Poof! A bloody Hebao was dug out by Xia Shang.

"He Bao after dragon transformation seems to be no different from before." He retracted his tentacles, then looked at the scarlet meat ball still beating slightly in his palm, and couldn't help raising his head and cracking the corners of his mouth.

"Come on, let me experience what it feels like to transform into a dragon."

Xia Shang stuffed the meat ball into his mouth and swallowed it directly without tasting it.

[Dragon core fusion is in progress, the current progress is 2%]

Almost instantly, an indescribable pain completely enveloped Xia Shang like a tide.


He felt that every piece of flesh and blood in his body was being decomposed and reorganized. The cells that were once tightly controlled by him were now like wild beasts that had broken free of their restraints and began to proliferate crazily.

laugh! ! I saw two streaks of white high-temperature steam gushing out from both sides of Xia Shang's mouth. The steam rose upwards, causing great pain to the dragon outside.

At this time, his body was expanding at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. Whether it was muscles, bones, or internal organs, they were growing in a twisted state. Soon, he expanded from an ordinary size to a... Five meters high.

A large amount of muscles accumulated on the surface of his body, forming a structure similar to an eggshell. However, in the next second, several worm-like black tentacles broke out of the hard eggshell and inserted into the flesh of the surrounding dragons. Like a straw, sucking the flesh and blood of the dragon.

Gulu gulu...

Balls bulge out from the tubular tentacles, which continuously transport nutrients to the inside of the eggshell.


"Help! Help!!"

Rivers of blood had already flowed on the dilapidated streets, and broken limbs and broken arms could be seen almost everywhere, making it seem like a purgatory on earth.

"Damn it!"

Dong Xiang originally wanted to save a man, but she didn't expect that the open space in front of her suddenly started to tremble. Then, a fleshy creature extended from a dragon emerged from the ground and swallowed the man in one bite.

"Get out of here first."

At the critical moment, Fangcun Gongshan transformed into an owl, raised his blade-like arms, and blocked Dongxiang's tentacle attack.

"These monsters are everywhere, where are we going?" Demon Ape Gujian did not expect that even after escaping from Area 11, he could still see the monster's tentacles.

"How big is this guy! Has the whole of Tokyo fallen?"

Demon Ape Gujian said with some despair.

"Go to Tokyo District 1, maybe the CCG knows something." Yoshimura Kozen doesn't want to get entangled with the tentacles, because even if he cuts off the tentacles in front of him, he can't hurt the tentacles themselves. Instead of wasting his energy here, it's better to leave. Go find solutions to problems.

But when they finally arrived in Tokyo District 1 and talked with Special Investigation Officer Kuro Iwa and others, they found that they knew nothing about the appearance of the monster.

"The only thing that can be determined now is that the identity of the monster must be related to the ghoul, and the place where it first appeared was in District 11, which is the territory of the Bronze Tree. The sudden appearance of the monster must be related to the Bronze Tree and the King of Dark Mist. It’s related, maybe they are the ones who created the monster.”

Hei Panyan and others led the CCG investigators to build a line of defense with the CCG headquarters building as the center.

While Black Panyan directed the investigators to shoot the flesh and blood tentacles on the ground, he took in the refugees and took refuge in the building.

"You stay here, I'll go find Aite."

Fangcun Gongshan thought of his daughter as the leader of the Bronze Tree. She must know something.

At this moment, a black car drove from a distance.

"It is the exclusive vehicle of the President-General."

A sharp-eyed investigator shouted in surprise after seeing the car.

Hei Panyan and others immediately surrounded him.

But when the car window rolled down, they saw the dying Hexiu Changji in the driver's seat.

It turns out that Jiuduoerfu did not kill Hexiu Changji, but cut off his legs. The purpose was to let him save his last breath and witness the power of the dragon with his own eyes.

"Kamidai Rise...she turned into a dragon. As long as she is dug out of the dragon's body, the monster will collapse. Kuropan, please come closer, I..."

Kazuo Tsunekichi, who planned to rely on swallowing the black rock to recover from his injuries, hadn't finished speaking yet.

A figure slammed down from the air with a bang! The roof of the car was directly smashed flat, and Hexiu Changji inside was turned into flesh under the squeeze of the huge force. Only bright red blood could be seen slowly flowing out from under the car.

"This old guy's vitality is his tenacity. He dares to tip off even when he is about to die."

Roma looks a bit scary in her form. Her lower body has turned into a huge humanoid monster. The monster's head is a bit like the pea cannon in Plants vs. Zombies, except that the cylindrical mouth of the pea cannon , covered with densely packed sharp fangs.


Fangcun Gongshan was naturally familiar with the little follower of the King of Dark Mist in front of him, but what he didn't expect was that the little girl who looked ordinary and harmless would actually be a ghoul with SSS-level strength. kind.

"The monster that appeared in Tokyo District 11 was caused by the King of Dark Mist." Yoshimura Kozen said solemnly.

"you guess?"

Roma laughed playfully and looked behind her: "Okay, you guys, stop hiding and tucking us in. Come out."

I saw several figures of different heights walking from the ruins of the building and appearing in front of everyone.

"What a lovely and beautiful creature."

Looking at the flesh and blood tentacles wreaking havoc on the streets, Jiu Duoerfu said with an intoxicated expression.

"When will it release its toxin?" Mustard Zi asked with a cold face.

"I don't know, maybe we have to wait until it has completely transformed."

Jiuduoerfu smiled and said hello to Fangcun Gongshan and others: "Good evening, everyone. The appearance of the dragon does not affect your rest."

"I want to see the King of Dark Mist."

Fangcun Gongshan ignored Jiu Duo Erfu, but walked up to Fangcun Aite and said in a low voice: "You guys have gone too far this time. Do you know how many humans and ghouls were killed by monsters? They didn't No matter what mistake they make, they are just living lives.”

"I don't know where the King of Dark Mist is." The expressionless Fangcun Aite said calmly, "Only destruction can usher in new life. I want to completely change this bullshit world."

"Store manager, look quickly."

Demon Ape Koma suddenly pointed to the huge tentacle in the distance and exclaimed: "That thing seems to have been injured."

I saw that the flesh and blood man who had emerged from the ground seemed to have been drained of strength and fell limply to the ground, motionless.

Seeing this, Jiuduo Erfu quickly came over and said anxiously: "What's going on? How could my lovely dragon be injured?"

"Did someone hurt the dragon's body?"

Worried about the safety of the dragon, Jiu Duo Erfu anxiously ran towards the dragon's location and disappeared from everyone's eyes in a few jumps.

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