"Relax, the fun has just begun." Xia Shang looked at the people of his motherland meaningfully.

It has to be said that the superpower of clairvoyance is really useful. Even from a distance of nearly a hundred meters, he can see the violently beating hearts of the people of the motherland.

Generally, this kind of observation method is used by the people of the motherland to observe others. Unexpectedly, one day, it will be used by others on themselves.

"What do you mean?" the soldier boy asked with a frown.

"You'll find out later."

In the end, Xia Shang became the type of person he hated most, a riddle man who had something to say.

According to his understanding of the people of the motherland, under normal circumstances, the heartbeat of the people of the motherland cannot be as fast as it is now. At this time, the people of the motherland on the stage are either extremely nervous or angry to the extreme, but from the motherland Judging from people's current performance, it is more of excitement and expectation.

"I don't know what tricks you are playing, but I hope this is the last time." The soldier boy, who was holding back his anger, warned Xia Shang.

“It’s an honor to meet you all at tonight’s Night of Stars, and I’m also happy that my project has received support from so many people.”

Starlight stood in front of the microphone and received a lot of applause from the audience. She smiled and stretched out her hands to press down.

"Starlight Night is a charity fundraiser organized by the non-profit organization, Starlight House. Its purpose is to help some homeless and poor people, some of whom are white and some of whom are black. , but the objects of our assistance have nothing to do with race, let alone skin color."

I saw the big screen behind Starlight starting to play a series of aid videos. In the video, a truck with the word Walter printed on it and a Starlight poster was parked on the side of the road. Volunteers in superhero costumes were distributing food. It looked very orderly. After receiving the food, one of the Asian-looking people gave a thumbs up to the camera and shouted: "It's time for dinner again, brothers!"

Although the people in the audience could not understand Chinese, the thumbs up and the joy on the man's face spoke volumes.

"He was as happy as a child. He must have been hungry for a long time."

"What a genuine smile that just lights up my heart."

"A very meaningful charity event, huh? Why does he seem to be included in every video?"

Ashley, who was responsible for the smooth progress of the party backstage, noticed the doubts flashing across people's faces by monitoring the display at the venue.

She picked up the communicator and said, "Cut a video."

As her order was issued, the protagonist on the screen soon changed from the Walter rescue vehicle to an Asian-looking man.

"This is the scene we secretly recorded." Xingguang turned around and looked at the big screen.

The man in the video was seen giving the food he received to some homeless people who were slumped or lying on the ground and had lost the ability to move.

"Under our subtle influence, more people, like the man in the video, will spread love. This is the ultimate purpose of hosting Starlight Home. I believe that as long as we work together, this society will It’s going to be even better.”

In an instant, there was a burst of thunderous applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time...

"You held this party well." The New York director standing next to Edgar applauded and laughed.

Edgar raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly: "Walter Group has always paid attention to charity. I am willing to allocate a larger amount of funds and invest it to help some people who need our help from Walt."

After the applause on the court subsided a little, Xingguang continued: "Of course, Starlight House's attention will not only stop in the United States. In other countries outside the United States, some people still live with scanty clothing and no food. They also need help to live a life of food..."

"Shet! Why are you boasting up there! And the people of the motherland can only listen to you! The people of the motherland are the real heroes of the United States! The name of the party should be called the Night of the Motherland!"

An excited and loud voice suddenly resounded throughout the entire audience! And it kept echoing in the venue.

"Gift crab! Who the hell is talking about this!" Ashley was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She inserted her fingers into her hair with a frantic look on her face. You know, not only Walter's president Edgar was present at this party. , and many big shots also came. It was originally the best time for her to perform. Who would have thought that someone would dare to stand up and cause trouble at this time.

She wished she could eat the person she just spoke to alive.

"Security, where's the security!"

Ashley growled with a twisted expression.

Soon, a group of security personnel rushed into the venue, but because they could not find the target, they had to stand there, a little at a loss.

"Did you say that just now?" The soldier boy looked at Xia Shang on his right. Although the voice came from the ceiling, he was sure that it was definitely the voice of the guy next to him.

Xia Shang smiled mysteriously.

"The show is about to begin."

Sure enough, after seeing the uproar in the audience, the face of the motherland suddenly became extremely ugly. He squeezed away the starlight, came to the microphone, and said with cold eyes: "Shut up!"

It's over.

Ashley realized that the situation was not good, and quickly exclaimed: "Come on, cut the commercials, play the fucking commercials! Damn it! Haven't you found that damn guy yet?"

Unlike Ashley, who was panicking at this time, the reporters in the audience became excited one by one. They smelled the big news, "Great job!" They excitedly wanted to kiss the person who spoke on the face. The last bite, compared to the mediocre and uninteresting charity party, the motherland's "Shut up!" It will definitely make the headlines!

"Shut the hell up, all of you! In terms of excellence, I'm ten thousand times better than Starlight. In terms of strength, I can easily crush her. But why can I only stand here, just to watch and not speak?" Clown! Is this so damn fair? Is this so damn justice? Damn it! They treat me as a poor guy who only hides in the corner and wipes his tears, and they try to hide a real hero!"

At the same time, the eyes of the viewers who were standing in front of the TV or watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones suddenly lit up after seeing the angry Chinese people on the stage.

Perhaps even the people of the motherland did not expect that his own whim would actually increase his popularity instead of falling.

"He finally looks like a man, but he should use lasers to chop up the audience instead of venting his grievances in this way." The soldier boy smoked a cigarette and commented somewhat critically, "But overall In other words, I have the shadow of my fear of power and wanton behavior." (End of this chapter)

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