"Uh... almost." Jiu Duoerfu shrugged.

"Actually, I care more about the width and quality of life than the length of it."

"you sure?"

Xia Shang raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a teasing tone.

"Well, I just want to add some fun to this boring world." Jiu Duoerfu, a member of the clown organization, held up the water glass with a smile, and then spun around in circles like a clown in the circus.

Then, he handed the water cup to Xia Shang.

"To be honest, I don't like guessing riddles." Xia Shang took the cup and said while looking at the water swirling inside.

"Suppose the cup in your hand is the current world, and the water inside represents ghouls and humans.

At this time, you only need to shake the water cup slightly, and the water in the cup will fight with each other, and due to the existence of the cup wall, they will never be able to escape as long as you don't exert so much force. "

Jiu Duoerfu narrowed his eyes, looked at the swaying water in the cup, and couldn't help but slowly raise the corners of his mouth.

"So the Hexiu family is the cup holder in this world?" Xia Shang squeezed it gently, and the water cup began to dent inward.

“Cup holder, cool, that’s what I’m trying to say.

They have maintained the balance in the water cup for hundreds of years, until fifty years ago, a one-eyed king appeared in the Hexiu family. His appearance was like a steel ball, penetrating the wall of the cup, causing a Some of the water overflowed, and the balance that the Hexiu family had worked so hard to maintain was completely broken by his appearance.

Jiu Duoerfu wanted to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Xia Shang who suddenly spoke.

"Since you want to introduce the history of the Hexiu family, you might as well explain it in detail."

In fact, Xia Shang knew very little about the one-eyed king. He was curious about why the one-eyed king broke with the Hexiu family.

"Ordinary people have to pay a price if they want to pry into the taboos of our family." Jiu Duoerfu suppressed a smile, as if he didn't want to mention that period of history.

"Do you think I care? As long as I want, you can see the news about the demise of the entire Hexiu family on TV tomorrow." Xia Shang smiled disdainfully.

With his current strength, I am afraid that only nuclear bombs can threaten him. As for the so-called Hexiu family, in his opinion, they are like grasshoppers after autumn, unable to jump around for a few days.

"Since you don't care, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Quietly, Jiu Duo Erfu moved a few steps back. A trace of alertness flashed in his eyes, and he pretended to be calm and said: "The Hexiu family is divided into direct line and branch families. The direct line has a very high status, most of them They are all senior members of the Hexiu family, such as Hexiu Jishi and the others."

“Their surname is Hexiu, and they are pure-blooded ghouls.

"Your surname is Hexiu." Xia Shang vaguely remembered Jiuduo Erfu's full name, Hexiu Jiuduo Zongtai. He is the son of CCG President He Xiu Changji. Logically speaking, he should also be included in Hexiu's direct line. .

"My surname is Jiuda, and like Arima, the noble general, I belong to the branch family." When mentioning the branch family, Jiuda Erfu's eyes welled up with a trace of hatred.

"The branch family does not have the right to inherit. No matter how outstanding they are, they can only be the watchdogs of the Hexiu family."

Jiu Duoerfu's face was gloomy and he gritted his teeth and said.

"According to you, the branches within the Hexiu family are all composed of a group of semi-human beings?"

"Absolutely." Jiuduo Erfu didn't want to mention the matter anymore, so he changed the subject: "The one-eyed king was born in the branch family. He was extremely talented but did not have the right to inherit. Therefore, he chose to follow Hexiu The family completely broke up, and brought ghouls and humans to try to overthrow the rule of the Wakashi family.

Unfortunately, he failed, and the result of failure was death. "

"I see." Xia Shang finally understood why the Hexiu family was so afraid of the one-eyed king.

No wonder Kisho Arima and Izumi Takatsuki in the original work would place their hopes on Kaneki Ken, hoping that he would lead the ghouls and humans to break the birdcage built by the Kazuo family. It turned out to be a lesson learned from the past.

"Although the One-Eyed King is dead, the hole in the cup remains."

"Just like this." Xia Shang smiled and poked a hole on the surface of the cup with his finger. "Because of the existence of this hole, it is difficult for the Hexiu family to maintain balance, so they have to spend more energy. Just in case any water flows out of the cup.”

"The way the Hexiu family came up with was to let the water in the cup keep fighting with each other, so that they would have no intention of looking for the hole."

"The war between humans and ghouls has lasted for hundreds of years, with countless ghouls and humans killed and injured. If nothing else happens, the situation will continue to be stalemate, and the world will never be able to achieve true peace."

Jiu Duo Erfu stared into Xia Shang's eyes and said word by word: "I want this world to achieve true super peace."

"So you plan to turn all humans into ghouls through the toxins released by dragons?"

"That's right."

Jiu Duoerfu's expression was a little excited, as if he could imagine how gorgeous that world must be.

"What about food?" Xia Shang asked with interest.

"Beyond Tokyo, everything is hunting ground."


Xia Shang suddenly burst the water cup and then sneered: "Your vision is too narrow. You don't really think that Japan represents the whole world. As far as I know, ghouls have appeared in various countries, but they The outcome is well known, without exception, they were either killed or fled to Japan."

"Mr. Jiuduo, your ideal is very good, and I will help you realize your dream. I hope the final outcome will be as you wish."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door. Following the voice, Jiu Duoerfu turned around and saw another King of Dark Mist walking into the laboratory with Kamishiro Rise and Kamishiro Shaei.

"Don't forget what you promised me in the car."

Kamdai Charong, who had an ugly face, turned to look at Xia Shang and said.

"I always keep my word. When she transforms into a dragon, I will dig her out of the dragon's body and hand her over to you personally."

"You have to ensure Li Shi's safety, she must live."

Kamishiro Shaei knows very well that even if he is an SS-level ghoul, he cannot compete with the monster in front of him. Even if he risks his life, the possibility of snatching Rishi from the opponent is infinitely close to zero, so his current choice There is only one, and that is to cooperate with the other party.

"Dr. Kano, I would like to trouble you to do another surgery. By the way, how is Hinami's recovery?"

"Not bad." Akihiro Kano pressed the switch of the operating room and walked inside.

"How long will it take to gather enough experimental subjects to transform the world into a dragon?" Xia Shang suddenly asked.

Akihiro Kano shook his head slightly: "I can't answer your question without enough data, but I personally guess that it will take at least three months. I will have to prepare at least 150 experimental subjects."

"Okay, I'll give you three months, but after three months, I hope to see three hundred experimental subjects." (End of Chapter)

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