Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 288 The dying Fangcun Gongshan!

"Take good care of Dong Xiang and the others for me, and don't think about revenge for me."

Fangcun Gongshan took a step back and pulled out the blade from his chest. He saw that his wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. While he was breathing, the bloody wounds recovered as before.

"I can't delay it for too long. Let's leave quickly."

After a painful struggle, Sifang Lianshi's heart was like a knife, but he was not a reckless character, but could still maintain his rationality. He knew that even if he risked his life, he could not save the Fangcun store manager. He had no choice but to Holding back his sadness, he ran backwards.

With the One-Eyed Owl present, Arima Kisho and Black Rock were naturally unwilling to step away and chase a minor character.

The two sides struggled together for a while.

Arima Kisho's attacks were getting faster and faster, and the air was full of sword lights. Yoshimura Kozen could only barely parry with all his strength.

Ten years ago, when he was at his peak, he could not defeat Arima Kishou, and his arms were torn off by the opponent. Not to mention that he is now old and frail. Both strength and stamina are far inferior to what he was ten years ago. What's more, he is now old and frail. At this time, he was fighting two special investigators alone, which was even more difficult.

"You're not that weak in the video."

The long sword-shaped Kuink in Arima Kishou's hand kept slashing at Yoshimura Kozen with extremely high-frequency slashes.

Fangcun Gongshan couldn't fight back at all, so he could only keep waving He Zi to defend himself from the incoming attacks.

At first, his defense was airtight, but as time went on, his movements began to become sluggish.

Kishou Arima saw the right moment, his legs burst out with amazing power, and he instantly arrived in front of Yoshimura Kozen, and slashed upward with his sword!


Fangcun Gongshan's right arm was cut off like tofu, then flew into the air and landed on the ground with a soft thud.

Losing his right arm was like a bird having its wings broken off to Fangcun Gongshan. The boiling blood in his body suddenly became dead. He sighed softly, "Oh, even though I really don't want to admit it. , but I am indeed old.”

Seeing the one-eyed owl stop moving, Arima Kisho and Black Rock also stopped what they were doing.

It would be great if we could capture the one-eyed owl alive.

If this news gets out, it will not only boost the morale of the CCG investigators, but also deter other ghouls.

"Before you die, can you answer a few questions for me?" Arima Kisho asked.

"you say."

Fangcun Gongshan's idea is very simple, that is to delay Dong Xiang's evacuation.

"Who is the King of Dark Mist? Why did he kidnap Kamishiro Riyo?"

Only a handful of people know the secrets about Kamishiro Rise, and people like Takatsuki Izumi only got a glimpse of the truth.

"To be honest, I don't know." Fangcun Gongshan shook his head.

"Swallow it." Hei Panyan took out a gas bomb containing an Rc inhibitor and threw it into the open space in front of Fangcun Gongshan.

"You seem to have misunderstood something."

Fangcun Gongshan would rather be killed than be a prisoner of CCG, because he understands that there are many people behind him. If he is captured, those people will save him regardless of life and death.

"It's enough for me to die." His tone was slow but firm.

"In that case, please leave this world." Arima Kisho looked indifferent, put his hands on the handle of the knife indifferently, then exerted force on his toes, and shot towards Fangcun Gongshan.

Just when his blade was about to hit Fangcun's head.

A pair of sharp claws swooped down from high altitude!

Arima Kishou rolled and avoided the incoming attack.


The hard and sharp claws suddenly smashed a large crater into the ground, causing gravel to fly and smoke to fly everywhere.

When the dust dispersed, a huge creature suddenly appeared in the black rock's field of vision.

"Another owl?!" Hei Panyan said in surprise.

"Why are there two owls?"

Before he could think deeply, Takatsuki Izumi lifted Yoshimura Gongshan's shoulders with his claws, and in an instant, he flew high into the sky with the dying Yoshimura.

Black Rock wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Arima Kisho's outstretched right hand.

"Give up. If you can't catch up, there's no need to waste your efforts."

After all, he is only half human and cannot use Hezi to fly like Takatsuki Izumi, so he can only let the other party take Yoshimura Kozen away.

"Please rush to the battlefield where the first and second teams are located immediately. Members of the Bronze Tree suddenly launched a sneak attack on us. The two teams are currently suffering heavy damage. After hearing the news, please rush to support immediately." Arima Kisho and Kuro In Panyan's headset, the voices of the CCG director and Xiu Jishi sounded.

But when they arrived, the Bronze Tree and other ghouls had already evacuated.

Only the investigators were left wailing in the ruins.


late at night.

In the Garner laboratory.

In the same mess, a black figure wearing heavy armor strangled a man's neck and pushed him against the wall.

"Kana Akihiro, are you sure he is just a clone of the King of Dark Mist?! Let him put me down quickly." The old Duo Erfu, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, was a little depressed.

"I warned you, don't come over, don't come over, but you just didn't listen."

Kano Akihiro spread his hands towards the old Duo Erfu, saying that there was nothing he could do.

At this time, the old Duo Erfu did not have the Hebao transplanted by Kamidai Rishi like the original work, so he is now at most a powerful ghoul. Although his strength can easily crush most ghouls, in Xia Shang In front of the clone, he can only be regarded as a grasshopper that jumps relatively high.

"This is completely different from what I planned." Jiu Duoerfu originally wanted to secretly induce Kaneki Ken to grow slowly and eventually become a dragon.

But as soon as his plan started, Kamishiro Rise was robbed by a guy named the King of Dark Mist, and then the gecko was killed, and as soon as he got the news, the guy also raided Kuikuliya Prison.

He originally thought that since the guy's real body was not in Kano's laboratory, he could easily solve it with just a clone.

However, in fact, after a fight, he was pressed against the wall and rubbed wildly.

"Can you contact him? Since he dared to snatch Kamishiro Roshi from my hands, he must know the special nature of Kamishiro Roshi. And from your description, he seems to want to cultivate Kamishiro Roshi. I guess our purpose should be Consistent.”

After a brief psychological breakdown, Jiu Duo Erfu immediately analyzed Xia Shang's true purpose.

In his opinion, the King of Dark Mist is not necessarily his enemy, and maybe he and the other party can cooperate.

"I don't know, that guy doesn't seem to have a mobile phone." Akihiro Kano shook his head.

"But if you have any ideas, you can tell his clone. His clone is very special."


For a moment, Jiu Duoerfu didn't understand the meaning of Kano Akihiro's words.

"His clone has independent consciousness."

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