Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 326 Bait, prepare to fish out the soldier boy!

"I actually hung up the phone.

Xia Shang looked at the message on the phone screen that the call had been interrupted and smiled.

Of course, he didn't care about it, and he wasn't the one who was so angry anyway.

Putting his phone in his pocket, Xia Shang came to the car and reached out to open the door.

At the same time, he looked towards the panel floating in front of him, [The current fantasy value is: 12920]

"Well, there is still more than seven thousand short of twenty thousand. At this rate, we will probably be able to get it together soon."

Xia Shang also didn't expect that the soldier boy's rescue of Ryan would provide him with more than two thousand fantasy points. He originally thought it would be more than one thousand.

It seems that the method of using the media is indeed effective, spreading the impact of the matter to the extreme. However, Xia Shang believes that this may also have something to do with the people of the motherland knowing his life experience in advance. Otherwise, no matter how many ordinary people are affected, the harvest will not be achieved. The fantasy value is also minimal.

boom! After closing the panel, Xia Shang stepped on the accelerator, and with the roar of the engine, the car shot out like a sharp arrow.

Since some handover work at the Watt Building had not yet been completed, he had to go there in person.


"Made! He is indeed the one behind it!"

Billy clenched his phone with an ugly expression. After much hesitation, he found Edgar in the contact column.

This was not the first time that he had cooperated with Edgar. The two of them had collaborated once before regarding Ryan, but it was not a pleasant incident at the time, so they did not contact each other again.

The starry night some time ago really surprised him a little. He didn't expect that the people of the motherland would accuse Edgar on the spot, so that Edgar was taken away by the Bureau of Superhuman Affairs for investigation. However, he learned from Huey's mouth , Edgar's crime was very light, and the evidence was not enough to put Edgar in jail, and he was released last night.

"What should we do now? Jervis has been one step ahead of us, and has come into contact with the soldier boy. With Jervis's methods, he can easily control the soldier boy." Who in the picket team is most afraid of Xia Shang, except Besides Billy, it's Huey.

Because Huey was the first person to come into contact with Xia Shang. From the death of the invisible man to the Russian operation, he had never doubted Xia Shang's identity. If Maeve hadn't told Billy about Xia Shang's true identity, Huey would probably be dead now. I don't know that the mysterious man is the former vice president of Walter Group, Jervis.

"If I had known from the beginning, we should have focused on the soldier boy instead of looking for the Scarlet Baroness." Huey couldn't help but complain.

"It's better now, so much time was wasted."

"Stop complaining. Why don't you go wash the dishes in the kitchen when you have time." Breastmilk walked out of the room next to her.

"How's the situation over there with Frankie?"

Billy asked.

"It's still the same, but Kimiko's illness is almost gone." Mother said while sitting on the sofa, watching the news on TV.

"When I mentioned Kimiko, I thought of Jervis who was also hit. Logically speaking, Jervis should have lost his superpowers like Kimiko, but he didn't. I suspect he might know how to restrain Soldier Boy's superpowers. .”

Billy rubbed his brows uneasily. He was trying his best to recall the scene when the soldier boy and Jervis fought. Scenes like scenes from a movie flashed through his mind. Slow down! Slow down! Jervis's self-healing speed became slower and slower, and in the end, the skin all over his body was burned, and he finally disappeared in the dazzling firelight.

"No, to be precise, it's not about restraining Soldier Boy's superpower, but about being able to reawaken the sealed superpower."

"You mean Kimiko's superpowers haven't disappeared?" Huey exclaimed.

Billy glanced at him and said calmly: "Yes, otherwise there is no way to explain why Jervis still has super powers.

It is estimated that only the soldier boy knows this secret except Jervis. "

"But where are we going to find the Soldier Boy now?" Huey looked at the utility room where the Scarlet Baroness was being held. "How about we use her as bait to lure out the Soldier Boy?"

"It's a miracle, God finally fixed your brain." Billy picked up the computer on the table and patted Huey on the shoulder with relief as he passed by.

"Shet! My brain has always been very good!"

Huey followed Billy into the utility room with a dark face.

"Let me out, let me out quickly, who are you?" The Scarlet Baroness, whose hands and feet were chained with iron chains, kept shaking the iron chains after seeing Billy and Huey enter the house. The chain made a jingling sound. Because her hands were wrapped into rice dumplings by Billy with tinfoil and tape, once the super power was released, the first thing to be blown up was the Scarlet Baroness's hands.

"Be honest, what was your account and password for the previous live broadcast?"

Billy asked while pointing the computer screen towards the Scarlet Baroness.

Seeing that the Scarlet Baroness refused to say anything, Billy glanced at Huey and said, "Take out the iron pliers. I want to see if her mouth is still hard without her teeth."

"OK." Huey turned around obediently and prepared to leave the room.

Seeing this, the Scarlet Baroness quickly stopped: "I said, I said it's not okay? But I don't have any money in my account. If you kidnap me because of money, then you kidnapped the wrong person. I can introduce you to explosives The twins, they’re doing well in Vermont and definitely richer than me.”

After hearing this, Billy and Huey looked at each other.

Boy, what an unexpected bonus.

After asking everything, Billy clicked on the live broadcast and pointed the camera at the Scarlet Baroness.

Although Scarlet Baroness is not very popular, it has some loyal fans due to its "high quality and low price". You can usually enjoy it for only a few hundred dollars, but the "excellence" here does not refer to the current one, but to the Look at the screen and make it "explode" through words, gestures, etc. Of course, if the price is high enough, the Scarlet Baroness will not be able to satisfy the other party.

After all, in her line of work, it's hard to say the bottom line, just add more money and that's it.

"The anchor's trick today is a bit special. Is it so exciting?"

"The subject is interesting."

"Vulgar! Extremely vulgar! But I love watching it."

One after another, a group of people poured into the live broadcast room.

"Billy, you are such a genius!" Huey couldn't help but exclaimed as he closed the door.

Billy ignored Huey at all, but said to Breastmilk on the side: "Monitor her live broadcast room and backstage private messages, and notify me immediately if you find anything."

"no problem."

The scene came to Xia Shang's side. As soon as he entered the Watt Building, he met Ashley head-on.

"Vice President...Good morning Mr. Jervis."

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