Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 295 Undercurrent is surging! Organization V surfaced!


At this time, Xia Shang's body in District 24, after taking back the other clones, took Roma back to District 11 of Tokyo.

In fact, compared to two months ago, the changes in Tokyo 11 ward are not big. At most, there are more missing persons cases. The root cause of the lack of large-scale chaos is basically due to the high-pressure management of Bronze Tree.

Under Xia Shang's instructions, any foreign ghoul who disobeys the management will either have his limbs broken and be thrown into a small dark room, or be taken to the laboratory and become the rations of Rise Kamishi or the experimental consumables of Kano Akihiro. .

Of course, there are some thorny heads who rely on their own strength to try to seize the Bronze Tree's territory, but their end is often more miserable. After all, there is a clone of Xia Shang in District 11. Once they try to provoke the Bronze Tree, then Xia Shang's The clones will fall from the sky, kill them forcefully, and hang their heads on street signs to be exposed to the scorching sun.

When some ghouls who were ready to stir up chaos saw the shriveled heads hanging on street signs in Ota District, they regained their senses almost instantly.

"The relationship between father and daughter seems to have recovered well." On the way to the Ghana Laboratory.

Xia Shang happened to pass by the site of Takatsuki Izumi's book signing.

The scene was very popular, and many people lined up with novels, waiting for autographs. Yoshimura Kozen, wearing a brown suit, stood beside Takatsuki Izumi with a smile, helping to sell new books.

Xia Shang did not disturb the two of them, but after watching for a while, he continued walking in the direction of Jiana Laboratory.

at the same time.

In Tokyo District 1, in the CCG headquarters building, a meeting of special investigators is being held.

The gloomy and unsmiling General Speaker and Xiu Changji stood on the stage and shouted in a deep voice: "Can anyone tell me what the Bronze Tree wants to do! They expended so much effort to drive all the ghouls to District 11, and some of them must There is an ulterior conspiracy!

The situation facing CCG now is quite serious, because our opponents will no longer be a mess, but a group of organized and planned ghoul gangs.

Obviously, the Bronze Tree is growing at an unimaginable speed by annexing foreign ghouls. If we do not take necessary measures to stop it, the strongest ghoul organization with the largest number of personnel in history will be born in District 11. By then, the whole world will face their threat, and humanity will be in danger! "

The special investigators in front of the conference table all had solemn expressions. Among them, Black Panyan, who had lost his arm, was the first to speak: "I propose that each special investigator lead an elite team to formally report to the ghoul organization in District 11. The Bronze Tree attacks.”

"Do you want us all to die? It sounds like something only a ghoul would say. Heipan, don't forget that your left arm was easily torn off by that monster.

Maru Tezai, who was sitting next to Kurowanyan, couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Your mouth is still so weak. If you can't speak, you can keep your mouth shut."

The female special prosecutor, Kiyoko Yasuura, frowned and scolded.

"If you ask me, the best solution is not nothing, and I guarantee that there will be no casualties in the CCG."

Marutesai ignored Yasuura Kiyoko and said to himself.

"Let's talk about it." On the stage, He Xiuchang cast his eyes towards Maru Tezhai.

"Uh..." Facing the extremely majestic Kazusu Tsunekichi, Marutesai couldn't help but shrink his neck and sat uprightly, "In fact, we can apply to the military to carry out heavy fire bombing on Tokyo District 11. You know, even if Even an SSS-level ghoul will never be able to withstand the baptism of shells."


After hearing this, the CCG Director and Shukichi were extremely angry. They slapped their hands on the table, stood up and pointed at Marutesai and said angrily: "Absurd! Are you crazy? You actually want the military to bomb Area 11. You want to become Japan." A sinner in history?! I must remind you that there are millions of ordinary humans in Area 11, and they cannot become victims of war! I will not allow it! There is absolutely no way the military will agree!"

"sit down!"

Hexiu Changji looked at Hexiuji with a gloomy face and said.

"As a director, you are still as unstable as a child. You really disappoint me."

Although Hexiu Changji's tone was gentle, it was like a sharp slap on Hexiu Changji's face.

Hexiu Jishi clenched his fists, suppressed his inner anger, and slowly sat back down.

After he sat down, Kazuo Tsunekichi spoke again: "Maratesai's proposal is indeed a bit extreme..."

"Speaker, I'm just joking, please don't..." Marutesai was about to say don't take it seriously, but unexpectedly, Kazusu Tsunekichi on the stage changed the subject.

"But it's not that there is no merit, it's just that the current situation has not developed to that point, so it can only be used as a last resort, and there is no other way."

"After the Bronze Tree took over Area 11, they did not carry out large-scale hunting operations. They even restrained other ghouls from attacking humans wantonly. For this reason, they also killed many guys who were not obedient." Sitting in the meeting Arima Kisho, who was in the first row of the table, suddenly spoke.

His words shocked the Hexiu senior officials present. The people who came to this special meeting were not only the special investigators, but also the senior executives who actually managed the CCG. All of them were members of the Hexiu family. One exception.

"Did they guess that we might use fire coverage to attack them, so we protect humans and treat humans as hostages." One of the senior leaders of Hexiu couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Probably not."

The white-haired Arima Kisho shook his head. From the information given to him by members of the V organization who sneaked into Area 11, it was not difficult to know that the Bronze Tree did not absorb foreign ghouls on a large scale to expand its power, nor did it massacre humans to cause chaos. , but manages District 11 with a strange attitude.

To be honest, even he was quite puzzled by the behavior of the Bronze Tree and the King of Dark Mist behind it.

"What exactly do they want to do..."

Arima Kisho thought about it, but he still couldn't find the key to the problem.

"Now that things have happened, the Bronze Tree is really troublesome. There are not only two owls, but also a group of powerful Bronze Tree trunks. Even the King of Dark Mist has joined them. But having said that, I haven't seen anything about it for a long time. News about Kamishiro Rise." District 2 branch chief Tanaka Maru Mochimoto said while looking at the map of Tokyo on the wall of the conference room.

After all, before the King of Dark Mist appeared, the ghoul who often made news was Kamishiro Rise. But since the King of Dark Mist appeared, Kamishiro Rise seemed to have disappeared and evaporated from the world.

The gods are great!

A glimmer of light suddenly flashed under Arima Kisho's lenses, and Tanakamaru Mochimoto's words seemed to wake him up from his sleep.

Thanks to book friend 11647150903631872 for the reward of 1000 starting coins

By the way, Niuniu got the flu recently, so I stayed in bed for two days. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

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