Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 290 Nothing else, I just want to live longer

"I said, I said it's not okay." Jiu Duoerfu looked depressed and said, "Bai Ri Ting, you should know."

"have no idea."

Xia Shang told the truth. After all, it had been several years since he traveled through time. He really didn't know the detailed settings of Ghoul.

"You are trying to tire me out, Dr. Garner, please give me a glass of water." Jiu Duoerfu pulled up a chair next to him and sat down.

"Hold on."

Kano Akihiro, who was looking through the experimental records, put down the documents in his hands, got up and walked towards the water dispenser.

At the same time, the scene came to Fangcun Gongshan's side.

He was taken to Tokyo District 11 by Takatsuki Izumi, the nest of the Bronze Tree.

After Izumi Takatsuki put Yoshimura Kozen down, she walked directly into a room. It seemed that she didn't know how to face her father yet.

Fangcun Gongshan, who lost his right arm, looked a little complicated. He did not expect that the person who saved him would be his daughter.

"Oh." He looked at the broken arm and sighed softly.

"How do i call you?"

Tatara dragged a human corpse to Yoshimura Kozen. Since the other party was probably Wang's father, his attitude towards Yoshimura Koshine was quite respectful.

"Fangcun Gongshan, just call me the store manager."

Fangcun Gongshan was no stranger to the Bronze Tree General in front of him. Although he had been staying in the coffee shop in Anding District and almost never went out, he had two big men under his command, the 'Demon Ape' and the 'Black Doberman' The leader of this organization, so his source of intelligence has never been cut off.

"Mr. Fangcun, this is the food I prepared specially for you. If it is not enough, please tell me and I will prepare it right away."

Tatara handed the human corpse to Yoshimura Kozen.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it for the time being." Fangcun Gongshan had a kind face, smiled and waved.

It has been a long time since he stopped eating human bodies directly, so his strength has dropped a lot compared to ten years ago.

"Leave it to me."

Demon Ape Koma walked into the medical room under the leadership of Xuandu.

To be honest, he didn't expect to be rescued by someone from the Bronze Tree one day. After all, the reputation of the Bronze Tree in the outside world is not very good. Rumor has it that they are a group of lunatics trying to destroy the world, which can also be understood as the leftists among the ghouls. elements.

"Mr. Fangcun, I have to leave beforehand. If you need anything, you can tell any ghoul in the Bronze Tree that I have already said hello in advance."

Although Tatara looks cold on the outside, he is actually very fond of Takatsuki Izumi, and he is also the second person besides Noro who makes Takatsuki Izumi feel affectionate.

Therefore, even though he could feel that Wang's relationship with her father was not very good, since Wang would risk his life to save Fangcun Gongshan, it meant that the conflict between the two was not too bad.

Therefore, in his opinion, the two will reconcile sooner or later, and there is no need to arouse Fangcun Gongshan's resentment at this time.

"Go and do your work. The Bronze Tree's attack this time will definitely arouse the anger of the CCG. I guess they will take action against the Bronze Tree soon. You'd better be prepared in advance."

"Understood." Tatara nodded, then turned and left the medical room.

After he left, Demon Ape Koma took out a piece of flesh and blood from his pocket.

"Store manager, this is a special period. Eating more will help your recovery."

"Thank you, your arm?" Fangcun Gongshan was not a Holy Mother in the traditional sense. If he were really a Holy Mother, he would have starved to death long ago.

He looked at Gu Jian's broken arm and asked.

"One of the arms was blown to pieces by the Black Rock guy with Kuink, but it doesn't matter, it will probably grow back soon."

"Where are the others?" Fangcun Gongshan took the piece of meat and walked out of the medical room.

"Iru Jianxuan is visiting the inside of the Bronze Tree. As for Dong Xiang and the others..." Gu Jian shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Store manager, how did the Bronze Tree know that we were in danger?"

He couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's Dong Xiang." Fangcun Gongshan, who was thoughtful, guessed the whole story on second thought.

"She must have informed her brother, Kirishima Ayato, that's why the Bronze Tree suddenly appeared."

"I see."

Gu Jian said with emotion: "Although the relationship between the two siblings is not very good on weekdays, when it comes to a critical moment, no matter who they are, they will help."

"Where is your king's residence?"

Fangcun Gongshan asked a ghoul politely.

"Owl!" Ghoul exclaimed subconsciously. Even though it was less than half an hour since the battle in the Anding District, the rumor of the two Owls had already spread throughout the Bronze Tree.

"That, there."

The ghoul immediately realized that his reaction was a little too intense, so he wiped his face and pointed in one direction.

Fangcun Gongshan followed the direction he pointed and came to a huge, castle-like door. He stretched out his hand and slowly pushed the door open. Click... With a slight friction sound, he raised his head and headed towards the room. Looking inside.

I saw Takatsuki Izumi retracting most of his body into the bed, and his head was covered by accumulated novels and books.

Fangcun Gongshan did not speak, but quietly walked to the bedside, reached out and picked a book from the mountain of books, and read it quietly.


"The White House, under the banner of CCG, is an organization specifically responsible for training special investigators. Most of its members are orphans, except for the Hexiu family. Arima Kisho and I both studied at the White House for a while. Time, too, we are all half-human.”

Jiuduo Erfu took the water glass handed over by Jia Na and said, "Thank you."

After taking a sip of water, he continued: "But in fact, Bai Riting is actually a special institution used by CCG and V organizations to cultivate one-eyed people.

As we all know, the probability of a child born from the union of a ghoul and a human to be half-human is much greater than that of a one-eyed ghoul. Although half-humans have as strong physical fitness as ghouls and can even eat human food, however, According to records, half-humans can only survive for more than thirty years at most. In other words, the life span of half-humans is less than one-third of that of ordinary humans. "

"What does this have to do with your plan?" Xia Shang asked.

"Of course it's related. Once Kamishiro Rise transforms into a dragon, he can release a unique toxin. This toxin can not only transform ordinary people into ghouls, but can even affect the RC in half-humans after they are infected. Cells allow half-humans to completely transform into real ghouls, thus having a life as long as a ghoul and more powerful strength."

Jiuduo Erfu said with a smile.

"So you created dragons just to absorb that special toxin so that you can live longer?" I have to say that this reason is tenable. After all, immortality has been pursued by people since ancient times. Even he No exception. (End of chapter)

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