withdrew his tentacles for hunting.

After some devouring, there were only three ghouls left in the entire lower prison who could compete with his tentacles.

"Kamidai Charei, it's a pleasure to meet you." Father Donato Purupula, who came out with the tentacles retracted, smiled and said hello to Kamidaishei in front of him.

The priest looks like an old man on the outside, but in fact, he is the leader of the clown organization with SS-level ghoul strength.

"Were you also attacked by a tentacle?" Jindai Charong said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, I was almost killed." Father Donetto spread his hands, "The owner of that tentacle must be a powerful ghoul I have never seen before, and his strength far exceeds the SSS level."

"Then you dare to come out."

At this time, a petite girl appeared in front of Kamishiro.

The girl was smiling and her eyes were full of curiosity.


Father Donetto, the leader of the Clown Organization, recognized the girl in front of him at a glance. She was Roma, the founder of the Clown Organization and called the Mother of Chaos by the CCG.

"So it's you. When were you locked up here?" Roma asked, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning forward.

"Very early."

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