Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 317 From morning to night, the main character keeps his promise

Snapped! Billy opened the can of beer in his hand, took a sip, and then said with a wicked smile: "The huge reward of five thousand US dollars made that girl think that she had met a wealthy father, and then I asked Huey to set the meeting place in an abandoned underground parking lot.

I originally thought that the Scarlet Baroness might refuse, so I made special preparations and booked a room in a hotel. I didn’t expect that the Scarlet Baroness’s lower limit was so low. She thought Huey wanted to do something different. Hua Huo, arrived at the underground parking lot in a hurry.

When I was undressing someone, I suddenly attacked her from behind. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough control over the force to knock her out immediately.

Let her jump on Huey's pants and have a close contact. "

"You can skip this part, or you'll have to wait for me to puke all over you." Huey's face was extremely ugly, and he felt sick to his stomach when he thought about how he almost had sex with an old onion.

If the soldier boy knew his inner thoughts, he would definitely stand up and correct him. After all, women are like fine wine, the older they get, the more fragrant and pure they become.

"OK, as long as you don't spit on me, anything will do." Billy, with the word disgust etched on his face, moved his butt to the edge of the sofa, because under the influence of the side effects of the temporary No. 5 compound, Huey might really He would spit it out on the spot, and Billy didn't want to risk it. After all, he didn't have many clothes in his closet.

"At that time, the Scarlet Baroness reacted, and released red energy bombs with both hands, shooting towards Huey's lower body. It might be just a tenth of a millimeter away, and Huey was about to say goodbye to his little brother.

Fortunately, this guy was injected with Temporary No. 5 Compound like me, and after leaving his clothes on the spot, he teleported to the street. By the way, you can check the relevant news and maybe you can see someone's naked body. . "

As soon as Billy finished speaking, Huey beside him spat out all the stuff that came out of his throat onto Billy.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you! Huey!" Billy, who was covered in vomit, wanted to strangle Huey to death.

"Shet! Shet!"

As he cursed, he wiped his clothes with a tissue on the table.

"Then what?" Breastmilk held her breath and asked.

"I kicked the Scarlet Countess out, smashed the front of a car, and then I carried the unconscious Scarlet Countess and took her to the basement. Oh Shet, you ate durian this morning. ?" Billy hurried into the bathroom, cursing as he walked.

Looking at Billy walking into the bathroom, the corners of Huey's mouth slowly raised.

"I feel comfortable." He squinted his eyes, looking satisfied.

"It's unlucky for me to meet you two weirdos."

The unique smell in the air was too much for breast milk, so I got up, picked up the mop from the corner, and started cleaning the floor.

"What are your plans next?" Mother Milk looked at Huey and asked.

"Billy guessed that after Soldier Boy showed up, he would definitely go to a man named Legend, so we planned to visit him next."


"Do you also know that guy named Legend?" It was not difficult to tell from Breast's tone that he seemed to have dealt with that Legend.

Facing Huey's question, Breastmilk frowned and nodded.

"A few years ago, when I was working under Mallory, I had contact with Legend. At that time, he was the vice president of the Vought Group in charge of managing Hero Media. His status was similar to that of Jervis some time ago. I guess Soldier Boy Go find him, most likely because you want to get information about former team members from him."

"To put it bluntly, his purpose in coming to the United States is to seek revenge, so after visiting the legend, we plan to find the surviving Psychic Storm, the Dynamite Twins, and Black."

"Black? Just the two of you? Do you need my help?"

While breast milk was wiping the sofa with a rag, her eyes rested on a tube of light green potion in the gap.

"It's enough for the two of us to take charge. You don't need to get involved." Billy strode out of the bathroom, came to the living room, and picked up the temporary No. 5 compound left on the sofa. "Get something that doesn't belong to you." Strength comes with a price, and it’s enough for Huey and I to bear the price.”

"Since the injection of that thing has serious side effects, I still recommend that you stop the injection immediately. Don't forget that when we didn't have super powers, we could also cause a lot of trouble to the people of the motherland." Mother Milk advised.

After listening.

Huey and Billy did not speak, but remained silent, looking at the light green liquid in the glass tube.

They were like two high-speed trains that had lost their brakes. It was not easy to stop them.


A meaningful sigh sounded from the bottom of their hearts at the same time.


A week passed quickly, and the soldier boy stood at the appointed place early in the morning, quietly waiting for Xia Shang's arrival.

In this way, he stood like a sculpture from morning to night.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Shangcai drove up and appeared in front of him.

Slowly stopping the car, Xia Shang looked at the soldier boy and couldn't help but ask: "Man, when did you arrive?"

"We arrived at six in the morning and never left a step." The soldier boy opened the car door with a natural expression and sat in the passenger seat.

"Sorry, I thought you knew the start time of the charity gala."

The charity gala, as the name suggests, is a night event. Xia Shang really didn't expect that the soldier boy would arrive at the appointed place at six o'clock in the morning and never leave.

"I know, but you told me to come earlier."

The soldier boy turned to look out the window, as if the long wait had not affected his mood.

Perhaps in his opinion, as long as Xia Shang showed up before twelve o'clock in the evening, it would not be considered a breach of contract.

"You really...keep your promise." Xia Shang didn't know how to evaluate the soldier boy for a moment, and he finally managed to find a way to keep his promise.

However, the soldier boy in the original work did keep his promise. After promising Billy and the others to kill the people of the motherland, he has been looking for various opportunities to kill the people of the motherland.

Even though he later found out that the motherland man was his son, he still decided to fulfill his promise. Even when the motherland man learned that Black Sea had a grudge against Soldier Boy and was willing to help Soldier Boy kill Black Sea, Soldier Boy still didn't change Soldier Boy's intention to kill him. .

Of course, the reasons are very complicated and cannot be summed up by just keeping one's promise, but there is no doubt that the soldier boy does take his promises very seriously.

"Have you found the Scarlet Baroness?" Xia Shang put his hands on the steering wheel and drove the car in the direction of the Water Building. (End of chapter)

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