Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 333 The deep sea with heavy taste

Looking at the puzzled soldier boy, the Scarlet Baroness suddenly smiled, but in addition to sarcasm, her smile also contained a hint of relief. (audience)

"I have never loved you from the beginning to the end, never. We all hate you and wish you would die soon.

It's a pity that Russia couldn't kill you, otherwise, we would have won. "

The soldier boy's face darkened when he heard these words. He became expressionless and said in a cold tone: "It turns out that without me, the Repayer Alliance is a piece of garbage, a piece of garbage that has been eliminated by history."

"I have no regrets."

boom! The soldier boy picked up his shield and slammed it down! In an instant, the cranium of the Scarlet Baroness was dented on the spot, and the blood splashed on the soldier boy's face, still warm.

boom! boom! boom! ! The expressionless soldier boy, like a machine, kept repeating the hitting action, once, twice, three times... until the upper body of the Scarlet Baroness turned into a puddle of flesh, he took the time to wipe his face. of blood.

"Ugh!" Huey, who came to check on the situation, turned pale after seeing this and vomited out his breakfast.

In fact, the soldier boy smashed the Scarlet Baroness to death in the first blow, but he did not stop there, but kept venting the anger in his heart until he completely vented his anger.

"Leave it to Mother Milk to deal with here. I'll take you to find the dynamite twins." Billy, who was following Huey, glanced at the corpse on the ground, then turned to Mother Milk and said.

"I can't wait." The soldier boy raised an extremely scary smile, and showed two rows of white teeth, like a ferocious beast that chooses people to eat. He carried a shield with minced meat on it, and followed Billy. Walking out of the tunnel, blood was dripping from his shield along the way.

After watching the surveillance video, Ryan remained silent and followed them without saying a word.


In Vermont, a large party was being held in a remote villa.

"Yes, it's me." Xia Shang stood on a lawn not far from the villa. While observing the situation in the villa through the wall, he picked up his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Don't blame everything. The news about me last time may have been revealed by your insiders."

"Fart! You didn't tell more than just our family about the news last time."

Listening to the voice coming from the other end of the phone, Xia Shang narrowed his eyes slightly and his smile faded: "If you dare to speak to me in this tone again, I promise to twist off your head and hang it over there in front of the White House. On the flag, if you don’t believe it, try it, out of humanitarianism, I will let you die in pain.”


There was silence on the other end of the phone for about ten seconds.

"Okay sir, it was my fault just now. What's the reason for your calling this time?"

"There should be a branch of yours in Vermont."

“Of course, we’re located all over the United States, and whenever there’s major news, we’ll get it as soon as possible.”

"Very good." Xia Shang nodded with satisfaction.

"Listen, Vermont Crane...this place has the big news you want, but time is urgent, I hope you can grasp it, friendly reminder, it is related to superheroes, if you are lucky enough, you may be able to see soldiers Boy, Ryan, Countryman, them.”

"Sir, we are willing to pay..." The newspaper owner on the other end of the phone immediately became excited after hearing the names of the soldier boy and others. Just when he was about to pay a high price to monopolize the news, the phone rang. Hang up sound.

"Damn it!"

The newspaper owner threw the phone away with a dark face, but when he reacted, he immediately looked at the landline on the table.

"In case of emergency, all your reporters will be dispatched. They must rush to the scene as quickly as possible. We must get the starting spot this time, otherwise you all will die!"

Situations like this occurred in more than one newspaper and news headquarters. Almost instantly, Xia Shang mobilized all reporters.

Putting down his mobile phone, Xia Shang walked towards the door of the villa.

He snapped his fingers, switching to Frankie's appearance, and reached out to ring the doorbell.

I saw a long flesh-colored snake emerging from the crack in the door, and then a strong man with an unshaven beard opened the door while holding up his belt.

"Do you have an invitation? No entry is allowed without an invitation."

The strong man looked at Xia Shang and then asked.

"Invitation letter? Sorry, can you let me take a look? I seem to have brought the wrong one." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Can this be a mistake?" The strong man took out the invitation letter with some suspicion and handed it to Xia Shang.

Xia Shang glanced at it after taking it, and then took out an identical invitation letter from his arms.

"No problem, come in." The strong man turned sideways and let Xia Shang enter the villa.

The scene inside was hard to describe, like a mating scene in a barbaric society, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air. Xia Shang subconsciously blocked his sense of smell, and then found a clean place to sit down.

"Man, would you like some?" The man who was puffing away at the side handed Xia Shang a "special" cigarette.

"You can enjoy it yourself."

Xia Shang declined politely.

"Alone?" At this time, a woman with a hot figure suddenly brightened up after seeing Xia Shang's appearance.

"I'm waiting for someone, I'm not interested." Xia Shang shook his head.

"Okay, I wish you a good time, and feel free to call me if you need anything."

The woman walked away a little disappointed.

Three minutes later, Xia Shang repeated what he had just said, which made him wonder if it was a mistake to look like Frankie. This guy seemed to be too popular with women.

"deep sea."

Xia Shang accidentally saw an acquaintance, but others either brought their female companions to the party, or came alone like him.

Shen Hai is indeed a weirdo. He actually brought an octopus to the party. He is truly a talent.

Under his gaze, Shenhai led Octopus into a room with an aquarium. It seemed that it should be his exclusive room.

"Oh baby, don't be nervous, no one will look at us, let's enjoy it." The deep sea caressed the octopus like a lover.

The scene that followed made Xia Shang couldn't help but look away. Although his taste was not light, it was not outrageous either.

at the same time.

A figure wearing a cape that looked like an American flag was flying towards Vermont at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

"I alone cannot deal with the mysterious man. The last time Storm and I teamed up, we couldn't kill him. What's more, now that Storm is dead, I must find a new ally." (End of Chapter)

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