Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 318 Maybe I should teach him how to be a cooperative

"did not find.

The soldier boy, wearing civilian clothes and sitting in the passenger seat, shook his head.

"I went to the address that Legend gave me a week ago. There are indeed traces of the Scarlet Baroness living there, but I didn't see her in person. At first, I thought she had gone out temporarily for something, but I was in the room. I waited for two days but still couldn't wait for her to come back."

"You don't mind if I smoke in the car."

Thinking of the time he spent with the Scarlet Baroness in the past, the soldier boy felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart. Without Xia Shang's permission, he took out a plastic lighter, lit the cigarette with a snap, and then wrinkled his face. He frowned and started to smoke.

In fact, the reason why he wanted to find his former girlfriend, the Scarlet Baroness, was not for revenge, but because he wanted to learn from her the real murderer behind the war. Until now, the soldier boy did not want to believe that his girlfriend would To betray him, to put it simply, he just wanted to find an explanation from the Scarlet Baroness.

"Perhaps she saw the news about you blowing up Central City, and after learning about your return, she moved to another place overnight."

Having said that, Xia Shang is 80% sure that the disappearance of the Scarlet Baroness is related to Billy and others.

"If it is like you said, she deliberately avoided seeing me, it means that she was either aware of or participated in what happened back then."

The soldier boy had a cold face as he chewed the burning cigarette into his mouth bit by bit. The muscle lines on his face were tense due to exertion, as if he was chewing not the cigarette but the Scarlet Baroness.


"Welcome both of you to the charity gala hosted by Vought Group, Night of Stars."

After checking the invitation letter handed over by Xia Shang, the security personnel's eyes lingered on the faces of the two men for a moment. Since the soldier boy had shaved off his beard and cut his hair short, he looked the same as those in the news. The criminals who destroyed Central City didn't look like the same person. In addition, the soldier boy in the video was unkempt and the roadside camera couldn't capture it clearly, so it didn't arouse the suspicion of the security personnel.

"The party is about to begin, please come with me."

The security personnel kept a professional smile, handed the invitation letter back to Xia Shang, and then led the two people into the venue.

Afterwards, Xia Shang easily found the corresponding seat according to the seat number on the invitation letter.

"What was the surprise you mentioned last time? Do you want to say that in addition to a son, I also have a grandson." After the soldier boy took his seat, he looked straight towards the stage in front of him.

"It seems you already know."

Ryan's incident was such a big deal last time. With a little investigation, he could find out about Ryan's relationship with the people of his motherland. Xia Shang smiled without any surprise, "How does it feel to suddenly have a house full of children and grandchildren? Is there any old man who has a son?" A sense of joy?”

As he spoke, he looked around.

Obviously, the people attending the party were all celebrities, wealthy people, and journalists from various media. Among them, he even saw Victoria, the director of the Bureau of Superhuman Affairs.

"So be it." After all, it is the continuation of his own bloodline. The soldier boy is not disgusted with this, but he is not dancing excitedly. It can only be said that his mood is very complicated now.

"Do you know when the motherland was born?" the soldier boy suddenly asked.

"It seems like 1981."

"Forty years ago, in 1980, I received a notice from Walter and participated in a genetic experiment. It was probably at that time that, without my knowledge at all, they kept my sperm and bred it. People of the motherland.”

The soldier boy was about to take out his cigarette, but stopped when he saw a no smoking sign.

Snapped! Suddenly, the lights in the entire venue were instantly extinguished. Then, the dim stage lit up with a bright yellow light. You could see that there were statues of superheroes on the stage. At the same time, on the large screen behind, people began to appear. A superhero, a lamplighter holding a torch and wearing a black robe, Abyss with his hands on his hips and a silly smile on his face, and a flash of black covered under the dark suit, and a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. Queen Maeve.

Of course, there was also the dead locomotive. It was probably due to lack of manpower that Walter asked him to go up and make up the number.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth person appeared, a sunny boy, a native of the motherland with an exceptionally bright smile!

"He's not even the captain, and he can still laugh." The soldier boy curled his lips. You must know that he was a well-deserved American hero, the absolute ruler of the Repayer Alliance, and a tyrant-like existence. Unexpectedly It's really embarrassing for his son to behave like this.

"Maybe I should teach him how to be a qualified superhero."

The soldier boy touched his chin, preparing to meet his biological son after the party.

"Oh Shet!" When he saw Starlight appearing as the finale hero, Soldier Boy even lowered his head in shame. He was ashamed for his motherland when a woman became the captain of the Super Seven.

"I'm very happy that everyone can come to tonight's Starlight Night. I am the vice president of Watt Group and also the host of the party, Ashley." Ashley walked onto the stage with a smile on her face, holding the microphone. , feeling extremely happy.

Omit the boring performance part, after all, there is really nothing to see.

Dancing, singing, acrobatics... Xia Shang watched it more than once. As for the soldier boy on the side, he almost fell asleep while watching it.

About two hours later, I just finished the dolphin diving performance in the deep sea. While pushing the huge aquarium, I shouted: "Now we invite our co-captain, tonight's shining star, and the homeland of the king of popularity." People! Welcome with applause!”

In an instant, there was a burst of fierce applause on the field!

"Don't make any mistakes and take care of someone's emotions." Ashley came to Starlight and whispered nervously.


Starlight looked at the reluctant motherland man with a very sad expression on his face, and nodded.

"Go ahead."

When the motherland passed by Xingguang, he lowered his voice and said: "Do you still remember your childhood sweetheart Supersonic? What do you think I did to him? Cao Nima's! How dare you steal my limelight!"

Facing the music, the man from the motherland walked onto the stage. Facing the screams and applause from the audience, he applauded humbly, and then stepped aside with a smile on his face.

"Damn Walt!" After seeing the smile on the face of his motherland, the soldier boy finally understood why the legend called the superheroes dolls in front of the camera.

"If you don't want to laugh, just don't fucking laugh."

The soldier boy looked around in anger, as if looking for something to vent his anger on. (End of chapter)

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