Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 289 Cooperation! Two blessings for the old!

After Jiu Duo Erfu heard this, he immediately looked at the monster in front of him.

A trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes, and then he asked tentatively: "The King of Dark Mist?"

A few seconds later, Xia Shang's low and hoarse voice sounded from under the dark and ferocious mask.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." His right hand gradually became stronger, strangling Jiu Duo Erfu's throat like an iron pincer.

Jiu Duoerfu's breathing suddenly became extremely difficult. The veins on his neck popped out, and the whites of his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Tell me first, why do you want to snatch away the god of life? Do you know anything?" Jiu Duo Erfu felt that Xia Shang's right hand was like an indestructible iron pincer, unable to break free at all.

"Transform into a dragon."

Xia Shang uttered a word in a calm tone.

"Sure's just as I guessed." Jiu Duoerfu's face gradually distorted, he opened his eyes wide, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Hahahaha! King of Dark Mist, you know a lot, but I’m more curious about where you learned that word.”

Jiu Duo Erfu, who was in a dying state, actually laughed at this moment. He seemed not to care about his own life or death. In other words, he was sure that the King of Dark Mist would never kill him.


Xia Shang did not speak, but applied pressure mercilessly. fragile cervical vertebrae kept making cracking sounds in his hands, like a can being crushed.

"Do you think you are valuable to me, so I will definitely not kill you?"

When Jiu Duoerfu saw Xia Shang's lifeless eyes, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart. His pupils shrank suddenly, and then he quickly smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, I just thought of a happy thing. , I definitely didn’t mean to ridicule you.”

Xia Shang knew very well that the old Duo Erfu in the original work was just a guy who pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger. He would do anything to achieve his goal, which was somewhat similar to him.

In addition, the old Duo Er Fu is like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, waiting for opportunities. If you are not prepared, you may be bitten by it at any time.

But if he bites Xia Shang, he will understand what it means to hit an egg against a stone.

"There are many people in the Hexiu family who know about dragon transformation, and you are not the only one.

So if you want to survive, show your worth in front of me. "

Xia Shang is like the god of death, he can easily decide the life or death of Jiu Duo Erfu.

"Can...can't...let go...I can't...breathe." Jiu Duoerfu lowered his head and glanced at Xia Shang's right arm.

As the heavy armor covering his whole body faded back into his body, Xia Shang's body size shrank from the original three meters to over one meter in length.


Xia Shang casually threw Jiuduo Erfu on the ground and said in a calm tone: "I only care about how the gods turn into dragons."


Jiu Duoerfu covered his throat and coughed several times.

"Actually, the so-called dragon refers to the original form of the ghoul."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "My original plan was to use Kamishiro Rise as the mother body and use the Herbs in her body to create as many test subjects as possible. You can understand them as tributes to the dragon. As the name suggests, they are the tributes I use to sacrifice to the dragon.”

Xia Shang narrowed his eyes.

"You mean, Kaneki Ken is just a tribute to the dragon? Don't you plan to train him into a dragon?"

"Are you kidding? He deserves to be a dragon? He's just a tribute to be sacrificed to the dragon." Jiu Duoerfu smiled disdainfully.

No wonder, in the final battle of the original work, Jiu Duoerfu looked very surprised when he saw Kaneki, and even said, "It's really shocking that you, as a mere tribute to the dragon, can survive to this day." 'In this case.

"Even tributes may turn into dragons." Xia Shang said softly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Jiu Duoerfu directly retorted: "It's impossible, a sacrifice will always be a sacrifice. No matter how powerful he is, he can't become a real dragon without Kamidai Roshi."

"Keep talking." Xia Shang understood that what Jiu Duo Erfu said was right.

It can also be seen from the original plot that even if Kaneki is dug out of the dragon's body, the dragon still does not die or dissipate.

This shows that the real dragon was never Kaneki Ken, but Kamishiro Rise.

"If you want to transform into a dragon, you must use the purest ghoul blood as the medium, and then rely on the accumulation of a large number of Rc cells to condense into [Dragon Core]."

"Dragon core?"

This word was somewhat new, which aroused Xia Shang's curiosity.

"The dragon transformation gene extracted from massive Rc cells is also the foundation of a dragon. Without a dragon core, no matter how many ghouls you eat, you cannot become a dragon."

Jiu Duoerfu patiently explained.

“The process of dragon transformation is very cumbersome, and the above alone cannot transform Kamidao Riyo into a dragon.

Remember the guinea pig I mentioned earlier? I need to use the Hypodons in Kamishiro Rishi's body to create enough experimental products to sacrifice to Kamishiro Rishi. Only by allowing the original cells in Kamishiro Rishi's body to increase dramatically in a short period of time can the dragon transformation be opened. switch.

At that time, the Rc cells in Kamishiro Rise's body will rapidly accumulate at the speed of a chain reaction, thus turning into the prototype of a dragon. "

Jiu Duoerfu, who had recovered from his injuries, stood up from the ground. The reason why he told the King of Dark Mist this was because he wanted to regain Kamishiro Rishi from the King of Dark Mist.

After a painful lesson not long ago, he understood that if hardness is not enough, then softness is the way to go.

And he wanted to get Kamishiro Rishi not only to create a dragon, but also to transplant the Hebao in Kamdai Rishi's body to realize one of his more bold ideas.

After listening to Jiuduoerfu’s explanation.

Xia Shang nodded slightly.

"What did you do all this for?"

"For what? Of course I can do whatever I want. Don't you think it's interesting to let a dragon destroy the world?" Jiu Duoerfu said with a smile on his face and a crazy tone.

"I might believe it when others do this, but as for you..." Xia Shang looked at Jiu Duoerfu and shook his head: "I don't believe a word of it."

"So before I take action, you'd better tell the truth."

Akihiro Kano, who was watching the excitement, didn't think it was a big deal.

He was also curious about what the real purpose of Jiu Duo Er Fu was. However, there must be some pleasure in destroying the world, but it was by no means all.

"It would be rude to ask again. Don't you think the vision of destroying the world is noble?"

"do not think so."

In anime and American comics, there are not many villains who aim to destroy the world. Xia Shang has long been indifferent to this, and there is not even a trace of emotion in his mood.

Watching Xia Shang walking towards him step by step.

Jiu Duo Erfu quickly waved his hand and said, "If you have something to say, please say it. There is no need to use hands or feet."

"Say." (End of chapter)

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