Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 293 Underground City! Ghouls everywhere!

clang! clang! !

Three Hezi sharp blades of different shapes landed on Xia Shang almost at the same time, and made a sound similar to the collision of metal.

"So hard!" One of them looked at Xia Shang's neck in horror. The sharp blade formed by his right arm struck it, and sparks were produced. The sparks were gorgeous and dazzling, but they quickly disappeared.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter three S-class ghouls just walking around. It seems that there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this underground city."

Xia Shang smiled and raised his left hand, gently holding the sharp blade on his neck.

At this time, the three of them realized that the other party had bad intentions and was very powerful, so they quickly withdrew Hezi and retreated backwards.

But the ghoul who was holding the blade by Xia Shang found that even if he used all his strength, he could not pull out Hezi from the opponent's hand. "With a terrifying grip like iron pliers, could the opponent be a 3S-level ghoul? No, the surface of his body Without covering Hezi, how could he withstand the attacks of the three of us."

"Unless the opponent predicts the location of the blade at the moment of our attack, then blocks it with Hezi, and then retracts Hezi into his body after our attack is over."

Cold sweat gradually broke out on the ghoul's forehead. At this moment, his mental activities were extremely rich.

"No matter what, the opponent is not something I can defeat."

“Don’t be nervous, answer me a few questions, maybe I’ll let you go.

Click! Xia Shang squeezed it hard, and the scarlet blade in his hand exploded. With a crisp sound, the bright red fragments scattered all over the ground.

"How many ghouls are there in the dungeon?" Xia Shang lowered his hands, stood quietly in front of the ghouls, and said calmly.

"About twenty to thirty thousand people."

The ghoul turned his head and looked behind him. The two companions who were with him had disappeared without a trace.

"Unloyal guy." He complained in his heart, then looked at the man in front of him, and said with a correct attitude: "Most of them are aborigines and their descendants. Fifty years ago, they were After being infected by the one-eyed ghoul underground king, he was driven underground by the humans on the ground."

"So these buildings are all your masterpieces?" Xia Shang looked around and asked.

"Basically, it is, but this is not the core area of ​​the maze. The further you go in, the more complete the building becomes."

The ghoul with scarlet eyes raised his hand and pointed in one direction.

"Take me over there and have a look."

Faced with Xia Shang's request, Ghoul did not dare to refuse.

"Sir, please come with me." He quickly led Xia Shang, fearing that the other party would kill him if he didn't like it.

The living environment in Tokyo 24 District is far more cruel than other areas. Since there are no humans in the underground city, the ghouls can only rely on each other to survive. Therefore, it is called a real human forbidden zone by CCG, and even quasi-special class None of the investigators were qualified to enter alone.

Arima Kisho of CCG leads the team all year round to enter the maze to eliminate ghouls. He calls this action Whac-a-Mole.

Suddenly, Xia Shang stopped.

Not far away, I saw a huge monster eating two corpses on the ground. It faced Xia Shang with its back. It was about three meters tall. There was a row of pale spikes of different lengths on the spine of its back, and There are four or five cracks on the surface of the bloated muscles. If you look closely, you will find that there are dense circles of sharp teeth like the mouthparts of a worm.

"Your companion seems to have been killed." Through the distribution of Hezi on the monster and the coverage area, Xia Shang was basically able to conclude that the opponent should be a top-notch semi-Hezi, and he was probably only one step away from being a Hezi.

"The two of them broke into a chatty place, no wonder they were killed."

The ghoul glanced casually for a few times without any change in his expression, as if the death of his companion was just a trivial matter to him.

"You don't seem sad."

"What's so sad about this? I have changed two waves of companions this month. If the S-class ghoul wants to survive, he must join forces with other ghouls." The ghoul seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly reminded:

"Since I am an outsider who escaped here by chance, I can understand what you say, but those guys who live deep in the maze are different. They don't understand what a hezi is and what a ghoul is. They regard themselves as Humanity.

I guess it may be because they have never left the underground city and have little contact with the above-ground city, so over time, they forget the difference between humans and ghouls. "

"Intruder!" The monster that smelled Xia Shang's scent turned around suddenly, then bared its fangs, opened its mouth suddenly, spit out a ferocious long tongue, and rushed towards Xia Shang like a cannonball.

Xia Shang turned sideways to avoid the attack, and then slashed with his hand.

Poof! In an instant, the long tongue covered with barbs was cut into two pieces, and the fracture was extremely smooth, spraying out a large amount of blood.

Tsk! ! The severed tongue that fell at Xia Shang's feet twisted around like an earthworm. At the same time, the smelly blood fell on the ground, corroding the ground and making a sizzling sound.

"What a quick response."

The ghoul on the side didn't even see clearly how the long tongue came, and the man cut it off.

"I'm going to kill you! Ah!!"

The extremely painful monster, like a violent orangutan, rushed in front of Xia Shang, then raised his hands and struck down hard.

In an instant, Xia Shang jumped up and threw a very heavy whip directly on the monster's head. The monster that had just rushed in front of him flew away at a faster speed in the next second.

With a loud bang, the monster smashed three huts one after another before barely stopping.

When the dust in the sky dispersed, the monster lying in the ruins was seen, its head had been deflated, and there was even yellow-white liquid slowly flowing out from the cracks in the split skull.

"It's a pity that he is a Jiahe."

Xia Shang came to the corpse and was a little disappointed after devouring the He Bao in the other party's body.

Now, he has taken away Yuhe from Fangcun Gongshan, and after devouring a large number of Yuhe ghouls, the fusion level has reached 100%.

In addition, a month ago, Jindai Shaei was successfully promoted to an SSS-level ghoul.

After Xia Shang merged with Yu He, he merged with Wei He He Bao in his body.

The current integration progress of this ability is 95%.

It is estimated that it will be completely integrated soon.

In other words, the only thing missing from the four puzzle pieces is the level of Kamidai Roshi.

In fact, according to the normal speed, Kamishiro Riyo would have been promoted to an SSS-level ghoul long ago. However, manufacturing test subjects requires a large amount of Hebang, so Kamidairo Riyo's promotion speed has slowed down.

However, as time goes by, Rishi is only a hair away from being an SSS-level ghoul.

Xia Shang estimated that he could complete the last piece of the puzzle in a week at most.

"Let's go." Xia Shang reminded the stunned ghoul. (End of chapter)

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