"Damn mouse, I'm going to trample it to death one day, okay, come back now that it's okay.

Seeing that nothing happened, the guard in charge returned behind the iron door and closed the door with his backhand.

Little did they know, the moment the iron door was opened, Xia Shang was already standing beside them, but Xia Shang did not stop, but walked deeper into the base.

Along the way, he met more than one patrolling guard, and they all carried guns. In addition, Xia Shang also found that there were isolated individual rooms on both sides of the passage. Some rooms were empty and uninhabited. , but some rooms contain superhuman beings. The imprisoned superhumans generally look younger, and should be students at Godokin University.

"Let me out, let me out."

Through the wall of the room, Xia Shang saw a girl with electric lights in her hands, constantly banging on the door. Her mental state seemed extremely unstable.

"Be honest!" The guard who came after hearing the news impatiently knocked on the heavy iron door with the butt of his gun, "If you don't stop, your dinner today will be gone."

"Is this just a secret laboratory for studying compound No. 5?" Xia Shang glanced at the camera on the ceiling, and then shook his head. This place is not as simple as he thought. Along the passage, Xia Shang encountered a door again. He knocked on the iron door with his knuckles. It was very hard and should be made of some kind of alloy.

Due to the tight switch device on the iron door, Xia Shang could not guarantee that he could open the iron door without destroying the switch. In order not to alert others, he could only stand aside and wait.

Fortunately, I didn't wait long before a man in a white coat opened the door and said, "I need to rest. Xie Ti promised me that he would give me some personal freedom."

After hearing this, the guards didn't say anything more, but stretched out their hands to stop him.

But at this moment, Xia Shang took the opportunity to walk into the room. The layout of the room was not much different from that of a normal laboratory. The only thing that caught Xia Shang's attention was a piece of experimental data on the table.

Slowly opening the file, Xia Shang couldn't help but be a little surprised by the contents.

Unexpectedly, this laboratory is actually developing a drug that can restrain superpowers, and it seems to have achieved initial results.

"It's not that Edgar doesn't have a trump card, but that the trump card has not been fully developed." Xia Shang continued to look through the documents in his hand, and soon he saw something more interesting. Any superhuman who was injected with Anti-No. 5 compound would When the superpower disappears, death occurs immediately, without exception.

"The person who studied this guy is a talented person." After Xia Shang learned about the secret hidden by Edgar, he put down the document in his hand and then opened other information.

In an experiment report labeled Luke Riwardan (Golden Boy), Xia Shang learned that it turns out that the Golden Boy also has a younger brother named Sam Riwardan, who has super power.

"Injecting Sam's blood into the Golden Boy's body can increase the temperature of the Golden Boy's flames. The limit that the Golden Boy can withstand has not been confirmed yet."

Looking at a line of text in the information, Xia Shang fell into deep thought for a moment. Sure enough, things were not as Indira Shetty said. The temperature of Golden Boy's flames needed time to increase.

After getting everything you want to know.

Xia Shang found the room where Sam was detained according to the house number on the document. He could see that the walls of Sam's room were full of dents, which should be traces left after being hit hard.

There is a window on the iron door for observing the inside, but it is very small. Even if a person is crumpled into a ball, he cannot get in.

But this was not a problem for Xia Shang. He stretched his right hand towards the window, and his index finger turned into a slender and invisible tentacle, which penetrated Sam's neck without Sam noticing.

"What the hell." The sudden pain caused Sam to subconsciously hold Xia Shang's tentacle, but even if he tore hard, he could not tear away the invisible, snake-like thing.

"Two hundred milliliters should be enough. If it's more, I'm afraid Golden Boy won't be able to bear it."

Xia Shang withdrew his tentacles, then looked at the blood bag bulging in his palm, nodded with satisfaction, and then found an opportunity to leave the underground base.

After returning to the outside world, Xia Shang immediately used the radio wave sensor and easily found the location of the golden boy.

"It seems I came at the wrong time."

In a room in the student apartment, Golden Boy and Kate were having a fierce battle. The two were fighting each other, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Xia Shang admired it for a moment, but soon felt bored. He just kept repeating a few simple actions, which was not as exciting as improving his strength.

With a snap of his fingers, he shot the invisible tentacle into the golden boy's body, transfusing all of Sam's blood into it in one breath.

"Why did you stop?" After Kate noticed that the golden boy had stopped, she opened her eyes in confusion.

However, what caught his eye was the painful and red face of the golden boy.

"It's so hot!" Kate pushed the golden boy away as if she had been burned by a red-hot iron.

"It's so hot, so hot." The golden boy with a distorted face seemed to have completely lost his mind and kept repeating one word in his mouth. In addition, the sheets that his body came into contact with instantly ignited, and the blazing flames were like a tide. Spreading around.


Kate hurriedly rushed into the bathroom, brought out a basin of water, and poured it over the golden boy on the bed, tsk tsk! In an instant, a rising steam quickly filled the entire room.

But this water is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for the golden boy at this moment, and it has no effect at all.

The flames continued to burn, and became more and more intense. In just ten seconds, the entire bed collapsed with a bang and was reduced to charcoal.

Could it be that the recent experiments have been too frequent, causing Golden Boy to be unable to control his superpowers?

At this time, Kate had no time to blame Indira Shetty, but rushed out of the room and called Indira in a panic.

"The golden boy is out of control. I told him not to inject so much blood. He won't be able to bear it!"

"Don't worry, I'll send someone over right away."

"How long will it take? I guess he will light the whole apartment on fire." Kate watched the billowing black smoke rushing from the room to the corridor. Fortunately, it is summer vacation and there are not many students living on campus. Otherwise, this fire incident will be Causing a huge sensation will not only cause Golden Boy's ranking to drop, but will even trigger greater public opinion.

"Relax, now that things have happened, you have to minimize the impact of the incident. You should pay attention to this matter so that no one discovers it, and do a good job in the aftermath."


Kate looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no students. (End of chapter)

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