Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 299 Analyzing Dragon Core! Devour Lishi!

[Talent Skill: Dragon Core]

[Fusion conditions: Swallow the dragon-shaped Hebao in Li Shi's body]

[After fusion, some of the mutated cells in the player's body will condense and refine the dragon transformation gene. This gene can prompt the player to transform into a dragon. However, unlike the original form of the ghoul, 'dragon', the dragon transformed by the player will Some sense of self will be retained.

However, once the dragon transformation begins, it cannot end. Unless the player is willing to break away from the dragon body, the dragon transformation will continue until the player's cells reach a critical point and collapse directly because they cannot bear the increasing energy. 】

"Retain part of your self-awareness? How much of it will you retain?" Seeing this, Xia Shang couldn't help but have the urge to curse.

If the part of self-awareness that is retained cannot notice that the cells are on the verge of collapse, then this innate skill is almost the same as committing suicide.

"Forget it, I'd better keep reading."

[In addition, once dragon transformation begins, the special cells in the player's body will fall into irreversible malignant proliferation, and during the proliferation process, a special toxin will be released. Humans infected with this special toxin will transform into A special ghoul, and unconscious.

At the same time, the unconscious special ghouls will look for humans and ghouls to devour. After the special cells in their bodies accumulate to a certain level, they will emit toxins, infect the surrounding humans, and return to the dragon's body. Contribute all your energy to the dragon. ɱ

As long as the number of humans is large enough, this process will continue to cycle. It is through this cycle that the dragons will continue to grow stronger until the player's cells collapse because they cannot bear the increasing energy.

Friendly reminder, the player body in the dragon body can be strengthened during the above process]

It wasn't until he read the skill introduction on the panel that Xia Shang smiled again.

There is no doubt that the growth of this ability is simply impeccable. As long as he uses the ability to transform into a dragon many times, he can rely on strengthening to continuously increase the strength of the cells in his body. This is equivalent to constantly raising the tolerance threshold of his cells. Later, it's almost harder to crash.

However, correspondingly, the energy required will become larger and larger. It is estimated that even if he devours the entire human population on the planet, it may be difficult to satisfy his appetite.

What about other creatures outside the planet? Or superhumans from higher worlds, such as the mutants in the X-Men, who may be infected by his toxins.

In short, this ability needs to be continuously developed, and the noise it makes is a bit loud, which can easily attract the attention of some strong people.

"Why do I feel like I am running all the way in the direction of Cthulhu?" Xia Shang thought of the Black Goat organization founded by Kaneki Ken in the original Ghoul.

"Don't think too much about it for now. If you can't retain much consciousness, then this ability will just sit under the box and gather dust.

Just in case, Xia Shang separated three clones, so that even if the main body collapsed with the dragon, he could be resurrected with the help of the clones. After solving his worries, Xia Shang lowered his head and looked at the dragon at his feet.

"Where is Li Shi's true body...?"

Different from the original work, after the dragon destroyed and swallowed the entire Tokyo, a flower of flesh and blood bloomed at the top, and in the center of the flower's stamen was Kamishiro Rise wrapped in something similar to transparent green fluorite. At this time, Xia Shang guessed that the gods should be in the depths of the dragon.

"Break a hole and get in."

Xia Shang raised his right hand and shook it hard.

I saw his right arm quickly twisting and deforming into a black blade, and under the moonlight, it glowed with a cold light.

The dragon beneath him seemed to sense Xia Shang's malice.

Several flesh-and-blood tentacles with two rows of teeth that looked like giant worms suddenly lifted up, carrying powerful force, and bit towards Xia Shang.

"too slow."

Xia Shang also transformed his other arm into a sharp blade, and then jumped up high.


Several rays of cold light, like lightning, flashed past the flesh and blood tentacles, poof! The tough skin was instantly broken open, and a large amount of blood splattered from it. At the same time, the severed tentacles fell to the ground with a crash, and soon lost their vitality.

Unexpectedly, the severe pain aroused the dragon's ferocious intention. It roared and crashed into a building in a twisted and crawling posture.

boom! !

A big hole was knocked out of the building in an instant, and it was crumbling in the dust. Xia Shang, who was standing on the dragon's head, in order to stabilize his body, inserted his double blades into the dragon's skin, stabbing! Xia Shang pulled hard and pulled out two bloody wounds.

"Interesting." Xia Shang used Hezi to wrap his whole body, including his mouth, nose and other parts.

Boom! ! !

The dragon, aware of the foreign object inside his body, let out an unexplained roar while rolling on the ground, directly crushing many buildings.

Seeing this scene, the military thought that the bombing had an effect, so they quickly increased their firepower in an attempt to kill the monster that suddenly appeared in Tokyo.

"Did you find the monster's weakness? Well done! Give me more firepower and don't be stingy with the shells!"

At this time, after hearing the voice in the headset, the pilot on the fighter jet pressed the fire button towards the dragon in the ruins.

boom! !

The missiles carried by the two fighter jets roared with tail flames and hit the dragon's head.

As a result, when the smoke dissipated, the dragon was still safe and furiously destroying the building.

"How is the effect?" the military asked.

"Effect? ​​No effect!"

A tentacle of flesh and blood soared into the sky, like a cannonball, and shot toward the fighter jet. The pilot in the plane pulled the joystick urgently, causing the plane to climb up quickly, and then barely avoided the attack.

"How is that possible?" the military said in disbelief.

"The monster's skin is so hard that missiles can't penetrate it at all!"

The driver was a little desperate, because a huge tentacle suddenly appeared in front of the glass cover.


A dazzling fire suddenly exploded in the air.

"Damn it!"

The military slammed the lost communication device on the table.

This is already four destroyed aircraft, and as for tanks, there are countless more.

"What's going on at the CCG? Are you still unable to contact Hexiu Changji?"

"Not only Hexiu Changji, but also the entire CCG's senior management, it's like they have disappeared from the world, and no one can be contacted."

"Made! Don't worry about them. Let the entire army be mobilized to seal the monsters within Tokyo."

The picture came to Xia Shang's side.

After some searching, he finally saw Kamishiro Riyo with his eyes closed and black patterns all over his body among the scarlet flesh.

Without saying a word, he raised his hand and shot out a tentacle, instantly piercing Kamishiro Riyo's abdomen.

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