In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed since Xia Shang came to the ghoul.

During this period, he led Jindai Shaei and Fueguchi Hinami to continuously go to various districts in Tokyo, hunting ghouls almost crazily.

Although he was surrounded and suppressed by CCG many times along the way, Xia Shang was always able to leave safely.

On the other hand, on the CCG side, almost every operation resulted in heavy casualties.

But even so, they still refused to give up the pursuit of Xia Shang. The CCG President and Xiu Changji personally said that even if they use the overall strength, they must completely eradicate the King of Dark Mist!

The appearance of the King of Dark Mist seems to be about to break the balance that the Hexiu family has worked so hard to maintain. Hexiu Changji will never allow the family's rule to be shaken.

No matter how many lives were sacrificed, Hexiu Changji would not hesitate.

However, as the commotion in the CCG grows, not only the ghouls, but also humans know that an extremely powerful and terrifying existence named the King of Dark Mist has recently appeared.

And since the King of Dark Mist's hunting targets are basically ghouls, some humans actually regard him as a hero, a hero who has the hope of ending the war. After all, once the ghouls are gone, they will no longer be needed. He had lived the days of being on tenterhooks and panic like before, so there were a lot of comments on the Internet to please and flatter the King of Dark Mist.

But Xia Shang knew very well that the reason why they tried so hard to please him was just to use him to kill all the ghouls. When the number of ghouls was greatly reduced, or they were all dead, then they would tear him apart. Put down the mask of hypocrisy and immediately point the gun at yourself.

Xia Shang's mind was extremely clear, and he would not change his plan for the sake of so-called glory, flattery, and reputation.

He cares more about his own strength than those dispensable things that are like castles in the air.

At the same time, those comments on the Internet aroused the concern of Kazuki Tsunekichi. Although Tokyo fifty years ago was far less developed than it is now, the One-Eyed King who defected back then was just like the King of Dark Mist today. To win over people's hearts, if the King of Dark Mist becomes the common leader of ghouls and humans, then the rule of the Hexiu family will be completely destroyed in his hands.

Seeing this, he publicly stated that the King of Dark Mist was an SSS-level ghoul with a violent temperament and a love for killing. Until now, a total of 231 people have been killed directly or indirectly by the King of Dark Mist.

Unfortunately, the smear campaign did not achieve the results he expected. On the contrary, because of his operations, the reputation of the King of Dark Mist grew bigger and bigger.

Even the five gangsters outside the island have set their sights on Tokyo. They are also curious when the farce in Neon will end.


"Some ghouls are still too stubborn. They would rather die than leave their ghouls."

In the 24th underground area of ​​Tokyo, there is a wall of flesh that is tens of meters high.

The petite and cute-looking Luo Ma said while looking at Xia Shang who was sitting on the dark throne and looking down.

"Then let them die holding the ghoba." Xia Shang looked at the huge maze in front of him and said calmly.

Area 24 is different from other areas in Tokyo. It does not exist on the surface, but is hidden deep in the underground of Tokyo. It is a numerous maze excavated by ghouls and spread all over the underground of Tokyo. The walls of the maze are made of At a glance, the flesh wall made by Hezi looks like the internal organs of a huge creature, and you can even see the slightly squirming blood vessels on the flesh wall.

Seeing such a spectacular scene, Xia Shang couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Unfortunately, the quality of the Hezi that makes up the wall is too low. Even if it is absorbed entirely, it will not be able to transform the cells in my body."

"By the way, how is your action going?" Xia Shang looked at Luo Ma.

Some time ago, after Luoma learned about the dragon-making plan from Jiu Duoerfu, she couldn't wait to find Xia Shang. According to her own words, the current circus performances are too boring. As a person who likes to be on the outside, She was eager to destroy the boring game, cheering the audience, and then watch the fire from the other side and enjoy the fun.

"Well, let me do the math."

Roma pouted and twirled her fingers: "The 2nd District, the Central District, the 3rd District, the Minato District, the 4th District, Shinjuku District, the 6th District, Taito District, and the 7th District, Sumida District. The ghouls in these six areas have been basically eliminated. , as for other areas, such as the Shibuya area in the 13th district, some guys in it are pretty good, but they probably won’t last long. In addition, the remaining 14th, 20th, and 23rd districts will probably be relocated. 70%.”

Most of the places Roma mentioned were areas where ghouls gathered, such as the second, third, fourth and thirteenth districts.

They have a unified name, that is, the human restricted area.

If human beings live in it, even if they get a little closer, they may lose their lives at any time. The ghouls inside kill each other all day long and rob each other's ghouls. It is like a flesh and blood grinding disc, constantly rotating, thereby filtering out weak existences, and In other words, those who can survive in it and live a long time are basically A-level or above.

But after some hunting by Xia and Shang, the above four areas were transformed from the original forbidden areas for humans into empty cities with few people in just two months.

Of course, this does not mean that Xia Shang killed all the ghouls inside, but that the clown organization was guiding them behind the scenes.

Due to Xia Shang's crazy hunting, the ghouls were in great panic. Just when they didn't know where to escape, it was the clown organization's turn to perform on stage.

The Clown Organization stated that it has joined forces with the Bronze Tree Organization in District 11 to prepare to fight the King of Dark Mist together.

He also said that there are currently four three-S level ghoul kings in Area 11. With their protection, even the Dark Mist King would not dare to break in easily.

Looking at the clown members wearing clown masks, most of the ghouls chose to believe it. After all, it seems that only the eleventh district has not been attacked by the King of Dark Mist. Maybe going to the eleventh district can really avoid the dark mist. The Hunt of the King.

But what they didn't see was that the clown member under the clown mask grinned almost to the back of his head, "Hee hee, it worked, he actually believed it."

"very good."

Xia Shang stood up and looked into the depths of the maze. Several of his clones had already entered the deepest part of the maze. To his surprise, there was a "Little Tokyo" hidden inside.

However, compared to the high-rise buildings on the surface, the "Little Tokyo" deep underground appears to be extremely dilapidated. There are broken walls and ruins almost everywhere, as if they have been weathered for hundreds of years.


Several figures suddenly emerged from the corner and controlled Hezi to kill Xia Shang's clone.

They attacked extremely fast, leaving afterimages in the air! (End of chapter)

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