Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 297 Hebao Fusion! Complete the last piece of the puzzle


On the other side, in the Kano Laboratory located in Tokyo 6th Ward, Akihiro Kano, wearing a white coat, had just completed an operation.

At this time, he looked calmly at the experimental subject twisting in pain on the operating table, and the expression on his face did not change at all.


I saw the experimental subject whose limbs were restrained by steel hoops, roaring at Kano Akihiro with a ferocious face. At the same time, a large amount of saliva oozed from the mouth full of fangs, and the originally normal eyeballs turned into extremely scarlet eyes.

Bang! Bang bang! ! The body began to twist the swollen experimental body, struggling wildly, and his hands kept slamming hard on the operating table beneath him.

However, the operating table made of special steel is extremely hard, and even the experimental body with bloated muscles cannot destroy it with all its strength.

"Failed again."

Akihiro Kano held the notebook, observing the changes in the experimental subjects, while lowering his head to record the experimental data in the notebook.

Failure is a common occurrence for him.

In the past two months, he has presided over at least more than 300 operations. The only successful ones so far are Fieguchi Hinami, Kamishiro Shaei, Kyuta Erfuku, and the twins Anju Hakuna and Anju Kurena. It can be seen from this that , how low is the probability of success of the operation.

"Akihiro Kano is still in there?" Xia Shang walked into the laboratory and looked at Rise Kamishiro, whose face became a little rounder.

After a long period of nourishment, this guy's face has become rounder.

"Since I went in in the morning, I have come out twice, once to go to the toilet and once to have lunch." Kamishiro Rise was holding a straw in his mouth and said vaguely.

In order to save Kamdai Riyo the time to eat, Kano Akihiro specially invented an oral nutritional solution for her, which has the same effect as eating ghouls directly.

"I advise you to let him rest, otherwise I'm really worried that he will suddenly die suddenly one day. By the way, I have good news for you. I am now an SSS-level ghoul." Kamishiro Riyo walked to Xia with some pride. In front of Shang, several bright red He Zi were summoned.

"He is a doctor, a very pure doctor. He knows his physical condition well."

Through the original work, Xia Shang understands Kano Akihiro very well. His purpose is to "break the birdcage of the world." This does not only refer to the rule of the Hexiu family, but also the gap between humans and ghouls. , Kano Akihiro's ideal is to realize the harmonious coexistence of humans and ghouls. He sees hope in the one-eyed ghoul, so he devotes all his body and mind to the research of ghouls.

For this reason, as long as he can realize his ideals, he can abandon them at will, whether it is ethics or social norms. He is more like a body, a body controlled by his ideals.

Xia Shang can't comment on this, as long as the other party can be used for him.

Beep beep beep! ! !

A rapid ringing sound suddenly sounded from the ceiling of the laboratory.

After hearing this, Kamishiro Rise put down the nutrient solution in his hand and walked towards the operating room.

Soon, she dragged a modified body wrapped in Hezi out of the operating room, and then skillfully locked it in a culture tank inside the wall.

"The quantity is almost enough. It should be able to meet the conditions for Li Shi to transform into a dragon." Kano Akihiro, who followed Li Shi out of the operating room, took off his mask, revealing an extremely tired face.


Xia Shang's eyes swept across Kano Akihiro's face, and then looked at Kamishiro Roshi, "But it's not yet time, I need Kamishiro Roshi to do me a small favor."

"follow me."

Then, he took Kamishiro Rise into a closed room. The room was entirely bright silver, and the surrounding walls were covered with a layer of metal.

"You should know what I want."

"That's it for you." Faced with the guy in front of him who didn't know how to be romantic, Kamishiro Riyo didn't have the slightest intention of teasing Kaneki Ken. Instead, he honestly dug out the vagina from his body and handed it to Xia Shang.

"Then you just need to keep providing He Bao until I tell you to stop."

Xia Shang opened the panel and prepared to add the last piece of the puzzle.

[Linhe is merging, the current fusion progress is 2%]

In the next two days, Kamishiro Rise kept digging out the Hebu repeatedly. At first, he was a little uncomfortable with it, but as time went by, he became numb.


"It is a difficult task to snatch Kamishiro Riyo from the hands of the King of Dark Mist."

In a villa located in the core area of ​​Tokyo District 1, the leader of the V organization, Mustachio, wearing a black top hat and black suit, dressed like a mafia, said with a smile.

He is Arima Kisho's master and former Yoshimura Kozen's immediate boss.

His appearance was a little weird. His pale face had no eyebrows or beard, and he looked like he was wearing a human skin mask. No matter which angle he looked at, he gave people an awkward feeling.

"It is very likely that Kamishiro Riyo is in Kano Akihiro's laboratory. That laboratory used to be the territory of CCG. The previous manager was Anjiu Shisei. Later, Anjiu Shisei died and was abandoned by CCG. According to my investigation, I learned , Anjiu Qisheng’s house was bought by Kano Akihiro, and he probably discovered a secret passage hidden under the house that leads to the laboratory.”

Hexiu Changji stood in front of the window and said with his back to Mustard Seed.

"I'm not asking you to confront the King of Dark Mist head-on. The King of Dark Mist is currently in District 11, and the laboratory is located in District 6 of Tokyo. As long as you move fast enough, you can easily complete the task."

Hexiu Changji is basically certain that there is a traitor within the Hexiu family, otherwise the King of Dark Mist would not have known so much of the dark history of the Hexiu family and even used it to threaten him.

"I understand." Jie Zi bent down slightly, then turned and walked to the villa.

As soon as he left the villa, he called Jiu Duoerfu.

"As you expected, that old guy wants me to personally take action and snatch Kamishiro Rise from the hands of the King of Dark Mist."

"This is his only choice. Only with Kamidai Rise can he be qualified to negotiate with the King of Dark Mist." Jiu Duoerfu knew very well that even if he and Xiu Changji used all their cards, they would not be able to threaten the King of Dark Mist. , so he could only target Kamishiro Riyo.

"You don't really want to do things for him."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not that foolish and loyal guy like Arima Kishou. I'm half human. Transforming the world into a dragon can only be beneficial to me."

"Wait for the news, the Hexiu family should also be destroyed."

After Jiu Duo Erfu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He has noticed that in the past two days, there have been many unfamiliar faces around him. It seems that the old guy Hexiu Changji has finally discovered some clues.

"Mr. Kano, please hand the phone to the King of Dark Mist." He called Akihiro Kano. (End of chapter)

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