Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 296 Game between two sides! Disaster is coming!

"Please also leave the conference room temporarily. I have important information to report to the Speaker of the General Assembly alone.

Arima Kisho's expression suddenly became extremely solemn. If he guessed correctly, then Tokyo will probably face a catastrophe that is unimaginable to ordinary people in the near future!

It was the first time for the investigators present to see Arima Noble Admiral show such an expression. They felt a little uneasy in their hearts, but they were wise enough not to ask, but walked out of the conference room with doubts.

After they all left, Kazusu Tsunekichi, who looked gloomy, turned to look at Arima Noble General and asked softly: "Is there anything important that you need to report to me alone?"

"I suspect that the true purpose of the Dark Mist King is to create the legendary dragon."

Arima Kisho had just finished speaking.

Standing on the high platform, Hexiu Changji suddenly narrowed his eyes and said in a lower tone: "Tell me your inference. I don't want this to be just your conjecture."

"Actually, I have been observing every move of the King of Dark Mist. To be honest, I have never understood what the King of Dark Mist wants to do.

The first time he appeared was in the CCG's wanted notice, which did not explain what he had done. The second time he appeared was in the live broadcast of the battle with the One-Eyed Owl. Before that, the camera Several photos were taken of him with Kamishiro Rise and Takatsuki Izumi.

You know, not long ago, there was news that two high school students were hit by falling steel bars, and the girl died on the spot. The dying boy survived after transplanting the girl's organs, and The discharge procedures were successfully completed. "

Kishou Arima stretched out his hand to hold the frame of the mirror, trying to connect all the events.

Hexiu Changji nodded slightly calmly.

"Well, keep talking."

"Coincidentally, the hospital that performs transplant operations is called Kano General Hospital. The president and chief doctor there is our former CCG researcher, Kano Akihiro, and the person who provided the organ to the boy is Ogami Rise, that is to say, Kamishiro Rise is not dead, but someone hid the news that she is still alive from us.

The third time the King of Dark Mist appeared, he led the cadres of the Bronze Tree to capture the Kuikuliya Prison. According to the remains at the scene and the words of the investigators who survived, it can be known that the King of Dark Mist and Kamishiro Rise They all had a large-scale communion. Later, the King of Dark Mist led Kamishiro Riyo to successively capture the shelters in various areas of Tokyo. It is not difficult to see from this.

The King of Dark Mist is trying his best to cultivate the gods, even to the point of being crazy. "

Kishou Arima took out an internal file of the Kazushi family from his pocket, which contained detailed information about Kamishiro Rise.

"Kamidai Rise is a pure-blood descendant of the One-Eyed King, which means that she has the potential to transform into a dragon. If my inference is correct, then the true purpose of the King of Dark Mist is to train Kamishiro Rise into a dragon.

That's why he personally took action and drove all the ghouls in other areas to District 11. He wanted all the ghouls in District 11, as well as millions of humans, to become nourishment when Li Shi transformed into a dragon. "

Speaking of this, Lord Arima couldn't help but feel frightened by Xia Shang's deliberateness and cruelty.

Those are millions of living beings, and the other party has absolutely no humanity at all!

And once the opponent succeeds, the dragon bred from one area will be unimaginably terrifying.

This is an unprecedented catastrophe for Tokyo and even Japan as a whole!

"Kamidai Riyo is not a one-eyed ghoul, and there is no possibility of transforming into a dragon." Hexiu Tsunekichi said lightly.

If Kamishiro Rise really could become the One-Eyed King, he would not have allowed Kamishiro Rise to wander outside for so long. To put it bluntly, it was precisely because he did not think that it was possible for Kamishiro Rise to transform into a dragon, so he would have allowed Kamishiro Rise to turn into a dragon. Li Shi doesn't care.

However, what he didn't know was that Kudo Erfu had a way to combine the one-eyed ghoul with Kamishiro Rise to create a real dragon.

The original plan of the old Duo Erfu was to transplant Rishi's bag and become a one-eyed ghoul, and then merge with Rishi to become the world-destroying dragon, so that he and Rishi could be together forever, completely integrated into one. !

Unexpectedly, Arima Kisho shook his head after hearing this, "The King of Dark Mist must have mastered the method of transforming the world into a dragon, and I suspect that someone within the Hexiu family is colluding with him."

"I will send people to investigate the matter about the traitor. Now we should focus on the King of Dark Mist. From the previous encirclement and suppression operations, it is basically certain that he is the strongest ghoul in history. Almost any method can defeat him." If you can’t kill him, even if you take action, the probability of being able to kill him is very slim.”

Hexiu Tsunekichi really didn't know where the Dark Mist King came from as a freak. He even suspected that the Dark Mist King might have been smuggled into Japan from overseas.

"Sir Speaker, I think the top priority right now is to destroy his plan. If he succeeds, the entire Japan may be in ruins."

"How do you plan to destroy the Dark Mist King's plan?" Hexiu Changji asked.

"Revealing the Dark Mist King's dragon-making plan, once the ghouls in District 11 learn that the Dark Mist King only regards them as sacrifices for making dragons, they will definitely flee District 11 to save their lives, and may even Because of anger, I chose to attack the King of Dark Mist in a group."

Arima Kisho's plan can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Not only can it destroy Xia Shang's plan, but it can also break the current stable situation in District 11 and prevent the Bronze Tree from continuing to grow. In addition, all the ghouls will know that After the King of Dark Mist's plan, there is a high probability that they will stand on the opposite side of the Bronze Tree and the King of Dark Mist. In this way, the current unfavorable situation for CCG can be reversed in an instant.

But what he thought of, Xia Shang also thought of.

At this moment, a search officer knocked on the door of the conference room. After receiving permission, the search officer handed a letter into the hands of Kazuki Tsunekichi.

"Sir Speaker, this is a letter sent by the King of Dark Mist. The person who sent the letter said that he wants me to deliver the letter to you personally."

Tsunekichi frowned and opened the envelope in front of Arima Kisho.

He took the letter and read down line by line.

After Hexiu Changji finished reading, his face was already ashen.

"How dare you threaten me! Good! Very good!!" Hexiu Changji has never had such a deep hatred for a ghoul. Now he just wants to beat the bones of the Dark Mist King and pick out the Dark Mist King's tendons!

“Let’s not announce the Dark Mist King’s plan for now, let me think about it again.”

Hexiu Changji suddenly crumpled the white paper into a ball and walked straight out of the conference room.

"What on earth was written in the letter? How could the Speaker be able to compromise? Could it be that..." Kisho Arima looked at the back of Kazuki Tsunekichi as he left, thinking secretly in his heart.

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