Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 302 True despair, Xia Shang transforms into a dragon!

boom! At this time, a loud noise like thunder suddenly came from inside the giant cocoon. The huge noise was like a heavy hammer hitting Fangcun Gongshan's heart. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, and his expression suddenly changed. It's a bit pale, and what's even more terrible is that once the sound starts, it seems that it doesn't intend to stop.

Rumble...the sound was extremely dull, a bit like the roar of a mechanical engine when starting.

"No, you have to get out of here quickly." Fangcun Gongshan manipulated Hezi and blocked his ears, trying to isolate the sound. Unfortunately, the effect was mediocre. The roar of an engine, with a strange rhythm, penetrated his skin and reached his heart.

Fangcun Gongshan only felt that his brain was buzzing, as if someone was holding his brain and shaking it.

Fangcun Gongshan felt a splitting headache, his breathing gradually became more intense, and his violently beating heart seemed to rush out of his chest.

At this moment, a dull and powerful voice sounded again!

Fangcun Gongshan was so unbearable that he almost fell to the ground. His face turned pale and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood!

"That is…"

Fangcun Gongshan endured the discomfort and looked around. Unexpectedly, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Kamishiro Riyo in the corner, his eyes closed tightly, and he fell into a coma.

Finally found!

He immediately came to Kamdairiyo, and just when he was about to touch Kamdairiyo, a cracking sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

Fangcun Gongshan suddenly turned his head and looked towards the giant cocoon.

I saw the giant black cocoon with a rock-like shell shaking slightly. Then, cracks slowly crawled across the surface of the entire giant cocoon, and a little red light seeped out of the cracked gaps. Several After taking a breath, the red light radiating to the surroundings gradually became deeper and more dazzling.

It was as if molten fluid from deep underground was flowing in the cracks.

At the same time, the temperature in the cavity rose rapidly with the appearance of red light. Soon, Fangcun Gongshan smelled the smell of burnt protein.

He looked down and saw that it was not only the flesh and blood on the ground that was scorched, but even the hair covering his body had a tendency to melt.

Fangcun Gongshan originally thought about destroying the giant cocoon in front of him, but if he didn't leave now, he might be roasted alive by the high temperature emitted by the giant cocoon.

"Forget it, the top priority right now is to take Kamidai Rise out."

He fished out Kamishiro Riyo from within the barrier, then his legs exploded with great strength, turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

His actions seemed to have touched the reverse scales of a dragon. Countless tendrils of flesh emerged from the flesh wall and rushed towards Fangcun Gongshan.

Fang Cun Gongshan was already in the strongest He Zhe form at this time, but in the entanglement of the fleshy whiskers, his physical strength was declining at an alarming rate.

Finally, he struggled to tear off the flesh tendrils wrapped around his ankles, used up his last bit of strength, raised his left arm that turned into a spur, and suddenly cut open the wall of flesh in front of him, looking at a flash of light that appeared in front of him, He jumped up!


The next second, Fangcun Gongshan, covered in blood and broken flesh, burst out of the dragon's body and fell heavily to the ground.

"Store manager!"

Furujian and others who were guarding outside hurriedly walked to Fangcun Gongshan to check the injury.

"I...I'm fine." Fangcun Gongshan, whose physical strength was exhausted, supported the ground with his right hand, half-knelt on the ground, and said softly.

"It's just superhuman."

Seeing this, Luo Ma sneered, then stretched out her huge right arm and grabbed Fangcun Gongshan's head.

If caught, Fangcun Gongshan's head would be crushed like a watermelon by Roma!

At this critical moment, a cold light flashed through, and then, Roma's right arm flew into the air, spraying out a large amount of blood. As soon as the blood touched the ground, it corroded the ground into pits.

"I didn't expect that you actually rescued Kamidai Riyo."

Arima Kisho suddenly appeared in the open space in front of Fangcun Gongzen. While sheathing his sword, he said in a slightly surprised tone.

boom! The earth trembled again, and the dragon that had lost its core was like a toppled building block. The flesh and blood on its body continued to collapse, and the flesh and blood quickly turned black and shriveled under everyone's eyes.

At this time, the dragon lying in the ruins became lifeless like a withered vine.

" deserve to die!"

Kyuta Erfu, who followed Arima Kisho, saw the dragon queen whose body was constantly collapsing. He was so angry that he could not wait to cut into pieces the Yoshimura Kozen who was half kneeling on the ground.

"Now send Kamishiro Riyo in, maybe we can revive the dragon."

Roma, who had one of her arms chopped off by Arima Kisho, said to Kyuta Erfuku.

"You want to send Li Shi in, do you have my permission?"

Kamishiro Shaei appeared behind Roma in a flash.

"You want to betray us?" Roma manipulated the huge body under her and looked at Kamishiro Charei with disdain.

"When did I agree to join you?"

Several extremely thick tails emerged from the tail vertebrae of Kamidai Charei in an instant, "I will take Li Shi away today, and no one can stop me."

With a bang, several Taihe suddenly slapped the ground. With the strong thrust, Jindai Charong jumped up high, followed by a quick and accurate whip kick, which kicked the shoulder of Romah's body. Bang! ! There was a loud explosion, and the huge Roma was kicked into the ruins of the roadside building by Jindai Shaei.

Seeing Roma flying backwards after his shoulder was broken by his kick, Kamishiro Charei did not pursue the victory, but used his tail to roll up Kamishiro Riyo on the ground and escape from the battlefield.

Just as Jiu Duo Erfu and others were about to catch up, the ground suddenly started to tremble.

Along with the earthquake, there was also a terrifying black shadow. The black shadow tore open the dragon's skin and rushed out of the dragon's body.

"!!!" Jiu Duo Erfu opened his eyes wide and looked at the dragon-shaped beast that rushed out of the smoke.

He saw the giant beast raising its head and roaring, with three pairs of ferocious sharp horns like tree branches, as if they were about to pierce the sky. Compared with the dragon transformed by the gods, the behemoth in front of him seemed more ferocious and terrifying.

The dragon's body, which is hundreds of meters long, is actually covered with a layer of pitch-black bone spurs like scales, and a dazzling red light flows out from the gaps between the bone spurs, as if magma is flowing inside.

In addition, what made everyone feel chilled was that the dragon feet growing out on both sides of the monster's body were actually pairs of sharp claws that looked like human hands. Under the weak moonlight, the monster looked like it had climbed out of the depths of hell. He appeared like a demon, giving the world deep despair.

strength! Xia Shang felt an unprecedented power. He slowly lowered his head and looked down at Jiu Duoerfu and others who were as big as ants on the ground. Then, he opened his huge mouth and roared!

boom! The huge storm formed by the shock wave swept towards the ground in an instant. Amidst the roar, a large number of buildings were razed to the ground. (End of chapter)

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