On the other side, news of the fall of Kuikuliya Prison immediately reached the ears of the CCG President and Shu Changji.

At the same time, the CCG headquarters building located in Tokyo District 1 was still lit like daylight. Through the glass exterior wall, many nervous investigators could be seen carrying white suitcases and walking into various combat command rooms.

"Half an hour ago, a group of cadres of the Ghoul Organization Bronze Tree, together with the King of Dark Mist, raided the Kuikuliya Prison in District 23. According to reliable information, the special prosecutor Mr. Haizaki died unfortunately. Currently, Kuikuliya The entire Lia Prison has fallen into the hands of the Bronze Tree. They are in critical condition and are requesting support from the headquarters."

In the highest level conference room.

An investigator lowered his head and stood in front of the President and Xiu Changji, reporting the latest news from Kuikuliya.

With a serious expression and white hair and beard, Hexiu Tsunekichi looked at Hexiuji aside and said in a low tone: "Since Kuikuliya Prison has been breached by ghouls, even if you send people there now, it will not make any difference. It’s better to just give up.”

"But...but the investigator inside..." The CCG director and Xiuji hesitated to speak.

"Hmph! The kindness of women."

Hexiu Tsunekichi snorted coldly, and then said: "I heard that there is new progress on Arima Kisho's side?"

Facing the indifferent expression of the President, He Xiujishi had no choice but to hold back what he originally wanted to say. When he thought of the abandoned investigators, his eyes became a little complicated.

"Well, according to the investigation by Arima Kisho and others, the King of Dark Mist has appeared twice in a cafe named Anding District in the 20th District. It can be basically concluded that the cafe named Anding District must be He has a close relationship with the King of Dark Mist.

At this time, I have sent people to surround the cafe, and I estimate that I will soon be able to get information about the King of Dark Mist from the ghouls inside. "

During their conversation.

Fangcun Gongshan, the manager of the coffee shop in Anding District, noticed something strange. He stood at the door of the store and looked at the bleak street, his expression gradually becoming serious.

He turned to Dong Xiang and the others and said, "It's time for Anding District to close down for a while."

"Dong Xiang, take Ms. Dikou and her husband and leave through the back door. As for the other people, follow me."

"Store manager?" Dong Xiang was a little confused.

Her combat experience can never be compared with Fangcun Gongshan.

"What should come will eventually come. As the gentleman said, I have been escaping all my life. Maybe this should end."

Yoshimura took off the brown apron from his waist, and then walked out of the cafe with Madoka Furuma and Xuan Irimis.


In Quekulia prison.

Xia Shang walked slowly towards Father Donetto who was lying on the ground with heavy steps.

It wasn't that he was delaying on purpose.

He just wanted to wait for the new brain to be generated before he could enjoy the high-quality vagina in the priest's body.

"Stop him!" Father Donetto ordered, buying time for the severed limb to regenerate.

I saw several of his clones rushing towards Xia Shang, and at the same time, a large number of cross-shaped thorns spurted out from behind them, like rivers, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into ferocious octopus tentacles, but the suction cups were replaced with sharp ones. of cross.

boom! !

Suddenly, dozens of thick tentacles smashed down on Xia Shang's head.

Even the air made a dull roar.

"Just because of this, you want to stop me?" Xia Shang dragged his double blades and disappeared from the place in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the priest's clone.

Cut it off with a wave of your hand!

A gap opened diagonally in the clone's body, and scarlet blood spurted out.

Glancing at the two corpses with extremely smooth cross-sections on the ground, Xia Shang turned around and chopped at the other clones.

I saw ferocious-looking heads flying into the air.

Xia Shang simply had a great time killing.

"Want to escape?!" At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked upward.

Father Donetto, who had lost eight fingers, used Hezi to quickly rush toward the gap in the steel gate.

However, what he didn't expect was that the King of Dark Mist below not only did not chase him, but also changed his hands to their original appearance, and then inserted them into the pockets of his windbreaker.

"Father Donetto? Why are you so embarrassed?"

A cynical voice came from above. Father Donetto looked up and saw a figure covered in bandages, waving a flesh-and-blood sledgehammer towards him.

If he were in his prime state, Father Donetto could easily dodge the attack in front of him.

But now he is seriously injured, and even moving in a large area is difficult.


A figure hit the open space in front of Xia Shang from high altitude.

"I haven't found the meaning of life yet. I can't just die like this." At this time, Father Donetto's waist was folded in an extremely weird state. He pressed his hands into the pool of blood and tried hard to stand up.

"Are you worthy of talking about the meaning of life? A bastard like you should have died long ago."

Xia Shang kicked the opponent in the head with a whip!

Bang! ! The huge force instantly shattered Father Donetto's brain, and his eyeballs exploded, turning into two handfuls of blood mist, click! The cervical vertebrae were broken, and the flying head hit the steel pillar nearby, leaving a pool of blood on it.

Poof! Two tentacles emerged from Xia Shang's shoulder blades and suddenly thrust into the body of Father Donetto. After devouring the opponent's penis, Xia Shang retracted the tentacles with satisfaction.

Jump up and take advantage of the high-temperature airflow spurting from your back.

Xia Shang passed through the gap in the steel gate and landed directly on the first floor of the prison.

"How is the situation over there with Kamishiro Rise?"

"After devouring one hundred and twenty-four ghouls, my strength reached the peak of SS-level ghouls." Izumi Takatsuki took Xia Shang and walked in the direction of Kamishiro Rise.

"Only SS level?"

Xia Shang was a little dissatisfied with this result, but he was relieved when he thought that Kaneki Ken in the original work had successfully been promoted to a half-height after devouring many experimental subjects in Kano Akihiro's laboratory.

After all, the quality of the ghouls imprisoned at the upper level is too low, so it is normal for them not to evolve into SSS-level ghouls. If only they could be promoted to SSS-level ghouls so easily.

It is estimated that ordinary ghouls in this world will have no way to survive.

"Forget it, let's do this for now."

Xia Shang stopped and looked at Kamdai Charong, who was coming from Kamdai Lishi and stopped in front of him, and frowned.

"What is dragon transformation? What good will the dragon transformation do to you?"

Unexpectedly, Kamdaisha Rong asked two questions as soon as they met.

"Your relationship with Kamishiro Riyo seems to be very good, but think about it, you are both named Kamishiro, so it's not surprising that she would tell you about this."

Xia Shang looked at Kamidai Roshi not far away, paused, and continued: "As for your question, someone will answer it for me. You can ask him directly then."

The person Xia Shang was referring to was Hexiu Jiuduo Zongtai of the Hexiu family, also known as Jiuduo Erfu. (End of chapter)

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