Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 320 Say my name loudly! who I am!

Since the people at the scene were stunned by the motherland's speech, they had no intention of criticizing the soldier boy for smoking in public.

What's more, Soldier Boy is extremely egotistical. Once he thinks that he is doing the right thing, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will still not give him face.

This is completely opposite to the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland care too much about their own face and image, so they can easily control him through the media. But the soldier boy is different. He first regards himself as a hero in a fairy tale, a person who leads mankind to defeat the villain. hero.

Therefore, he has a fairly flexible moral bottom line, in other words, his moral bottom line is to serve himself.

This is why he feels guilty for accidentally killing passers-by. After all, Soldier Boy never thought of killing them.

If the soldier boy standing on the stage tonight was a soldier boy, and he believed that everyone in the audience deserved to die, he would probably use nuclear explosions to clean up the whole place, and he would feel at ease throughout the process. He didn't care about public opinion or any negative impact. What he wants is absolute obedience.

If Soldier Boy were to manage the Super Seven, Starlight and the others would suffer.

Because if anyone dares to say a bad word about him or express dissatisfaction with his management, the result will not be as simple as a verbal warning like the people of the motherland. Even if you have fallen asleep, the soldier boy will have to pull you out of bed, and then Let you kneel in front of the Watt Building and admit your mistakes in front of the news media and the general public.

And express the most sincere apology to him personally, but the soldier boy will most likely not accept it, but will stand aside and sneer mercilessly.

And if you want to join his team, you'd better meet his requirements in terms of image and personality. Otherwise, if the soldier boy is unhappy with you, he won't care about such nonsense as team cohesion and companionship.

Even if the camera is pointed at his face, he has to taunt you from head to toe, inside and out, and when he laughs, you'd better laugh too, otherwise you have to repeat the above process of admitting your mistake. .

Back then, the Redemptor Alliance had experienced bullying from a soldier boy more than once. Black, who had normal intelligence, was directly beaten to a brain-dead state by the soldier boy after a conflict with the soldier boy, and suffered from severe mental illness. You have to rely on animated characters that pop up to comfort you, which can be said to be extremely miserable.

Of course, even he showed no mercy to his girlfriend, the Scarlet Baroness, and the soldier boy, but in his own opinion, his behavior was normal. After all, he just wanted to create a team that would absolutely obey him, so what was wrong with him? .

Combining the above factors, it is no wonder that Scarlet Baroness and others would join forces to betray Soldier Boy.

But Soldier Boy regarded them as his most trusted and reliable partners, so he was furious at their betrayal.

"What? Are you starting to accept your son?" Xia Shang said with a smile.

By the way, in order to prevent the conversation between the two people from being heard by the people of the motherland, he also deliberately built a sound insulation barrier around it. The principle is modeled on a certain sound insulation material. The transparent and spongy flesh and blood tissue can effectively absorb the hair of the two people. The sound coming out, and he can change its structure with a single thought, allowing the sounds from the outside to spread into the barrier.

Unexpectedly, the soldier boy snorted coldly after hearing this: "Humph! He is just a copy of me, and a sissy copy at that."

To put it bluntly, he has no regard for the people of the motherland at all. Unless the next performance of the people of the motherland can be approved by him, Soldier Boy would rather close his account and start a new business.

"poor guy."

Seeing such a father, Xia Shang couldn't help but feel a little pity for the people of his motherland.

"Listening to what you said, you shouldn't be too satisfied with the surprise I prepared." Xia Shang shook his head. He originally wanted to tell the soldier boy the address where Ryan was detained, but now it seems that the soldier boy may not To save his grandson, in this way, the fantasy value that was about to be obtained flew away like a cooked duck with wings.

"If you have something to say, just say it and don't beat around the bush with me." The soldier boy's patience was gradually being worn away.

"The address where Ryan is being held is right above."

Xia Shang took out a card from his pocket and prepared to tear it up.

"Do you know where Ryan is being held?" Unexpectedly, the soldier boy would actually reach out to stop Xia Shang's movements, with a look of surprise on his face.

Good guy, is there also an intergenerational relationship among soldier boys? However, judging from the performance in the original plot, the soldier boy does not seem to be a person who pays attention to family ties. After all, no grandfather would point a chest gun at his grandson.

The soldier boy seemed to see the surprise in Xia Shang's eyes, so he curled his lips at the Chinese people on the stage: "Lian dares to kill people on the street, does he dare? A guy who even vents his grievances in this way, also Are you worthy to be my son?"

To be honest, Xia Shang was stunned. He really didn't expect that Ryan, who accidentally hit passers-by and shot passers-by with lasers, unexpectedly gained the soldier boy's favor.

"Well, maybe Ryan is not what you think. What if after meeting him, you find that he is similar to a native of the motherland?" Xia Shang asked curiously.

"It's normal for his personality to change after being imprisoned for so long. After all, he is still young. I can bring him back whatever he becomes!" The soldier boy, who had been imprisoned for forty years, even developed empathy with Ryan. , As for the people of the motherland, in his opinion, there is no hope of salvation unless they go back to the drawing board and rebuild.

"In that case, I wish you all the best and hope you can rescue your grandson from prison as soon as possible." Xia Shang smiled and handed the card to the soldier boy.

He estimated that this incident could increase his fantasy value by at least several thousand, but only if it caused a big enough fuss. Thinking of this, Xia Shang looked at the reporters in the front row and the people from his motherland on the stage.

Presumably, people all over the United States will be able to see a family ethics drama soon.


"Roger, cut off the live broadcast! And block all signals in the venue." Seeing that the situation was getting worse and getting out of control, Ashley quickly directed the party equipment administrator to try to save the current situation.

"Don't turn off the live broadcast! Roger!" The native who heard the voice glanced in the direction of Ashley.

"Did you see that? Those powerful! Powerful people! They controlled my throat and made me speechless. They tried to cover my mouth, restrict my limbs, and turn me into a damned person. puppet!

Manipulating me like a puppet on a string. Sadly, their conspiracy worked. But have you ever thought about it, watching the live broadcast, that since they can control me, they must also be able to control you. Maybe you have been manipulated. But I didn’t realize it, but now I realize it!

I don't want to compromise with the powerful! I am a fucking hero to the people of the United States, not a puppet in their hands. Those of you who are watching the live broadcast, please stand up and shout my name loudly! who I am! "

"People of the motherland! You are the real hero!"

There were many loyal fans of the motherland in the audience. They stood up suddenly, raised their arms and shouted enthusiastically! (End of chapter)

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