Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 334 It’s really a weirdo among weirdos

On the other side, a small van was driving on the road not far from the villa, and the speed was very fast, like a black arrow shot out.

"The place where the superhuman party will be held is right in front." Billy, holding the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, making the already fast speed even higher.

"How many years have passed, but the location remains the same."

The soldier boy sitting in the passenger seat was smoking a cigarette and looking out the window.

"Have you ever participated?" Billy asked.

"Of course, I started this thing. It must have been in 1952. I held the first Parahuman X Love Party with a superhuman named Liberty. Oh, I still feel extremely hot when I think of her figure. ." The soldier boy clicked the butt of his cigarette with an afterthought look on his face, and then continued:

"I am simply a genius. The fact that this activity is still used today shows how amazing my talent is."

"Free Girl?" Billy's expression became a little weird. Wasn't this the former codename of Storm Girl? She actually had a relationship with the soldier boy. If he remembered correctly, Storm Girl was the lover of the motherland before. Thinking of this, Billy couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Good guy, the motherland family is really great. It's a weirdo among weirdos.

It is a pity that Storm Girl was killed by Jervis. Otherwise, we might have seen a good show of two men competing for one girl, and the relationship between the two men was still father and son.

"Do you know her? No way. Is she not dead yet?" When he thought that Storm Girl might not be dead, the soldier boy got excited. You must know that women are like fine wine, the older they get, the more fragrant and pure they are. He even started to I can imagine what a free woman will look like forty years from now, with long black hair that has been through the years, and deep and charming eyes. Although the hot part may not be as firm as before, it still has a different feel.

Just when the soldier boy began to dream about the beautiful scene that happened after the two met, Billy interrupted his thoughts.

"I know her, but she is already dead, killed by Jervis."

Billy looked up in the rearview mirror and said to the breast milk in the back of the car, "Turn out the picture of the storm and show it to Soldier Boy."

"Hold on."

Then, Breastmilk handed the phone to the soldier boy.

"Oh my god, she actually has the same abilities as me. Forty years have passed and her appearance has not changed at all." The soldier boy looked at the photos on the phone screen and exclaimed.

But his face immediately darkened, and he whispered angrily: "Fuck you Jervis, I swear I will kill you! Fuck you!"


Billy drove the car into the woods. After the car turned off, he opened the door, stepped on the weeds, took out his binoculars and looked at the villa hundreds of meters away.

"Do you know where the Jervis is? I want to kill him with my own hands." The soldier boy walked out of the car carrying his shield.

"No one can find him unless he shows up."

Unlike Soldier Boy, Jervis has essentially zero relationships.

According to the information that Billy currently has, Jervis neither smokes nor drinks, and has never even been to a bar. He is simply a replica of a native of the motherland, even more special than a native of the motherland, and the natives of the motherland can at least do the same. Jervis attended some media events, but after leaving his job, Jervis never appeared in front of the media once. Some media reporters wanted to interview Jervis, but they didn't know where to find someone.

Moreover, Billy also asked Starlight to check Jervis's personal file, but found nothing, not even an address.

"Don't be too anxious. I know where to find him, and he will definitely appear." Billy looked through the telescope at a pair of undulating figures by the pool of the villa and said.

"You want to say that Jervis will appear at the opening ceremony of Gordokin University in more than a month?"

Huey said with a frown.

"Congratulations, you have evolved from an ape to a thinking primitive." Billy smiled evilly, then put down the telescope and began to formulate the next battle plan.

"Considering that Soldier Boy and I, one is the founder of the event and the other is a wanted criminal who has been wanted by Walter for a long time, if we go in rashly, we will inevitably alert the snake, so this time it is up to you and Breast Milk to enter the house to find the dynamite twins and put them to death. The two of them found them and then made up any excuse to lure them here. At that time, the soldier boy was responsible for controlling them and trying to make as little noise as possible."


Breastmilk and Huey set off towards the villa.

As everyone knows, many reporters lying in the woods silently pointed their cameras at the two people. It was obvious that they were professionals in terms of hiding ability. Even Soldier Boy and Billy did not notice that there were other people in the woods. .

"Is it soldier boy?"

"No, they are not wearing battle uniforms. One of them is a nigger. He looks like an ordinary superhuman."

"Shet! You made me happy for nothing."

The scene came to Xia Shang's side. Sitting not far from the door, he saw Huey and Breastfeeding entering the room at a glance. He silently disappeared and followed the two of them quietly. behind.

"Frankie will definitely regret not being able to see this scene." Mother Milk looked at the extremely chaotic scene in front of her and thought of Frankie who was in the hospital. Although she asked Starlight to send Compound No. 5 to the hospital, she still Frankie seemed reluctant to inject Kimiko with compound No. 5. Perhaps in his and Kimiko's eyes, losing superpowers might not be a bad thing.

"Who says it isn't?"

Huey's eyes glanced around uncontrollably, and the naked girls walking around attracted his attention like magnets.

"How about I ask Billy to give you a holiday and let you take part in it."

Faced with Breastmilk's slightly sarcastic teasing, Huey smiled and looked back, "Business matters, business matters."

Then the two of them wandered around the house. Halfway through, they opened a wooden door and were doused with milky white semi-viscous liquid.

"Sorry, buddy, do you want to come together?" The superhuman who squirted out liquid extended an invitation to breast milk.


Breastmilk waved her hands with disgust on her face, as if she wanted to get rid of the liquid on her body, "Mader, where is the bathroom? I want paper."

He turned around and left without hesitation, "I'm so sick that I want to vomit."

"Poor guy." Huey on the side laughed happily.

"You want the dynamite twins?"

The sudden sound startled Huey. He quickly turned his head and looked to his side, only to see the mysterious man slowly walking out of the air.

"The person you are looking for is right in front, I can take you there."

As he said that, Xia Shang looked up at the ceiling. He saw a familiar figure standing above the villa. (End of chapter)

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