Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 294 The dragon statue in Little Tokyo!

Then, under the leadership of Ghoul, he came to a high wall of flesh and blood made of Hezi.

Xia Shang looked at the wall about a hundred meters high in front of him. It was like a giant stone slab, connected to the top of the cave. There was not just one stone slab, but hundreds of pieces, just like the neatly arranged mahjong on the mahjong table, divided separately in the cave. Out of an isolation area.

"What area of ​​Tokyo is this located in? How thick is the rock layer above it?"

Xia Shang raised his right hand and pressed it gently on the wall.

"I don't know, after all, no one has studied these." The ghoul shook his head, "In fact, we only care about how to fill our stomachs and how to live better."

"Forget it if you don't know."

Thinking about it, for the ghouls living underground and lacking food, how to survive may be the top priority.

"It would be much more convenient if it leads to District 11." Xia Shang looked up at the top of the high wall.

If it happens to be Tokyo District 11, then he doesn't have to waste time and expel the ghouls in the maze to the outside world. To be precise, it should be driven to District 11, which is currently managed by the Bronze Tree.

After all, his purpose of doing this is to gather enough RC cells when he transforms into a dragon. The more, the better.

"To Area 11? I don't quite understand what you mean. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'" The ghoul was a little confused. road.

"You don't have to understand."

As far as Xia Shang knew, District 11 was now overcrowded.

There are not 20,000 but 18,000 ghouls who have fled there. Putting aside everything else, the ghouls have to eat at least twice a week just to fill their stomachs. In other words, they have to consume four times a week. To 50,000 humans, let alone a week, or even a year.

Of course, if they are dispersed to various districts in Tokyo, then their number will not be very large. Moreover, under the restrictions of CCG, most ghouls can only move in a few districts, and they mainly rely on communal ghouls for food. Otherwise, if they are allowed to eat as much as they want, they will probably eat up the entire Tokyo in a few years.

"Sir, if you want to go in, I know there is a secret passage that can lead inside." The ghoul standing behind Xia Shang said in a respectful tone.

"No need."

Xia Shang's legs suddenly exerted force, and he jumped up in an instant, bang! His figure disappeared from the spot instantly like a cannonball, and then like a goat living on a cliff, he jumped onto the wall as if walking on flat ground.

Xia Shang, who came to the top of the wall, looked at the rock pillar hanging down to the side and frowned slightly: "It looks like a pure natural rock layer, with no trace of artificial carving."

With his understanding of the original plot, he vaguely remembered that fifty years ago, the Hexiu family used some unknown means to stuff the one-eyed king on the ground underground to solve the crisis that could destroy Tokyo.

However, according to Xia Shang's guess, the Hexiu family must have found an underground cave and then used explosives to blow up the roof of the cave. This caused the one-eyed king who turned into a dragon on the ground to fall to the ground together with some infected humans. Deep underground.

Therefore, Xia Shang has reason to infer that the extremely wide underground space in front of him is most likely the underground cavity found by the Hexiu family back then.

"My deduction should be correct."

He stood on the wall and looked down.

Within the walls, there is a dilapidated building complex. The houses, streets, high-rise buildings and other buildings seem to correspond one-to-one with Tokyo on the ground. However, the real area may only be ten or ten times the size of Tokyo. One twentieth.

"Little Tokyo... really lives up to its reputation."

At this time, Xia Shang suddenly discovered that on the central street of the building, there was a huge and strange-looking stone statue, which was wreaking havoc on the city with a destructive attitude.

It is different from the gold and wood of the original Chinese dragon. Compared to the centipede form of the gold and wood, the stone statue in front of you is more like a long snake with dozens of pairs of legs, and it is also much larger than the centipede dragon. The body is as big as a residential building. It is hard to imagine how terrifying its strength would be if it were alive.

And its raised head actually has beards and horns, which is almost the same as the mythical dragon.

"This is the real dragon in the ghoul world."

Xia Shang flew to the stone statue and watched its heels digging into the houses on both sides of the street.


Xia Shang tried to analyze the behemoth in front of him, but unfortunately the result given by the panel was that the analysis failed.

Bang! He punched into the stone statue and took out a large amount of stone powder.

"Is it just a simple statue? Or does the dragon's body turn to stone after death?" Xia Shang didn't know the specific reason, but it was obvious that the stone statue in front of him could not be analyzed by the panel.

"It should be the ghouls who created the city back then. In order to recall the past, they imitated their hometown and also imitated the battle scenes at that time and the dragon that destroyed the city."

Xia Shang patted the lime off his hands, then stepped hard on the ground, like a rocket soaring into the sky, using the high-temperature airflow ejected from his back to fly towards the top of the cave.


Sure enough, the height above Little Tokyo was much higher than the outside. After flying nearly three to four hundred meters, Xia Shang noticed that the surrounding space was getting smaller and smaller, like an inverted funnel, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.


Xia Shang bumped into a hard object, and as debris fell, he actually saw some steel structures.

"This is concrete." Xia Shang stretched out his right hand, inserted it into the top, then looked at the dug out concrete and murmured softly.

"It should be very close to the surface. I seem to hear the sound of water flowing."

Half a minute later, a figure suddenly rushed out from the center of the pool, boom! ! Countless water splashed out, and Xia Shang, who flew out of the water, looked around curiously.

Unexpectedly, the Hexiu family actually transformed the top of the underground cave into an artificial waterfall, and it seemed to be a park around it.

"We still have to figure out which area of ​​Tokyo this place is in."

Before leaving, Xia Shang randomly found a huge stone and blocked the entrance of the cave to prevent others from noticing anything unusual.

on the street.

A man wearing a red mask was strangling someone's neck.

"I warned you that any eating behavior must be notified to the Bronze Tree in advance, otherwise..."

"Didn't I just kill a human? I just wanted to fill my stomach. You Bronze Trees have to take care of this. You are too overbearing." The ghoul, whose lips were stained with blood, said weakly with a flushed face.

"Domineering? This is the rule of our Bronze Tree."

Without hesitation, the man penetrated the other party's limbs with his penis, then dragged the other party to a dark place and patiently repaired it.

Seeing this, Xia Shang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Great." (End of this chapter)

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