Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 306 Falling out! Just flip the table!

"I'm sorry that I'm late. I hope I didn't miss any important moment."

The motherland man came behind one of them with a smile on his face and put his hands on the back of his chair.

The director of the marketing department, who was sitting on Edgar's right hand, wisely stood up and gave up his seat to the people of the motherland.

"It seems I didn't notify you to come over." Edgar suppressed his smile and spoke calmly.

"So what? Will Ashley not welcome me?"

The motherland man sat on the chair generously and looked at Ashley without hesitation. It was obvious that his purpose of coming this time was to slap Edgar in the face.

Since the Nachu incident broke out, his popularity has skyrocketed, and he quickly recovered his previous approval rating, and even surpassed Starlight in one fell swoop.

Just when he thought Edgar would let him resume his role as captain of the Premier League Sevens.

Unexpectedly, what greeted him was ruthless suppression from Edgar.

Not only were a large number of his marketing activities cut off, but many of his proposals were even vetoed and rejected. This unfair treatment instantly aroused the anger of the people of the motherland. He walked into the conference room this time just to make Edgar, look, who has the final say in the Walter Group!

"Of course...of course you're welcome." Ashley said with a smile.

At this moment, Edgar took off his glasses with a gloomy expression, and clang... there was a soft sound when the frame of the glasses collided with the table.

Ashley, who realized that she had said something wrong, felt like a glare on her back when faced with President Walter's gaze.

So he quickly added: "It's just that something doesn't follow the rules. It would be nice if I could inform you in advance."

"Ha." The motherland sneered, "Tell me the rules and don't forget who is the biggest contributor to the Walter Group. The existence of the Walter Group today, without any humility, is all the result of my motherland. Credit.”

"This..." Ashley was like an ant standing on a hot pot at this time. She didn't expect that as soon as Jervis left, the people of the motherland would actually show their fangs.

Looking at Ashley who was standing there with an embarrassed look on her face, Edgar frowned in disappointment.

Sure enough, apart from him, only Jervis could suppress the people of the motherland. Now that Jervis is gone, Ashley, who has just become the vice president, has no deterrent effect on the people of the motherland.

"Really? Poor guy, who gave you the courage to say this in front of me?"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room became increasingly tense and heavy, the Watt executives present were so frightened that they did not even dare to sweat. Their Adam's apples rolled and they moved around uneasily.

"Sorry, Mr. Edgar, I suddenly remembered that there is still an unfinished planning project on hand, which is related to the Starlight House Charity Gala. I must complete it before the end of the month." The director of the marketing department quickly stood up and prepared Find an excuse to run away.

"Oh, I haven't informed the media yet. Thanks to Mr. Dorga's reminder, it seems I have to hurry up and go to the New York News Headquarters."

"Xie Te! You have run out of excuses, so what should I use?" the head of the Propaganda Department cursed secretly in his heart.

But soon, he felt a little ashamed and said, "Actually, today is the funeral of one of my relatives. Logically speaking..."

Before he could finish speaking, Edgar tapped the table with his fingers: "Everyone, go out. I want to talk to the people of my motherland alone."

As soon as the words fell, several people breathed a sigh of relief, quickly packed their things, and walked out of the conference room one after another.

"Mr. Edgar." Looking at the two people at war with each other, Ashley whispered.

"You are also going out."

When only the motherland and Edgar were left in the conference room, Edgar turned to look at the motherland.

"You have made the atmosphere so unpleasant. Do you want to declare war on me? The poor guy who just lost Nacheng."

Edgar's words made the smile on the face of the motherland gradually stiffen, "You...he...fuck, say it again if you have the guts."

"Your Naquen is dead. It should be a big blow to you. Shouldn't you be hiding in a corner now and licking your wounds silently? Poor guy."

Edgar leaned back in his chair, raised his head slightly, and looked at the people of his motherland with extremely cold eyes.

The motherland man pursed his lips, and the muscles in his jaw were beating. The anger in his heart had been suppressed to its peak, as if two red lasers were shooting out of his eyes at any time.

"If Jervis hadn't taken the blame for you, the mistakes you made would have ruined your reputation. It's really ridiculous to think about it, that you would actually have a relationship with a Nacheng."

Others may be afraid of the people of the motherland, but Edgar is not. Every word he speaks seems to be opening the scars of the people of the motherland.

"I never make mistakes. I'm different from you ordinary people. I'm smarter! Stronger! Even the most powerful missiles can't kill me!"

The motherland person looked at Edgar angrily, then stood up and clasped his hands on the edge of the conference table, looked into Edgar's eyes, and said word by word: "I'm not going to hide in the dark and lick silently. Wounded wretch, I'm a motherland! Weakness is never in my dictionary. I've had enough! I've had enough of your fucking control.

Let me tell you, Edgar, it's fucking impossible to turn me into an obedient puppet! "

There was a loud bang! The heavy conference table was thrown away by the motherland, bang! The conference room rolled and hit the ground hard, as if the entire building was shaking.

But Edgar, who was sitting on the chair, looked calm and composed like a mountain.

He stood up slowly, straightened the collar of his suit, then bent down to pick up the glasses with broken lenses from the ground, and said calmly: "Remember to inform the finance department to get a new table."

After saying that, he walked towards the door of the conference room.

The man of the motherland stood there without saying a word. At this moment, the anger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

"By the way, if you feel uncomfortable staying here, you are welcome to leave at any time." Before leaving, Edgar turned around and looked at the people of the motherland with the eyes of a dead person, "Everything you have is given to you by me. Yes, without Walter, you are nothing."

Soon, his figure disappeared from the sight of the people of the motherland.

"I am nothing, so let me see how you are nothing without the status of CEO!" The motherland man laughed angrily, and the raised corners of his mouth, coupled with the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, made him whole. The face is extremely ferocious.


At night, a black Cadillac slowly parked in front of a villa.

"A familiar place, a familiar feeling."

Xia Shang opened the car door, looked at the villa in front of him, and said with emotion.

For some reason, they were both in a fantasy world, but the black robe gave him a more real feeling. Could it be because it was in the main world?

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