Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 305 Amazing strengthening effect! Defense as good as a soldier

Chapter 305 Amazing strengthening effect! Defense is as good as a soldier boy!

"TMD! He turned into a dragon and almost lost his brain, but he even dared to resist nuclear weapons.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the main body regained its sanity and returned to the black robe in time. Otherwise, transforming into a dragon this time would be a waste of time. Not only would the strengthened main body be unable to be saved, but even the clone might even be affected by the nuclear explosion. "

After all, RB is an island country, so it is normal for it to be destroyed by nuclear weapons, not to mention that more than one nuclear bomb was bombarded at Xia Shang.

The earthquake caused by the nuclear explosion alone is enough to detonate the volcano on the island, not to mention disasters such as tsunamis and radiation. Therefore, Xia Shang estimated that the RB had probably sunk at this time.

Even if it didn't sink, it probably wouldn't be much better.

"Where is this?" Xia Shang was about to get up, but found that his limbs were tied to the bed.

He turned to look around and saw an iron shelf next to the bed filled with various surgical instruments.

In addition, he even caught a glimpse of a scrapped small cutting machine.

"It looks like I should have been unconscious for a while. Someone brought me here from the E Army military base."

Xia Shang used a slight force to break the restraints. If he guessed correctly, this should be a laboratory of ELS, because he saw rows of Russian characters on some instruments.

"I can't believe that that guy's physical strength is comparable to that of a soldier boy. Even if we use laser weapons, we can't cut his skin..."

Following the voice, Xia Shang came to an iron door, and the person on the other side of the door seemed to be reporting something.

"Can't even a laser cut it?"

Raising his right hand, Xia Shang looked at his palm. It seemed that after strengthening, even if he didn't have super powers, his defense power was no less than that of the soldier boy.

It is conceivable that the amplification effect brought to him by this enhancement is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Since the defense has been improved, other aspects should also be strengthened." Xia Shang held the door handle and squeezed it gently. In an instant, the steel door handle suddenly dented.

"The power is similar to that of Queen Maeve, but compared to the people of the motherland, it is still a little weaker, but that's okay, otherwise I really have no motivation to use the superpowers of the people of the motherland."

In addition to super strength, Xia Shang has acquired all other super powers possessed by the people of the motherland.

"Completely defeating the people of the motherland... This is a troublesome matter." Xia Shang couldn't help but frown slightly when he thought of the conditions for the fusion of super power. Obviously, even if he kills the people of the motherland, he cannot obtain super power. He must also let his body and spirit , just admit defeat at the same time.

"Fortunately, I got the super chest cannon from Soldier Boy. As long as it hits a native, he will lose his super powers. It is estimated that the natives without super powers will become more vulnerable than ordinary people.

Unfortunately, the super chest cannon swings forward for too long and may not be able to hit the people of the motherland. "

Moreover, Xia Shang guessed that with just one blow, the people of the motherland might not be able to lose all their superpowers.

Besides, this guy grew up in Compound No. 5, so he might be able to regain his superpowers in a short time even without the help of Compound No. 5.

"If you want to completely defeat the people of the motherland, you must first let them understand that he is not invincible, and death will definitely arouse his fear." Xia Shang thought as he pushed open the iron door.

With a bang, cracks spread across the wall connected to the edge of the door frame, and then with a loud noise, the entire iron door collapsed.

"" The researcher holding the mobile phone turned to look at Xia Shang with a horrified expression.

"How long have I been here? When did you find me?"

Xia Shang asked softly.

"I...I...I don't know." The researcher glanced at the alarm button with his peripheral vision.

"Are you sure?"

Looking at Xia Shang walking slowly towards him, the researcher couldn't help but take a few steps back due to the huge sense of oppression.

"I'll give you another chance. After all, you only have one life. I hope you can cherish it."

"You were sent here half an hour ago. They sent you to me as soon as they found you."

The researcher's back was pressed against the wall. At this time, he had no retreat.


After getting the answer he wanted, Xia Shang turned and left the room.

"Huh." Seeing Xia Shang walking outside, the researcher breathed a sigh of relief, and he immediately reached out to press the alarm button.

But when he just stretched out his right hand, a shallow line of blood quietly appeared on his neck.

There was a soft thud, as if something fell to the ground.

"Only when you lose can you learn to cherish. I hope you can understand this truth in your next life." While walking, Xia Shang changed into the appearance of the researcher just now and walked out of the experimental base unimpeded.

He now needs to return to the United States as soon as possible and regain his superpowers after obtaining Compound No. 5.

After all, superpowers are really convenient. When you have them, you don’t feel much. But once you lose them, you will feel extremely uncomfortable and helpless. At least after regaining your superpowers, Xia Shang no longer needs to rely on jets of high-temperature airflow like he did in the ghoul world. flight.

It can be said that before becoming a ghoul, superpowers accounted for at least 70% of Xia Shang's overall strength. As for now, after being strengthened, it is estimated that they can account for 30%.

Two hours later, Xia Shang took on the identity of a certain unlucky guy and got on a plane to New York, USA.


Inside the high-rise conference room of the Watt Building in central Manhattan.

Edgar, wearing a black suit, formally issued Ashley's appointment in front of all senior executives.

"After Jervis left, Watt needed a new manager to guide Watt's future direction. After a vote by all directors of the board of directors, it was finally decided to appoint Ashley as the vice president of Watt International."

As soon as Edgar finished speaking, there was a burst of moderate applause on the field.

"I am extremely grateful to Mr. Edgar for his support. I will do my best, with full humility, to complete the tasks assigned by Watt. I am willing to accept the appointment as Vice President of Watt International."

At this time, Ashley felt quite elated, but she soon realized that she couldn't smile too happily, so she immediately suppressed her smile and said in a sad tone:

"My mother died of cancer when I was seventeen years old. When she was alive, she always told me to be a person who contributes to society. I am very happy that everyone can give me this opportunity. I believe that in AI Under the leadership of Mr. Degas, Walter’s future will be like the bright sun in the sky, continuously spreading sunshine to the earth..."

"Okay, don't make the atmosphere so heavy. I thought there was a memorial service for Jervis here."

The motherland man swaggered into the conference room with his hands behind his back.

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