Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 304 Activating nuclear weapons! Back in black robe!

“According to the latest intelligence from the front, the death toll from this accident may have reached three million, and it is still rising.

In the President's Office of the White House, the Secretary of Defense handed the paper document in his hand to the President of Country M.

"Why are there two monsters?" The blond president opened the document and looked at the photos above, and couldn't help but be a little surprised: "And they look similar. Could they be related?"

What the hell are these problems?

The Minister of Defense's face suddenly darkened.

You know, what was destroyed by the monster was not an unknown country, but a developed country with strong military strength.

"Mr. President, there may indeed be some connection between the two monsters."

The Minister of Defense opened his suitcase and found a computer inside. He put the suitcase on his desk and clicked on a video.

He pointed at the 'dragon' transformed by Riyo on the screen and said: "According to the information sent by RB, this monster is likely to be related to a female ghoul named Kamdai Riyo. That female The ghoul was affected by unknown factors and turned into the monster in the video, which they called a 'dragon'."

Looking at the behemoth destroying the city in the video, the blond president swallowed subconsciously. Fortunately, the monster appeared in Tokyo, not Washington.

"But it wasn't what really caused Tokyo's destruction. Please watch this video."

The Minister of Defense called up the scene of Xia Shang breaking out of the dragon's body and destroying the fighter group.

"Gift crab!" When the blond president saw Xia Shang, who was still unharmed after being hit by a missile, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This monster is far more powerful than the former. Modern weapons can't hurt it at all." The Minister of Defense's frowning eyebrows seemed to be able to kill a fly. Xia Shang's performance in the video made him feel extremely troublesome.

Beep beep beep! ! !

A red phone on the president's desk suddenly rang.

The blond president picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Well, I understand, come in."

He put down the phone and said in a deep voice to the Minister of Defense on the side: "This is an online meeting. It seems that some countries are more nervous than us, but think about it. After all, they are very close to RB. Once the monster chooses to migrate, it is very likely that will shift the target to them.”

"Mr. President, I must remind you that the monster will evolve. Who knows what it will evolve into after devouring a large number of humans."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After a half-hour online meeting, it was finally decided to use nuclear weapons to completely kill the monster in its cradle.


At high altitude, several aircraft loaded with nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs and other huge weapons of destruction were flying through the sky in the direction of RB.

At the same time, the launch silos hidden in the deep mountains and old forests were also opened one by one. As the earth shook and the mountains shook, nuclear warheads with a yield of over one million tons were slowly exposed to the air.

Not only that, huge black shadows suddenly appeared under the sea level in the sea area around RB.





Different voices sounded at the same time.

The moment their voices fell, nuclear weapons equivalent to human trump cards were fired from airplanes, launch silos, and nuclear submarines.

They have only one goal, and that is Xia Shang on the ruins!


At this time, Xia Shang, who was located in RB Osaka District, seemed to sense something. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Under the gaze of his scarlet eyes, a dark black object with an oval front end rushed through the clouds and rushed towards him!

"Missiles can't kill me!" Xia Shang arched his upper body like a cobra, then opened his huge mouth full of sharp fangs and spit out a huge ball of rock mixed with high temperature.

The moment the two collided, it was as if the whole world had been pressed on pause.

boom! rumble! ! !

The world suddenly woke up with a violent explosion.

The extreme firelight suddenly spread in all directions, and Xia Shang seemed to have seen a sun, exploding in front of him. The dazzling white light destroyed his visual nerves almost in an instant, and then, in the endless darkness, , he seemed to see a flash of red light.

As the radiation and high temperature spread, Xia Shang's head, which was like a mountain and covered with thick scales, seemed to have been erased with an eraser, and then turned into countless tiny black particles, disappearing in the high temperature storm.

boom! The haze hanging over RB slowly revealed a huge hole, but before the sun shone down, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky and filled the hole.

"Success?!" The pilot of the aircraft at an altitude of 10,000 meters lowered his head and looked at the ground, but his view was blocked by the expanding mushroom cloud.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Xia Shang didn't expect that humble gadget to be the legendary nuclear bomb.

Fortunately, his body was not on the dragon's head, otherwise he would have had to activate his backup clone under this attack.

"Come again if you have the ability!"

His body began to twist and swell, and countless earthworm-like flesh tendrils were seen pouring out from the wounds. In the blink of an eye, a brand new upper body was rebuilt.

At this moment, Xia Shang is half human and half dragon.

But this is just the beginning.

He opened the corners of his mouth, revealing two dense rows of sharp teeth. The next second, two viscous substances similar to petroleum flowed out from both sides of the corners of his mouth. As his upper body was completely covered by Jiahe, one after another extremely hard teeth Spikes quickly emerged from the joints of his arms and the joints on his back where the spine was connected!

Tear! The two huge muscle groups on Xia Shang's back were suddenly torn open by a pair of bone wings extending out from inside.

It is inlaid with feather-like bone feathers, which look extremely sharp.

At the same time, his arms were covered with scales, and the tips of his five fingers became particularly sharp.

boom! Four thick tails whipped the ground fiercely, causing the earth to crack and surge.

"bring it on!"

Xia Shang opened his arms excitedly and roared wildly to the sky!

Soon, he saw several nuclear bombs greeting him.

Xia Shang twisted his waist slightly, gathered all his strength, and punched one of the flying nuclear bombs!


The dazzling white light instantly enveloped his entire body, and in the heat that was enough to burn all things, he actually burst out with a burst of hearty laughter.

I don’t know how long it took, but everything finally calmed down.


Xia Shang slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the pure white ceiling. (End of chapter)

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