Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 324 Breaking into Watt Base! Meet Ryan!

At two o'clock in the morning, almost all the media in New York went crazy. Whether they were sleeping soundly in bed, partying in nightclubs, or performing other tasks, the extremely rapid ringing of the phones directly woke up the reporters who were excited and excited. Excited, some of them rushed out of the room wearing only pajamas, and some pushed away the hot girl next to them and walked out of the nightclub in a hurry. perform

"Is the source of the information reliable? It won't be a waste of time, right?" Usually those who ask this kind of question are novice reporters.

The veterans have already brought their equipment and are drinking Red Bull while pressing the accelerator to the bottom!

"This is a private area, and no one is allowed to enter." The security guard at the gate of the Watt base frowned and warned loudly after seeing the suspicious person approaching.

"I'm here to pick up my grandson."

The soldier boy wearing a battle uniform and holding a shield said with a cold expression.

"Do you have a reservation or a pass?" The guard took a look at the soldier boy's dress and asked with a softened attitude.

"No." Soldier Boy shook his head.

"Sorry, we can't let you in without permission from above."

The guard raised the automatic rifle in his hand and pointed the muzzle at the soldier boy: "I'll give you three minutes to leave here, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The six guards at the entrance of the base looked at the soldier boy with great vigilance.


The soldier boy was ruthless and didn't say much. He pounced out like a cheetah. He was so fast that Walter's guards had no time to react. Bang! One of them's head was smashed by the soldier boy with his shield, like a bursting watermelon, with blood splattering everywhere.

"Wardfa! Sound the alarm quickly! The other party is a super human, please notify the people of the motherland immediately!"

For a moment, bullets were like dense raindrops, shooting towards the soldier boy. At the same time, a harsh siren sounded inside the base!

Bang bang bang! ! ! The bullets fired at the soldier boy were either bounced off on the spot, or the bullets shriveled up and clattered to the ground.

The familiar sound of gunfire and the faint smell of gunpowder.

As if arousing the soldier boy's murderous intention, he picked up his shield and smashed it into the chest of the guard in front. There was a muffled sound, accompanied by the sound of subtle bone cracks, and the guard who was hit stumbled and screamed miserably. He screamed, and at the same time a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth, and then he fell to the ground, his chest completely collapsed.

"Looking for death." The soldier boy turned around and threw the shield hard. In an instant, two guards were cut in half by the shield. Their deaths were extremely miserable. The shield drew an arc in the air and returned to the soldier boy's hand.

escape! When the two guards saw this scene, they didn't have any courage. They immediately dropped their rifles and ran away without looking back.

"Cowards who abandon their comrades, you deserve to die even more!" The soldier boy whose face was covered with blood spots expressionlessly wiped the blood from his face and threw the shield at them. The shield whizzed towards them. Like the god of death urging death, in the blink of an eye, two heads with distorted and frightened faces flew high into the sky.

After taking care of all the guards, the soldier boy walked into the base with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step forward, he would be surrounded by guards who rushed out after hearing the sirens.

Seeing the tall soldier boy covered in blood, no one dared to act rashly. In the end, it was the person in charge of the base who pushed aside the crowd and walked up to the soldier boy.

He looked the soldier boy up and down first, then frowned and asked, "Soldier boy?"

But then he shook his head: "It's impossible. Forty years have passed. Even if the soldier boy is still alive, he should be a gray-haired old man."

"I'm glad you know me, but if you want to survive, get out of my way."

"Hold on."

The person in charge of the base told the guard on the side: "Go and check the situation outside. Go back quickly."

A few seconds later, the frightened guard quickly ran to the person in charge of the base: "Gert and the others are all dead, and there are many bullet casings scattered on the ground."

"Well, even if you are really a soldier boy from forty years ago, you should not kill my team members. This is an experimental base under the ownership of Walter. If something happens to you, I suggest you report it to the Walter Group."

"It's too much trouble. I'm taking Ryan away tonight."

The soldier boy ignored the guard in front of him and raised his legs to rush inside.

Seeing the surrounding guards raising their firearms, the atmosphere became extremely tense. After thinking twice, the person in charge of the base nodded, "I'll take you to see Ryan, follow me."

After walking through the long passage, several heavy iron doors opened.

The two came to a completely sealed room with the surrounding walls made of steel plates, and Ryan was sitting on the sofa, reading the cartoon book in his hand.

When he heard the sound, Ryan immediately turned his head and looked back, but when he saw that the person who came was not his mother and a native of his motherland, he turned his head back.

"Are you Ryan?" The soldier boy walked up behind Ryan and reached out to touch his hair.

As everyone knows, at this moment, the outside of the base is already surrounded by reporters with long guns and short cannons. The news media circle is not a big one, not to mention the New York media everywhere. Almost at a glance, they are all familiar faces.

When they saw each other, their expressions were a little confused. What's going on? Didn't you say it was exclusive news? Damn it, there are so many media reporters, how can you be considered exclusive?

Scammed! They gnashed their teeth with hatred for the person who called. You must know that news exclusives have the greatest value. Otherwise, it is a matter of competition to see who has the fastest hand and can deliver the news the fastest.

"Look, someone is coming out to collect the body."

An exclamation made the reporters present instantly become excited. Like a group of hyenas who were not afraid of death, they rushed forward as fast as possible.

The guard who was originally planning to secretly dispose of the body was greeted by countless flashes of light as soon as he walked out of the base, almost blinding him.

"TMD, is it dawn?"

"What are you doing? Who killed them? Is it Soldier Boy? Is he in there now?"

"I heard that a native of the country is the son of a soldier boy. Is this true?"

"Why would Walt build a secret base here that is unknown to anyone? Is Walt conducting human experiments in private?"

Faced with the violent bombardment of reporters, the guards looked confused and at a loss.

Inside the base, after the person in charge learned that reporters were gathered outside, his blood pressure soared to over 150. "Who the hell led those lunatics here! What the hell...what the hell..."

He never said the words to kill him because he really couldn't do anything to the soldier boy. (End of chapter)

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