Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 328 You are not the god of this world, I am!

He stood up suddenly and walked towards Xia Shang step by step. At the same time, his eyes glowed red and he said with a ferocious expression: "How dare you kill Storm Girl in front of my face, and even play with me like a monkey, aren't you afraid? Die?"

Thinking of Storm Girl dying at the hands of the other party and almost losing her reputation, the people of the motherland wanted to cut the mysterious person in front of them into pieces.

"Afraid, who wouldn't be afraid of death?" Facing the furious people of his motherland, Xia Shang seemed extraordinarily calm. He shook his head and reached out to take the cup floating in front of him: "But it's up to you to still... You can't kill me. If you don't believe it, you can try, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences. For example, the Watt Building under my feet, do you think this thing will be used in our battle..."

"There was an explosion, and there were thousands of employees inside. Once the Watt Building collapses, will the Watt that you worked so hard and so hard to obtain still exist? Hahaha..."

Xia Shang grinned and smiled extremely happily.

Especially after seeing the people of the motherland retracting the laser in silence, his laughter filled the entire office.

"In that case, then I will take you to heaven!" The motherland man disappeared from the place in an instant, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Xia Shang.

He stretched out his right hand and was about to strangle Xia Shang's neck, but ended up grabbing the air.

After his body was strengthened and coupled with the super speed of the locomotive, Xia Shang's speed was now almost the same as that of his motherland.

"I told you, you can't kill me, why don't we sit down and have a good talk." Xia Shang, who was sitting in Edgar's seat, suppressed his laughter and looked at the people of his motherland with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Besides, Storm Girl's death should be a good thing for you. If I hadn't killed her, you wouldn't have been recognized as an anti-Nazi hero by people across the United States. You know, it was me who helped you return to the top of the popularity list. , and your number of fans has also increased exponentially."

"Your way of distorting the facts is exactly the same as Jervis. You can't really be Jervis." The native put down his right hand and turned around to sit on the sofa.

In response, Xia Shang just smiled and did not answer.

"I have nothing to talk about with you. If there is a fight, I would be happy to accompany you." The native said with a gloomy face.

"Are you sure? Don't you even care about the news about the soldier boy?" Xia Shang knew the people of his motherland very well. He knew that the people of the motherland would definitely be interested in the soldier boy.

There was silence in the office until tens of seconds later, the talented man from the motherland said: "Let's talk about it."

"You actually know very well that without Jervis and Edgar, Walter is as fragile as a baby and cannot withstand any test at all."

Xia Shang glanced at the newspapers and documents on the table, and then whispered: "The soldier boy incident directly caused Walter International's stock price to fall by 8%, and it is still falling. If it continues like this, Walter The company's financial situation will soon be on the verge of collapse, and by that time, you will lose not only your identity as President Walter, but also your current fame, glory, and everything you have."

"Don't change the subject. Does the appearance of the soldier boy have something to do with you?"

The people of the motherland try their best to suppress their emotions, otherwise, they are afraid that they will lose their minds and cause irreparable losses.

"Don't throw all the blame on my head. Billy and the others released the soldier boy, but I happened to be there." Xia Shang said with a smile.


The only response he received was a sneer from the people of the motherland.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that Soldier Boy's superpowers are not just nuclear explosions. Superhumans who are hit by the bomb will directly lose their superpowers, including you." Xia Shang's seemingly careless words made people laugh. The motherland's pupils suddenly shrank, the muscles on both sides of his face twitched slightly, and he looked at Xia Shang in disbelief.

"Father of the motherland, you don't have much time left. Who knows what Soldier Boy will do next. Anyway, Walter, who is on the verge of collapse at this time, will definitely not be able to withstand the new round of public opinion.

And Billy and the others are also looking for Soldier Boy. Think about it, if Billy and the others win over Soldier Boy, will they join forces to kill you? So what you have to do now is to get ahead of them and establish a good relationship with Soldier Boy in advance, so that Soldier Boy can even return to Walter.

Only in this way can the crisis that Watt is facing now be lifted, and the stock price can arrest the downward trend and rise instead of falling. "

"Why are you helping me?"

After thinking about it for a while, the people of the motherland had to admit that what the mysterious man said was the best solution to the current situation.

But he didn't believe that the mysterious man would help him for no reason.

"Because..." Xia Shang stood up, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, turned his back to his motherland, and chuckled: "I want you to understand that you are not the god of this world."

He turned his head and looked into the eyes of his motherland, and said word by word: "I... am... am!"

After saying that, Xia Shang gradually disappeared into the office, as if he had never been there.


After completing the handover procedures, Xia Shang came to Godokin University again, but no one could see him unless someone's super power was clairvoyance.

Since it was summer vacation, there were not many students on campus. Looking around, there were only a few people.

"What secrets are hidden here?" Xia Shang walked into a woods curiously, because the experimental base he saw was hidden under the woods.

Arriving at the hidden entrance, Xia Shang opened the lid, revealing a dimly lit staircase below.

Just when he was about to peek into the depths of the base, he unexpectedly discovered that his clairvoyance eyes were disabled. It was as if something was blocking his sight, so that he could only see a dark patch.

"It's getting more and more interesting." If he remembered correctly, it seemed that there was only one special metal that could block his perspective, and that was zinc.

The secretive experimental base aroused Xia Shang's even stronger curiosity. First of all, such a huge underground building would definitely not be completed in a year and a half.

Secondly, in order to prevent the prying eyes of the motherland, someone plated a layer of metallic zinc on the walls deep in the base. The purpose of this was obviously to prevent the motherland from seeing the secrets in the base.

In the end, Xia Shang guessed that this base must have something to do with Edgar.

Then, Xia Shang followed the stairs and came to an iron door, and deliberately made some noise.

"What's the sound? John, go over and have a look."

I saw a well-equipped and helmeted guard opening the iron door and looking in the direction of the sound. After searching, he said behind him: "There is nothing. It may be the noise made by rats." (End of chapter)

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