Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 330 An unexpected surprise, tampering with memory

However, she didn't know that the content of the call between her and Indira had been clearly heard by Xia Shang.

"It seems that this woman's superpower is not as simple as Indira said."

Since he had radio induction and clairvoyance, it was extremely easy for Xia Shang to find a superhuman to test Kate.

He turned his head and looked at a room not far to the right of the corridor, then slightly raised his index finger. Under extreme control, his mind turned into a key. With a click, he inserted the door into the lock, and then pushed the wooden door open. Then, the invisible power of thought was like liquid, wrapping around the sleeping super human.

what sound? Kate looked warily toward the side room.

Like a puppet, Xia Shang controlled the man to walk out of the room and into the corridor of the apartment.

"Why do I seem to smell something burning?" The man's eyes were lifeless, and his mouth opened and closed, but he actually made no sound.

"Maybe you didn't get enough rest and had an illusion." Kate, who was only wrapped in a sheet, walked up to the man and slowly took off her gloves.

"Is her superpower related to her hands?" When Kate fought with Golden Boy just now, she was still wearing gloves. At first Xia Shang thought it was Kate's special hobby, but now it seems that it may be related to her own superpower.

At this moment, the man controlled by telekinesis suddenly woke up, "How could I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kate reached out and covered the man's head, and whispered: "Forget it, forget everything you just heard, heard, and saw. Now you just want to sleep, you I’m really too sleepy, even if the sky falls, I can’t wake you up.”

When Kate withdrew her hands, the man yawned with dull eyes, then stiffly returned to the room and fell asleep.

Xia Shang's eyes lit up when he saw this, and countless words appeared in his mind, such as mind control, modifying cognition, erasing memory, tampering with memory...

Unintentionally, he seemed to find a piece of gold hidden in the sand.

This ability must be obtained! Xia Shang knew very well what his shortcomings were, that's why he valued Psychic Storm so much that his fusion priority was much higher than Huey's space movement.

"Although you need to rely on your hands to touch the target in order to use super powers, the flaws do not hide the flaws."

Xia Shang analyzed it secretly in his mind, but he guessed that Kate's superpower must have limitations, otherwise it would be an unsolvable existence.

"Let me see where your upper limit is." Xia Shang was not in a hurry to be happy, but his eyes fell on the golden boy in the room.

At this time, the golden boy was covered in flames. He covered his head in pain and huddled on the floor like a cooked prawn. As heat waves burst out of his body, the furniture and walls in the room had already Disfigured beyond recognition.

"Ahhhh!!" Bang! Bang bang! He kept banging his head against the floor, trying to relieve the pain that was deep in his bones.

After about a minute or two, the golden boy regained some sense. He looked around blankly, not understanding what had just happened. Just when he was about to withdraw the flames, an invisible force of thought instantly restrained his limbs. , and manipulated him into walking out of the room.

"Kate! Get out of here, I can't seem to control myself."

All the golden boy can do is to put the flame back into his body, and cannot control his actions.

"I have a way to help you." Seeing the flames on the golden boy disappear, Kate immediately reached out and pressed it on the golden boy's forehead.

"Relax, you are sleeping now, everything that just happened was just your dream."

Xia Shang could clearly see that Kate's eyes were slowly turning red, and the blue and white eyes were gradually filled with red bloodshot eyes.

"Is it so difficult to deal with slightly stronger superhumans?" Xia Shang was a little dissatisfied. Under his control, Golden Boy suddenly raised his right hand, grabbed Kate's throat, and pressed her against her on the wall.

Although the golden boy had lost consciousness at this time and fell into a deep sleep, Xia Shang still wanted to see if Kate had reached her limit.

As Golden Boy's five fingers gradually exerted force, Kate also had difficulty breathing and her voice became intermittent.

"Let... let go of me, so... have a good sleep. Imagine... you are in a hot spring. The warm spring water surrounds you. You take off your tight body and just want to immerse yourself in endless relaxation."

The bloodshot eyes in the whites of Kate's eyes condensed into clumps, and the blood vessels in the corners of her eyes burst, and two streaks of bright red blood flowed out.

Blood streaked across her face and pooled on Kate's smooth chin, then...a drop of blood fell to the floor and was shattered into pieces.

"I guess I've reached my limit." Xia Shang took back control of the golden boy.

In an instant, the golden boy fell to the ground and completely passed out.

"Huh...huh..." Kate, who was freed from her restraints, took a deep breath of fresh air, leaned against the wall, and took out a pill bottle from her pocket.

After swallowing the pills, Kate's condition improved significantly.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the stairs of the corridor.

I saw Indira walking towards Kate with a group of guards.

"Go put out the fire." Indira said solemnly.

"Yeah." The guards holding fire extinguishers walked into the room and pressed the switch of the fire extinguisher.

"How is the situation here? Is everyone okay?"

Indira pretended to be concerned and supported Kate, asking about the situation.

Kate shook her head: "I have solved the problem. The golden boy will probably sleep for a while. Is it possible to let the golden boy rest for a while? It is obvious that his body can no longer hold on."

Indira looked back at the golden boy lying on the ground, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry too much, I will let him rest for a while until he fully recovers."

"I hope this won't happen a second time." Kate looked at the golden boy with worry in her eyes.

Xia Shang left Godokin University after leaving behind a clone.

The purpose of leaving the clone behind was not only to protect Kate's safety, but also to see if there were any secrets between Kate and Indira that he didn't know about.


Time flies and comes a week later.

In the Watt Building, in the Chaoying conference room, Xia Shang was drinking coffee leisurely while opening the panel to check the integration progress.

[The super chest cannon is being fused, the current progress is 89%]

At this rate, it will take up to a week before he can completely fuse the super chest cannon.

"I have found the location of the Dynamite Twins as you said. They are in Vermont, where the annual Superhuman Appear."

The motherland man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window said expressionlessly. (End of chapter)

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