Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 303 Destruction! Rivers of blood!

At this moment, dozens of fighter jets appeared in the sky above Tokyo. They passed through the smoke and dust and poured out firepower crazily at the monsters on the ground!

In an instant, countless missiles whizzed and hit Xia Shang's torso, then exploded violently. Amidst the continuous explosions, dazzling firelights suddenly lit up.

"Are you tickling me?"

Xia Shang raised his head and stared at the group of planes in the sky with scarlet eyes. The fierce gunfire could not even break a single bone scale on his body.

"What a weak attack."

The dragon whiskers growing on both sides of his cheeks and ears fluttered majestically in the absence of wind, as if adding a bit of elegance to Xia Shang.

"Aim all the firepower at the monster's head. I don't believe it has no weaknesses!" The commander-in-chief in the war room was able to observe the details of the battle in real time through the camera equipment carried on a drone. When he saw After seeing the monster that was covered by gunfire but still unscathed, his eyes were full of panic. He didn't bother to wipe the sweat on his forehead and roared into the communicator in his hand.

The RB Prime Minister standing next to him looked at Xia Shang on the screen. He knew that if the fighter jets equipped with the latest weapons could not hurt the opponent, then RB would be completely doomed.


Like a swarm of bees, the fighter jets immediately adjusted their shooting angles, aimed the missiles at the monster's head, and then pressed the launch button.

"That's almost it. I really thought I had no temper." Xia Shang mobilized the sharp bone spurs on his body and saw black piton-like bone spurs standing up, and a red luster oozed from the bottom of each bone spur. Bang! In an instant, countless bone spurs shot out into the sky, covering the sky like dark clouds and the sound was extremely powerful!

His current opponent is no longer the ghoul, but the whole world!

Facing the attack like a torrential rain, the fighter jets in the night sky had no way to escape. In the end, they exploded one after another, turning into dazzling balls of fire and falling rapidly towards the ground.

"It's over... RB is over." Seeing this scene, the Prime Minister stumbled back a few steps with a pale face, and finally sat limply on the ground. His whole body seemed to have had his spine removed, and his eyes were dull. Looking ahead, his lips were trembling, as if he had something to say but didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, at this point, we can only seek help from the outside world."

As the commander-in-chief of the military, he could barely maintain his composure, but his face was extremely ugly.

"Impossible! Do you want the whole world to see the ugliness of our country? Shame! This is simply a huge shame!" The Prime Minister suddenly got up from the ground with strength that he didn't know where, and shouted angrily at the commander-in-chief. : "Mobilize all your forces, including the army, navy, air force, and those damn CCG investigators. Even if you spend countless lives, you must kill that monster! No matter what the cost!"

"..." The commander-in-chief fell silent for a moment. He knew very well how powerful the monster was. Even if he used all the troops, he would only die in the past. However, obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier. After a moment, he nodded heavily: "Stop it. Come, I will send people to the battlefield immediately."


At the same time, Xia Shang slowly moved towards Tokyo District 1. Every time he moved, the ground shook. After countless buildings were crushed by him, they suddenly turned into ruins. Even buildings hundreds of meters high were turned into ruins. Even tall buildings cannot resist his footsteps. It can even be said that with a random swing of his tail, he can level a large number of buildings to the ground.

During the move, Xia Shang didn't know how many lives were taken, but he didn't care because it was difficult for him to be affected by the death of the ants.

About twenty minutes passed.

He finally saw the headquarters building of the Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau.

"Sure enough, all the remaining humans have come here." Xia Shang raised his body, and then like digging out a cake, he stretched out his thick and scaly right claw and inserted it into the building. With a bang, he dug out A large piece of building debris was then gently squeezed, and only powdery gravel was seen falling from his fingers.

The alarm inside the building suddenly sounded, the sound was rapid and harsh!

"Fight for humanity! Fight for the country!"

Armored vehicles drove up to Xia Shang one after another, and countless well-equipped soldiers filed out of them. Their eyes under their goggles were particularly determined. Even when facing Xia Shang, who was huge and ferocious in appearance, they did not retreat at all.

"A group of ants are only worthy of becoming my nourishment."

If you look closely at Xia Shang's scarlet eyes, you will find that there is more animality than humanity in them.

laugh! !

Xia Shang's body slowly opened a series of fine holes, and a large number of small particles similar to spores spewed out, spreading slowly around like a thick black mist.

The soldier who accidentally inhaled the toxin instantly covered his neck and fell to the ground, twitching all over. But a few seconds later, dark fleshy tendrils emerged from his body, covering him completely. The infected human slowly got up. At this time, their Their eyes were so red they could drip blood, and they were covered with a layer of pitch-black armor. Their overall appearance was somewhat similar to Xia Shang's clones.

As soon as they got up, they started to kill their colleagues around them.

For a time, the battlefield became extremely chaotic. People were losing their lives every moment, and broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere.

Xia Shang looked around and saw that the ground was already blood red, like a hell on earth!

As time went by, the sky turned from dark to bright, but the sun was not exposed. Instead, it was blocked by heavy dark clouds. The sky was gray, as if someone had put a layer of haze on it.

At this time, Xia Shang, who had absorbed a large number of abandoned dragons, expanded to a thousand meters in size, and the bone spurs lying on his body became harder.

"It's not enough, it's far from enough." Xia Shang, who was partially entrenched on the building, slowly let go of the building like a giant python. He was now preparing to head to areas outside Tokyo to continue looking for prey.

On the other side, in the military combat command room, the Prime Minister tremblingly picked up a short knife and pointed the tip of the knife at his abdomen.

"Inform the outside world, just say...just say that RB is destroyed."

He closed his eyes in pain, and with a pop, he forcefully inserted the tip of the knife into his abdomen, and then slashed downwards!

"As Prime Minister, I have no face to face what happened. I will commit seppuku and apologize!"

Seeing this, the commander-in-chief's mouth twitched, as if he was forcibly suppressing the pain and sadness in his heart.

He came to the computer, pressed the button, and sent the pictures and information about Xia Shang to the whole world.

"That's Tokyo?" The president of Country M, who was far away in North America, jumped up from his chair with a look of shock after seeing the devastated Tokyo. (End of chapter)

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