Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 285 Reckless and arrogant idiot! safe and sound

Father Donetto bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Although he is the third generation clown king, he is still afraid of the founder of the clown organization in front of him, Roma, the first generation clown king.

After all, as far as he knew, Roma had survived for at least a hundred years, and no one knew her true strength.

"Then why didn't I see you when I was wandering around?" Roma, who looked cute, scratched her head.

Sometimes when she got tired of staying in the cell, she would run to other cells to have some fun, so she had been to almost every cell. It could even be said that she knew Quekulia Prison better than some of the investigators.

"Forget it, maybe I forgot about you." Soon, Roma stopped worrying too much about this issue.

"If I guess correctly, the ghoul organization that attacked Quecullia Prison this time should be the Bronze Tree." Father Donetto said with a smile.

But the smile on his face always gave people a sinister feeling.

"You mean, the person who attacked us with Hezi just now is the leader of the Bronze Tree, the One-eyed Owl?"

Roma shook her head and said, "Impossible. I know the One-Eyed Owl. She absolutely cannot be that strong unless there are some interesting changes that I have never seen happen to her."

"It's not the one-eyed owl, it's the King of Dark Mist."

Although Father Donetto has been imprisoned in Quicullia Prison, he knows everything about what is happening outside.

Rather than saying he is a prisoner of the CCG, he is a collaborator of the CCG.

Sometimes he will provide CCG with some valuable information, such as the location of certain ghouls. In addition to making the relationship between ghouls and humans more tense, he can also have some fun. Of course, in return, CCG will also Give him some reward.

"The King of Dark Mist? Is he a newcomer who has appeared recently? He sounds very interesting."

Father Donetto originally thought that Roma would show a look of enlightenment, but he didn't expect that even Roma didn't recognize the guy named the King of Dark Mist.

"It just so happens that I know something more interesting." Father Donetto said as he looked at the corpse on the ground.

"Two days ago, he defeated the One-Eyed Owl in a completely sadistic manner. Therefore, the person currently leading the Bronze Tree to attack the prison may not necessarily be the One-Eyed Owl."

The three of them walked slowly towards the center of the prison.

Along the way, they saw many ghoul corpses that died in miserable conditions.

Jindai Charong squatted next to a corpse, checked the wounds on the corpse, and said with a solemn expression: "The Hebo in their bodies was dug out, and the organs inside were also destroyed."

"It seems that guy used Quekulia Prison as a cafeteria, and it looks like he has a pretty big appetite."

Father Donetto narrowed his eyes and said in a serious tone: "Maybe we are also a dish of delicacies in his eyes."

"Things are getting interesting."

Roma just finished speaking.

A figure slowly appeared at the end of the passage.

Before the black shadow could get closer, Kamidai Charong sensed an extremely dangerous aura.

"Are you the King of Dark Mist? You look so ordinary." Looking at Xia Shang walking towards her, Roma was obviously a little disappointed.

"Roma, Kamidai Charei, and Father Donetto, if you come together, you can save me the trouble of searching for each one."

Xia Shang's eyes swept across the faces of the three people one by one, and at the same time, the long-laid memories in his mind began to revive.

The founder of the Clown Organization, Hoshiroma, is a ghoul.

The former leader of District 6, the adoptive father of Kamidai Rise, Kamidai Chaei, and the tailed ghoul.

The former director of the Catholic orphanage, who once ate all the orphans except Amen Kotaro, Amen's adoptive father, the German Donato Prupula, a Kahe ghoul.

It's good this time, all kinds of Hebao providers are gathered here.

Xia Shang made some calculations and found that Jiahe was himself, Fangcun Gongshan was Yuhe, Linhe was the god Lishi, and as for the last Weihe, he also found it...

Unfortunately, except for Fangcun Gongshan, the rest are SS-level ghouls and need to be trained to meet his requirements.

"Look, what I said is right, someone really regarded us as snacks in the buffet." A cross-shaped stream of water flowed out from behind Father Donetto, like countless puzzle pieces, condensed into a human figure , and soon, in the blink of an eye, there were eight Hezi clones around his body that looked exactly the same as him.

On the side, the god Cha Rong also summoned two extremely thick tails, surrounding both sides of his body, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Only by killing him can we leave alive." Father Donetto encouraged Kamidasha Rong to take action first.

But Jindai Shaei was not a fool, and he was not willing to take action rashly before he knew whether the other party was a friend or an enemy.

"Kamidai Shaei, you should know Kamishiro Rise, she is up there, don't you plan to meet her?"

Xia Shang smiled.

"Kamidai Rise!" Kamidai Charong's eyes narrowed, and then he hit the ground with his tail without hesitation, bang! Suddenly, he shot straight towards the gap in the steel gate!

After watching him leave, only Roma and Father Donetto were left on the field.

"Join hands and kill him." Without the help of Kamidai Shirong, Father Donato's face darkened.

"Why should I listen to you?"

Roma made a face at Father Donetto, then looked at Xia Shang: "If I want to leave, will you let me go?"

Xia Shang smiled: "Even if you leave, you will come back to me soon."

"I do not believe."

Roma was more curious about what was happening outside, so she rushed towards the steel gate like a god.

"You are the only one left on the field." Xia Shang locked his eyes on Father Donetto.

"Create clones with your fingers? Not a bad ability."

He found the true identity of Father Donetto among the many priests at a glance.

"The look in your eyes is just like when I ate those orphans, greedy, excited, and impatient."

Suddenly, several priests rioted and surrounded Xia Shang. They raised their right hands at the same time, and puzzle-like shells were continuously shot out from their palms.

boom! ! !

Almost instantly, Xia Shang was buried by the Hezi shell, and a white mushroom cloud rose up, accompanied by a violent explosion that resounded throughout the lower prison.

"A reckless and arrogant fool."

Seeing that Xia Shang did not dodge his attack, Father Donetto couldn't help but reveal a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the next second!

A black blade more than one meter long cut through the white mist in an instant and headed straight for Father Donetto's face.

Without enough time to think too much, Father Donetto quickly called Hezi, covered his arms, and then crossed his arms in front of himself.

Bang! ! !

Father Donetto's arms were cut off directly, and the two severed hands flew into the air. He vomited a large mouthful of blood, and while flying backwards, he plowed a long ravine on the steel ground.

When the white smoke dissipated, Xia Shang, covered in black armor and his hands turned into blades, walked out of the smoke unscathed. (End of chapter)

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