Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 325 Keep the psychic storm for me, don’t kill it

Soon, under the watch of the guards, the soldier boy took Ryan and slowly walked out of the building.

Ryan, who had not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, seemed a little timid. He kept hiding behind the soldier boy and followed every step.

"I'm here to protect you, why are you so scared!"

The soldier boy couldn't stand it anymore. He pushed Ryan in front of him and said in an impatient tone: "As a man, you have to act like a man. You are so timid. What the hell are you afraid of?"

"Here, have a cigarette." The soldier boy took out the cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Ryan.

"I...I won't."

Ryan whispered.

"Damn it, you just followed your father's example. You're a bitch, you can't even smoke. Don't tell me, you haven't drank until now."

Soldier Boy pulled out a cigarette and lit it with his red chest.

"My mother said that I was still young and could not smoke or drink." Compared with the people from his motherland, Ryan was more afraid of the man in front of him who claimed to be his grandfather. He felt that the man in front of him was like the hooligan his mother described.

"I'm still young at over ten years old. I think I started smoking, drinking and whoring when I was nine years old." The soldier boy glanced at Ryan with hatred, his eyes full of disgust.

"You can't go out now, there are reporters outside." Seeing that the two were about to leave the base, the person in charge quickly stood up to stop them.

"Reporter? This is the effect I want."

Unexpectedly, the soldier boy became even more excited after hearing this. He looked down at Ryan and urged: "Straighten your back for me and walk out in a big way, let them see my grandson."

Under pressure from the soldier boy, Ryan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk out of the base gate.

"Look, it's Ryan!"

"I didn't expect Ryan to be locked up inside!"

"It seems the news is right, Soldier Boy really rescued Ryan!"

For a moment, Ryan was so blinded by the flash that he subconsciously took two steps back.

But the next second, in front of the camera, he was kicked out by the soldier boy.

"How do the people of the motherland teach them? She looks like a girl." The soldier boy, holding a cigarette in his mouth and swearing, glanced at the reporters around him, frowned and cursed: "Have you never seen a grandpa teach his grandson? Hurry up. Get out of here, or I'll let you crawl back."

His words shocked the reporters present, and the questions they originally wanted to ask were stuck in their throats.

Are you sure this guy in front of you is the father of a native of the motherland? How come his personality is completely different? You must know that even people from the motherland are polite when interviewed by their media. How can they be like a soldier boy and directly warn them.

"Get up if you're still alive. Don't hesitate to cry out in pain." If forty years of imprisonment hadn't worn out the soldier boy's temper, he would have started kicking and taunting him long ago.

But one thing is for sure, this education method is indeed very effective. Ryan, who was afraid of being kicked again, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and got up.

Finally, he followed the soldier boy and disappeared into the night.


Early the next morning, all the newspaper headlines and the hot search lists of major media software were occupied by Soldier Boy and Ryan.

"Shocked! The soldier boy who disappeared for forty years actually returned in this way!"

"It's unbelievable. The life experience of the motherland has been exposed!"

"Break into the Vought base at night! The soldier boy only wants to save his grandson!"

"The seventy-year-old woman haunted the hotel where the soldier boy lived! When she came out, she called the soldier boy very skilled!"

In the living room of the villa, Xia Shang looked at the newspaper in his hand and smiled.

Since he subscribes to almost all newspapers in New York City, he can grasp all recent events as quickly as possible.

[Congratulations to the player for significantly changing the original plot and gaining 2,200 fantasy points]

The speed of news spreading is so fast, especially in this era of big Internet. It is estimated that people all over the United States now know that the soldier boy is the father of the motherland.

Suddenly Xia Shang's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Huey calling, but this was what he expected.

On the other side, in the basement, Billy and others were sitting on the sofa, watching Huey make a phone call.

"Are you sure this has something to do with him?"

"I'm 100 percent sure."

A few days ago, Billy just visited Legend. At first, he talked about Soldier Boy, and the other party pretended not to know, until Billy revealed that he was related to a case, and if he didn't tell the truth, he would be sent to jail. The solution, under coercion, was that Legend had no choice but to tell him that the soldier boy had indeed found him some time ago and taken the uniform from him, and there was also a person beside him who was very strange and had never seen him before.

At that time, Billy suspected that the person who suddenly appeared next to the soldier boy was probably Jervis who was still alive, but he was not absolutely sure.

However, just now, he saw the news on his mobile phone about the soldier boy breaking into the Walter base at night, and immediately thought of the extremely mysterious Jervis.

Without Jervis' help, how could the soldier boy know the specific location of Watt Base? In addition, this approach made Billy feel extremely familiar, so he dared to assert that Jervis was definitely involved in this matter. The person involved in the matter, and even the person behind it, was none other than Jervis himself.

"Long time no see. Is your plan going well?"

After getting through, Huey looked at Billy with a shocked face. He didn't expect that Jervis was actually alive.

"I come."

Billy grabbed the phone from Huey's hand and said in a deep voice: "What's the plan? I don't understand what you're talking about, but you must be behind what happened last night."

Billy is a smart man, Xia Shang has always thought so. Otherwise, he would have killed Billy long ago. After all, only smart people can create more fantasy value for him.

"Is the Scarlet Baroness in your hands? Apart from the Scarlet Baroness, who else have you captured now?"

"You didn't deny it, which means that what happened last night was indeed related to you." Billy looked around. If he hadn't checked in detail, he would have thought that there was a camera installed by the other party in the basement.

"Smart, but you haven't answered my question yet."

Xia Shang walked out of the villa and opened the panel.

[The super chest cannon is being fused, the current progress is 52%]

"I only have the Scarlet Dame, but I have found out where the dynamite twins are," Billy said.

"The action is too slow." Xia Shang's tone was obviously a little dissatisfied.

"Oh, you think we are slow, why don't you do it yourself." Billy snorted coldly.

"With your help, why should I look for it myself? By the way, keep the Psychic Storm for me. Don't kill it. Otherwise, I don't mind going to Huey for tea." (End of Chapter)

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